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Core Team Docs


External PR Signature

In order to clearly communicate that we are all on the same team with the same needs for pui projects, use the following signature (updated with the current team, alphabetized):

The Pivotal UI Team
@atomanyih @clairethompson @ctaymor @kennyw12 @nicw @stubbornella

External PR Flow

When this happens Do these
Start story Tag story with the name of the external project
Pull request made Finish story, add a link to PR, and move story to the external PR section of PivotalTracker
Pull request merged in by external team Rebase dist branch against upstream master, switch package dependency to dist branch, create chore to check for package publichation, deliver story
Package published Switch package dependency away from dist to newest published version, mark chore complete

Internal PR Flow

New member checklist

  • Add to github, ADT CLA google group, tracker, google drive folder, and calendar invites (ipm, retro, standup, feedback time)
  • Add new member's NPM login to the publish helper in tasks/helpers/publish-helper.js
  • Add new member as owner of dr-frankenstyle or gulp-dr-frankenstyle
  • Add github username to the external PR signature (above)
  • Add to ~/.gitauthors file on all PUI computers

Setting up your environment

See the contribution guidelines for detailed instructions.


We use Travis CI.

Deploying the styleguide

The staging styleguide deploys automatically when your changes are merged into master on github and all the tests go green on Travis CI. The production styleguide deploys as part of the release process (see below).

New components

Once we merge in a PR, it is our responsibility to properly publish new components.

  1. Ensure that there is an appropriate example in the README, and that all dependencies are listed in the component's package.json
  2. Ensure that there is an example in the styleguide
  3. It can be helpful to set the version number in the package.json files to 0.0.1 so there is room to fix any errors after first publishing the module
  4. Publish the module to NPM (see below)
  5. Add the newly published component as a dependency in the top-level package.json. q. Add new css modules as dependencies to the all css component.
  6. Require/export any new react components in src/pivotal-ui/javascripts/components.js.

Publishing new modules

Our release helper will automatically update the versions of current modules. If you create a new CSS or React component, you will have to publish the modules to NPM manually.

First, make sure you are logged into NPM in the terminal

npm login

Then, do one of the following:

gulp css-publish --component <COMPONENT-NAME>
gulp react-publish --component <COMPONENT-NAME>

where <COMPONENT-NAME> is the name of the folder in src/pivotal-ui/components/ or src/pivotal-ui-react/.

Once you do this initial publishing, you never have to worry about this module again.

Creating a new release

  1. Run gulp release-prepare. This will:
  • Automatically determine the type of release (patch, major, minor)
  • Updates the version in package.json
  • Updates the version in package.json for all changed pui modules, and all of their dependents.
  • Updates with auto-generated release notes
  • Updates with auto-generated release notes for the most recent change only
  • Creates the release/pui-vX.X.X folder
  1. If you want to release an alpha, run gulp release-prepare --alpha instead of the step above. It will update the versions to an alpha of the next release (x.x.x-alpha.x).

  2. If you want to bump the versions of all components, not just changed packages, run gulp release-prepare --update-all instead of the step above.

  3. If you want to make any changes (e.g. add more docs to the changelog, modify a version number, etc.), do that now.

  4. Run gulp ci - one final check!

  5. Run gulp release-commit to commit the release.

  6. Run gulp release-push. This will:

  • Creates a tag for the new version
  • Pushes version bump and new tag to github
  • Creates a draft github release with the auto-generated release notes
  • Publishes all of the updated node packages to npm
  1. Be sure to name the release an ice cream flavor.

Setting up a new pairing station:

If your machine was imaged for you on Mavericks, you need to start from the beginning, even though you might not think so. A machine that starts on Mavericks and upgrades to Yosemite is likely to have installation problems (e.g. You cannot install Nokogiri).

Verify that your machine is connected to the cloud foundry wired network.

  1. To check, go system preferences -> network and check if your IP falls in 10.80.-.- 1. If not, send an ask ticket requesting that your machine be put on the Cloud Foundry wired network. They will want machine name and MAC address.

Boot into network drive

  1. Start up machine while holding down the 'option' key, there should be a network drive available. You may have to wait a little for it to show up.

Image your machine

  1. Select the pristine Yosemite image (even if it says only for Abhi and Kam) and begin imaging process.
  2. Wait for a while, play some ping pong. It will restart a few times.

Run Sprout-Wrap

  1. Follow the Readme instructions at 1. You will need to install xcode, and open it up to accept the agreement
    1. This requires an Apple account. You can get the account ID from an existing computer in the App Store under the 'account' quick link. The password is the 8th oldest Pivotal pairing station password but with the first letter capatilized. If this is not helpful enough send an ask ticket requesting the credentials for apple account access. 2. In step 4 of the Readme, there is no private key under Volumes. You need to 'ssh-keygen' and then add the new key to your github account 3. After you have added the ssh-key, you will need to clone something from github (any repo) to confirm github as a host. 4. In step 6, cd into the 'cf-pivotal-ui' folder in sprout-wrap and run 'soloist'
  2. You will run soloist multiple times. Just keep running it unless you get the same error message twice in a row. You will need to run soloist about 5 times most likely.

Configure Webstorm

  1. Go to Preferences -> Editor -> Colors and Fonts -> Font and change the font size to 16.
  2. Go to Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style and change tab/indent/continuation indent sizes to 2 for JavaScript/css/scss/html/JSON, and anything else that is needed.
  3. Go to Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> JavaScript and set the javascript language version to JSX Harmony.
  4. Copy into ~/Library/Preferences/WebStorm10/templates/jasmine.xml This will give you Jasmine live templates after you restart Webstorm.
  5. Adding a hot key for swapping between test and implementation code 1. git clone xray 2. roughly follow the directions from
    1. Use the script xray/scripts/ instead of step 1 in the blog post
    2. Use Webstorm instead of Rubymine
    3. After going to RubyMine -> Preferences -> External Tools -> + in step 2 of the blog post, set 'Working Directory' to $ProjectFileDir$ and uncheck the 'open console' box.


Locally Publishing Components for Acceptance

Accepting components with unpublished changes is hard to do in isolation. If you need an empty project to use that's all set up, check out the pui-demo-project.

  1. Go to the pivotal-ui working directory:
    $ cd pivotal-ui
  2. Start a Sinopia server (local NPM):
    $ sinopia .sinopia/config.yaml
  3. Login with test,test:
    $ npm login --registry http://localhost:4873/
  4. Run the gulp task:
    $ gulp my-name-is-nic-i-do-acceptance
  5. Switch to your isolated environment:
    $ cd ../acceptance-app
  6. Remove old node_modules and reinstall base dependencies (make sure there are no pui-* modules listed as dependencies in the package.json. If there are, remove those lines from the package.json):
    $ rm -rf node_modules && npm i
  7. Install unpublished packages from Sinopia:
    $ npm install [package name] --save --registry http://localhost:4873
  8. Rebuild the compiled CSS:
    $ node ./node_modules/.bin/dr-frankenstyle build
  9. Start the local acceptance server:
    $ gulp
  10. Press the green button

Dev Delivery

Before hitting deliver, the following should be done:

  1. Run gulp ci.
  2. Component checked in the the styleguide. Check for * Correct appearance, behavior and rendered HTML.
  3. Component checked "in the wild" (outside the styleguide in any form using the NPM modules, such as the pui-starter-project). This can be done with the Sinopia server documented above. * Dependencies are correct * Sufficient documentation, including of dependencies of the example, to allow you to use the examples assuming no further knowledge about the component * Correct appearance, behavior, and HTML
  4. The build on Travis CI is green.