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Bruce Allen edited this page Jan 1, 2021 · 57 revisions

The mininet testbed provides a testbed infrastructure for modeling DDS traffic between ROS2 nodes and measuring latency, loss, and throughput. Mininet and Mininet-WiFi approaches are examined. This study shows that mininet-wifi has scalability and configurability limitations which mininet circumvents by modeling flows using TC.

  • See About Mininet and About Mininet Wifi. Use mininet unless you specifically want to use the wmediumd wireless medium simulator.

    Mininet Mininet Wifi
    Installs from Linux package (better integrated) Installs from GitHub (not as integrated)
    Simulate WiFi using Linux Traffic Control (TC) Simulate WiFi using Linux wmediumd
    All links use TC Difficult or impossible to mix WiFi (wmediumd) and non-WiFi nodes (TC)
  • See Setup and Usage for setup and instructions for using the testbed infrastructure.

  • See Designing your Scenario for instructions on defining the network topology, QoS, Security, and the network flows.

  • See Example 1 mininet, example 1 mininet wifi, example 2 mininet wifi for example prototypes using mininet-wifi and mininet. Basically, the mininet-wifi example show limitations in mininet-wifi while the mininet example shows that we can model traffic flow using TC.

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