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Common Controls

nptr edited this page Jun 3, 2021 · 9 revisions

This section will cover the most common controls and their respective location in a visual style. Please note that this only applies to real windows controls. If an application decided to draw its own controls without honoring the system (visual style) parameters you are out of luck and will have to modify the application in question.

The common controls are easy to find if you know their names. Their parts are also labeled very intuitively, so you should have no problem figuring out their purpose. Nonetheless, find a rough map below:

Class Name / Location Example
  1. Menu
  2. Button >
  3. Button >
  4. Button >
  5. Edit
  6. Combobox
  7. Button >
  8. Spin
  9. Link
  10. Tab
  11. Progress
  12. TrackBar
  13. Listbox
  14. ListView
  15. TreeView
  16. ScrollBar


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