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AADT factors calculation
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juanfonsecaLS1 committed Nov 10, 2023
1 parent c501087 commit 2869f2a
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256 changes: 239 additions & 17 deletions README.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE,

The goal of this repository is to analyse the results of the Scottish Household Survey from 2014 to 2019 @SHS14,@SHS15,@SHS16,@SHS17,@SHS18,@SHS19 to estimate the overall mode splits and temporal distribution of trips made by bicycle.
The goal of this repository is to analyse the results of the Scottish Household Survey from 2014 to 2019 @SHS14,@SHS15,@SHS16,@SHS17,@SHS18,@SHS19 to estimate the overall mode splits and temporal distribution of trips made by bicycle. Some details on the weighting methodology of the survey can be found [here](

All the zip files have been obtained from the [UK data service](

Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ dir.create("raw_data")
system("gh release download 1 --dir raw_data")

We can list the files with the following code:

```{r cars}
Expand All @@ -32,6 +31,7 @@ zip_files

All the zipped files are extracted with the following code:

#| eval = FALSE
Expand All @@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ for (file in zip_files){

Once the files have been unzipped, the `*.sav` files containing the journey diaries are listed as follows:
Once the files have been unzipped, the `*.sav` files containing the journey diaries are listed as follows:

SPSS_files = list.files(pattern = "journey.*\\.sav$",
Expand All @@ -54,26 +53,31 @@ All files are imported using the `haven` library with this code:
data =,lapply(SPSS_files,read_sav))
data |> head()

We are only interested in trips made by bicycle. According to the data dictionaries, the corresponding code is `4`.

data_bicycle = data |> filter(mainmode == 4)
data_bicycle |> head()

We can calculate the purpose split for the bicycle trips using the weight variables as follows:

summary_purpose = data_bicycle |>
summarise(Trips = sum(IND_WT*trav_wt),
summarise(Trips = sum(trav_wt),
.by = c(purpose_old)) |>
mutate(Split = Trips/sum(Trips))

The `summary_purpose` object has coded variables which are stored as labelled vectors. The following code allows us to extract the labels from the `purpose_old` column.
The `summary_purpose` object has coded variables which are stored as labelled vectors. The following code allows us to extract the labels from the `purpose_old` column.

summary_purpose = summary_purpose |>
Expand All @@ -96,7 +100,7 @@ Similarly, the split by year can be calculated with the following code:

summary_purpose_year = data_bicycle |>
summarise(Trips = sum(IND_WT*trav_wt),
summarise(Trips = sum(trav_wt),
.by = c(purpose_old,dyear)) |>
mutate(Split = Trips/sum(Trips),.by = c(dyear))
Expand All @@ -109,15 +113,15 @@ summary_purpose_year = summary_purpose_year |>
dyear = haven::as_factor(dyear))

We can see how the splits for the five most common purposes have changed from year to year. For this purpose, we extract the top 5 purposes from the previous analysis.

top_5_purposes = summary_purpose |> slice_max(Split,n = 5) |> pull(purpose_old)

We need to remove the `dataset/script` or extract the numerical part of the dyear column for plotting.
We need to remove the `dataset/script` or extract the numerical part of the dyear column for plotting.

summary_purpose_year |>
Expand All @@ -130,6 +134,7 @@ summary_purpose_year |>
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent)

The high variation of the splits might be linked to the different samples for each year's survey.

## Temporal Distribution of trips
Expand All @@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ Using the start time when the recorded trips (`journeystart_hh`), we can build a

hourly_summary = data_bicycle |>
summarise(Trips = sum(IND_WT*trav_wt),
summarise(Trips = sum(trav_wt),
.by = c(journeystart_hh))
Expand All @@ -152,17 +157,19 @@ hourly_summary |>
geom_hline(yintercept = 0)+

We can also produce the same analysis by trip purpose.

