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Google Tag Manager Custom Events

Fire Google Analytics Events when using Google Tag Manager

This script plus extensive Tag Manager setup allows you to proxy ga('send', 'event', ...) or _gaq.push('trackEvent', ...) when using Google Tag manager.


To use this script you must setup Google Tag Manager, as described in the setup section. Then include gtm-custom-events.js anywhere on your site.

You may then call gtmEvent(...) to broadcast an event to GA. gtmEvent() roughly follows analytics.js' event tracking, so transistion (if necessary) should be simple.

Usage Options

gtmEvent(eventCategory, eventAction [, eventLabel [, eventValue, [, additionalArguments]]])
	'eventCategory' : eventCategory,
	'eventAction' : eventAction,
	'eventLabel' : eventLabel,
	'eventValue' : eventValue,
	'nonInteraction' : nonInteraction,
	'debug' : debug


Parameter Required Type Description
eventCategory Yes string The category of the event to be passed to Google Analytics
eventAction Yes string The action of the event to be passed to Google Analytics
eventLabel No string The label of the event to be passed to Google Analytics
eventValue No string The value of the event to be passed to Google Analytics
additionalArguments No object An object including additional arguments, acceptable keys: nonInteraction and debug
nonInteraction No boolean The non-interaction value of the event to be passed to Google
debug No boolean Whether or not to turn on debug mode (causes console.debug() calls.

Usage Examples

gtmEvent('button', 'click', 'nav buttons', 4);

gtmEvent('category', 'action',  'nav buttons',  undefined, {'nonInteraction': 1});

  'eventCategory': 'button', 
  'eventAction': 'click', 
  'eventLabel': 'nav buttons',
  'eventValue': 4


A great deal of setup in Google Tag Manager is required to get this to work.


First you must setup a number of macros, one for each of the parameters that are passed on to Google: eventCategory, eventAction, eventLabel, eventValue, and nonInteraction.

Those should be setup as follows:

Macro Example

As a whole your macro pane should include the following:

Macros Example


You must further setup a rule to be triggered at the event customEvent, as such:

Rule Example


Finally, you must setup a tag. This may be either Google Analytics Universal or Google Analytics Classic. Configure the "Track Type" to be event and the "Event Tracking Parameters" to be as such:

Tag Example

Library Free

The script included in this repo is extremely light weight. If you don't want to have the additional script on your page you can simply use Google Tag Manager's Data Layer as such:

  'event' : 'customEvent'
  'eventCategory': 'button', 
  'eventAction': 'click', 
  'eventLabel': 'nav buttons',
  'eventValue': 4

dataLayer.push will return false if it triggers something and true if it doesn't. Don't ask me the logic behind that.


Fire Google Analytics Events when using Google Tag Manager







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