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Justen Robertson edited this page Jul 9, 2016 · 5 revisions



This module contains an assortment of export functions used internally in Voctopus, as well as some export functions for analyzing octree properties for experimental purposes (they help find "sweet spots" for initial octree memory allocations)



getUint24() ⇨

Provide a 24 bit int implementation for DataViews. Note this causes two reads/writes per call, meaning it's going to be around half as fast as the native implementations.


setUint24() ⇨

Setter for Uint24.


sump8(n) ⇨ Float64

Sum of powers of 8 up to n. Used in various calculations.


name type description
n int highest power of 8, up to 24 (after which precision errors become a problem)

Returns: Float64


octantIdentity(vector, dc, dm) ⇨ int

Find the cardinal identity (0-7) of an octant. Octets contain 8 octants, so in x,y,z order they live at identities 0-7.


name type description
vector vector representing the absolute coordinate of a voxel at max depth
dc int current depth (zero-indexed)
dm int maximum depth

Returns: intidentity


fullOctreeSize(octantSize, depth) ⇨ int

Figures out the maximum size of a voctopus octree, assuming it's 100% dense (e.g. filled with random noise).


name type description
octantSize int size of a single octant in the tree
depth int octree depth

Returns: int


maxAddressableOctreeDepth(octantSize) ⇨ int

Discover the maximum addressable depth for an octree schema at 100% density. Note that this is not very useful on its own because ArrayBuffers have a hard limit of 2gb, and this can produce buffers sized in EXABYTES if used naively!


name type description
octantSize int (in bytes)

Returns: intdepth


maxOctreeDensityFactor(octantSize, depth, limit) ⇨

Find the maximum density factor of an octree given an octantSize, depth, and memory limit. Voctopus figures out how much memory to allocate based on its octant size, depth and density factor.


name type description
octantSize int size of a single octant in bytes
depth int octree depth
limit int memory limit in bytes


npot(n) ⇨ int

Find the nearest power of two greater than a number.


name type description
n int number to test against

Returns: int


loop3D(size, cbs) ⇨ undefined

Used to loop through every voxel in an octree and run callbacks. Used for Voctopus testing. Three nested loops of X, Y, and Z axis, supporting a callback for each iteration of each loop as supplied in the cbs parameter.


name type description
size int size of a volume
cbs Object callback object {x:f(vector),y:f(vector),z:f(vector)}

Returns: undefined


coordinateSpace(depth) ⇨

Find the coordinate space (size of a single octree axis) for a given depth.


name type description
depth int octree depth


rayAABB(bs, be, ro, rd) ⇨

Check the ray - box intersection of a voxel (which is an axis-aligned bounding box)


name type description
bs vector box start (top, left, back)
be vector box end (bottom, right, front)
ro vector ray origin
rd vector inverse of ray direction (inverse should be precalculated)

Returns: bool true if there was a hit, otherwise false