hourly_summary_purpose = data_bicycle |>
summarise(Trips = sum(IND_WT*trav_wt),
summarise(Trips = sum(trav_wt),
.by = c(journeystart_hh,purpose_old)) |>
mutate(purpose_old = haven::as_factor(purpose_old))

As shown in the plot below, the _commuting_ and _education_ trips have two clear peaks; for all other purposes the temporal patterns are less clear.
As shown in the plot below, the *commuting* and *education* trips have two clear peaks; for all other purposes the temporal patterns are less clear.

hourly_summary_purpose |>
Expand All @@ -177,8 +184,9 @@ hourly_summary_purpose |>

## Trip Length Distribution
The following section includes a brief analysis of the trip length distribution.
For this analysis, the following distance bands are defined (in km)

The following section includes a brief analysis of the trip length distribution. For this analysis, the following distance bands are defined (in km)

tld_bands = c(0,5,10,15,25,50,100,500,1000,2500)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,9 +214,11 @@ TLD_mode |>
theme(legend.position = "none",
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))

### By purpose
The following exercise uses the `purpose_old` categories. A finer analysis is
possible if the `purpose_new` and `purpose_new2`

The following exercise uses the `purpose_old` categories. A finer analysis is possible if the `purpose_new` and `purpose_new2`

TLD_purpose = data |>
mutate(dist_band = cut(roadnet_kms,
Expand All @@ -233,6 +243,7 @@ TLD_purpose |>
theme(legend.position = "bottom",
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))

TLD_purpose |>
Expand All @@ -258,7 +269,6 @@ TLD_mode_purp = data |>

TLD_mode_purp |>
drop_na(dist_band, mainmode) |>
Expand All @@ -270,3 +280,215 @@ TLD_mode_purp |>
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))

## Annualisation factors calculation

In order to estimate the trip frequency by purpose, the stage tables from the survey are used. The following code loads the data into the environment.

#| warning=FALSE
SPSS_files_stage = list.files(pattern = "stage.*\\.sav$",
recursive = T,full.names = T)
data.stage =,lapply(SPSS_files_stage,read_sav))

As in the previous analysis, we are interested only in the bicycle trips (`mode` = `4`).
Although bike might not be the main mode for all the trip, all bike stages are considered
for this analysis. Subsequently, we select the columns of interest and discard duplicated records

bike_stages <- data.stage |>
filter(mode == 4) |>
select(UNIQIDNEW,dyear,IND_WT,trav_wt,purpose_new,travday) |>

Firstly, we explore the overall trip frequency splits by day of the week

bike_stages |>
summarise(Total = sum(trav_wt,na.rm = T),
.by = c(dyear,travday)) |>
mutate(Perc = Total/sum(Total),
.by = c(dyear)) |>
select(-Total) |>
mutate(across(c("dyear",travday),as_factor)) |>
pivot_wider(names_from = dyear,values_from = Perc) |>
arrange(travday) |>
kable(digits = 3) |>
kable_classic() |>
as_image(width = 10,file = "README_files/figure-gfm/wday_splits.png")

bike_stages |>
summarise(Total = sum(trav_wt,na.rm = T),
.by = c(dyear,travday)) |>
mutate(Perc = Total/sum(Total),
.by = c(dyear)) |>
select(-Total) |>
ggplot(aes(x=haven::as_factor(dyear), y = Perc, fill = haven::as_factor(travday)))+
# limits = c(0,0.3),
labels = scales::percent)+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30,vjust = 1,hjust = 1))+
labs(x= "year/dataset",y=NULL,fill = "Day",title = "Portion of trips by day of travel")
Since travel patters and frequency would vary among trip purposes, we need to
produce a more dissagregated analysis. Thus, we first define groups of trip purposes
from the `new_purpose` column. The following code identifies the different trip
purposes that people logged in their trip diaries of the survey when using the bike.
SHS_purposes_bike <- bike_stages |>
select(purpose_new) |>
unique() |>
mutate(p.label = as_factor(purpose_new))
A correspondence between trip purposes for the NPT project has been defined as follows:

NPT_purposes_equiv <- tribble(
~ purpose_new, ~ NPT_purpose,
3, 'Commute',
103, 'Commute',
4, 'Shopping',
104, 'Shopping',
15, 'Workout',
29, 'Other',
129, 'Other',
1, 'Other',
115, 'Workout',
34, 'Social',
6, 'Social',
19, 'Workout',
24, 'Other',
106, 'Social',
5, 'Social',
105, 'Social',
12, 'Other',
112, 'Other',
11, 'School',
111, 'School',
30, 'Workout',
130, 'Workout',
23, 'Other',
123, 'Other',
7, 'School',
107, 'School',
2, 'Other',
102, 'Other',
36, 'Social',
31, 'Other',
131, 'Other',
119, 'Workout',
35, 'Social',
26, 'Social',
126, 'Social',
25, 'Social',
125, 'Social',
17, 'Other',
22, 'Other',
122, 'Other',
135, 'Social',
124, 'Other',
33, 'Other',
136, 'Social',
117, 'Other',
226, 'Social',
18, 'Other',
118, 'Other',
13, 'Workout',
113, 'Workout',
133, 'Other',
114, 'Workout',
134, 'Social'

The following table shows how the `new_purpose` values have been grouped into 6 wider categories:
tbl_purposes <- SHS_purposes_bike |>
left_join(NPT_purposes_equiv,by = "purpose_new") |>
kable(tbl_purposes |>
select(-NPT_purpose)) |>
pack_rows(index = table(tbl_purposes$NPT_purpose)) |>
kable_classic() |>
as_image(width = 10,file = "README_files/figure-gfm/purpose_table.png")

Based on this purposes, we can produce a plot for proportion of trips by day of travel

bike_stages |>
left_join(NPT_purposes_equiv,by = "purpose_new") |>
summarise(Total = sum(trav_wt,na.rm = T),
.by = c(dyear,travday,NPT_purpose)) |>
mutate(Perc = Total/sum(Total),
.by = c(dyear,NPT_purpose)) |>
select(-Total) |>
ggplot(aes(x=haven::as_factor(dyear), y = Perc, fill = haven::as_factor(travday)))+
# limits = c(0,0.3),
labels = scales::percent)+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30,vjust = 1,hjust = 1))+
labs(x= "year/dataset",y=NULL,fill = "Day",title = "Portion of trips by day of travel")
In order to produce the annualisation factors, we have to estimate the trip
frequency by purpose from the survey. First the number of trips by day of
the week is calculated for each respondent of the survey. Then, we calculated
the weighted mean and median across all respondents using the
travel diary weight (`trav_wt`). This calculations are applied for each category
of the NTP purposes.

purpose_factors = bike_stages |>
left_join(NPT_purposes_equiv,by = "purpose_new") |>
summarise(N_trips = n(),
.by = c(dyear,travday,UNIQIDNEW,NPT_purpose,trav_wt)) |>
# mutate(N_trips_weighted = N_trips*trav_wt) |>
summarise(N_trips_mean = weighted.mean(N_trips,trav_wt),
.by = c(travday,NPT_purpose)) |>
mutate(wd.type = case_when(travday<6~"weekday",

In order to consider the different weights of each type of day in a year
i.e., the total number of Mondays, Tuesdays, etc; days are grouped into weekdays,
Saturdays and Sundays/bank holidays. Finally, assuming that every year in
Scotland has 250 weekdays, 52 Saturdays and 63 Sundays/Bank holidays, we calculate
the annualisation factor for each trip purpose.

purpose_factors_dtype = purpose_factors |>
.by = c(wd.type,NPT_purpose)) |>
mutate(wd.wt = case_when(wd.type=="weekday"~250,
wd.type=="sunday/bankholiday"~63)) |>
summarise(factor_AADT = weighted.mean(N_trips_mean,wd.wt),
.by = NPT_purpose)
purpose_factors_dtype |>
kbl(digits=4) |>
kable_classic_2() |>
as_image(width = 10,file = "README_files/figure-gfm/AADT_factors.png")


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