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chore(deps): update dependency fluxcd/flux2 to v2.1.0 (#58)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Type | Update | Change |
| [fluxcd/flux2]( | Kustomization | minor | `v2.0.1` -> `v2.1.0` |


### Release Notes

<summary>fluxcd/flux2 (fluxcd/flux2)</summary>

### [`v2.1.0`](

[Compare Source](fluxcd/flux2@v2.0.1...v2.1.0)

#### Highlights

Flux v2.1.0 is a feature release. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

The [Flux APIs](#api-changes) were extended with new opt-in features in a backwards-compatible manner.

The Flux Git capabilities have been improved with support for Git push options, Git refspec, Gerrit, HTTP/S and SOCKS5 proxies.

The Flux alerting capabilities have been extended with [Datadog]( support.

The Flux controllers come with performance improvements when reconciling Helm repositories with large indexes (80% memory reduction), and when reconciling Flux Kustomizations with thousands of resources (x4 faster server-side apply). The load distribution has been improved when reconciling Flux objects in parallel to reduce CPU and memory spikes.

:heart: Big thanks to all the Flux contributors that helped us with this release!

#### Deprecations

Flux v2.1.0 comes with support for Kubernetes TLS Secrets when referring to secrets containing TLS certs, and deprecates the usage of `caFile`, `keyFile` and `certFile` keys.

For more details about the TLS changes please see the [Kubernetes TLS Secrets section](#kubernetes-tls-secrets).

Flux v2.1.0 comes with major improvements to the Prometheus monitoring stack. Starting with this version, Flux is leveraging the `kube-state-metrics` CRD exporter to report metrics containing rich information about Flux reconciliation status e.g. Git revision, Helm chart version, OCI artifacts digests, etc. The `gotk_reconcile_condition` metrics was deprecated in favor of the `gotk_resource_info`.

For more details about the new monitoring stack please see the [Flux Prometheus metrics documentation]( and the [flux2-monitoring-example repository](

#### API changes

##### GitRepository v1

The [GitRepository]( API was extended with the following fields:

-   `` is an optional field used to specify the name of a Kubernetes Secret that contains the HTTP/S or SOCKS5 proxy settings.
-   `.spec.verify.mode` now support one of the following values `HEAD`, `Tag`, `TagAndHEAD`.

##### Kustomization v1

The [Kustomization]( API was extended with two apply policies `IfNotPresent` and `Ignore`.

Changing the apply behaviour for specific Kubernetes resources, can be done using the following annotations:

| Annotation                          | Default    | Values                                                         | Role            |
| ``   | `Override` | - `Override`<br/>- `Merge`<br/>- `IfNotPresent`<br/>- `Ignore` | Apply policy    |
| `` | `Disabled` | - `Enabled`<br/>- `Disabled`                                   | Recreate policy |
| `` | `Enabled`  | - `Enabled`<br/>- `Disabled`                                   | Delete policy   |

The `IfNotPresent` policy instructs the controller to only apply the Kubernetes resources if they are not present on the cluster.
This policy can be used for Kubernetes `Secrets` and `ValidatingWebhookConfigurations` managed by cert-manager,
where Flux creates the resources with fields that are later on mutated by other controllers.

##### ImageUpdateAutomation v1beta1

The [ImageUpdateAutomation]( was extended with the following fields:

-   `.spec.git.push.refspec` is an optional field used to specify a Git refspec used when pushing commits upstream.
-   `.spec.git.push.options` is an optional field used to specify the Git push options to be sent to the Git server when pushing commits upstream.

##### Kubernetes TLS Secrets

All the Flux APIs that accept TLS data have been modified to adopt Secrets of type
``. This includes:

-   **HelmRepository**: The field `.spec.secretRef` has been deprecated in favor of a new field [`.spec.certSecretRef`](
-   **OCIRepository**: Support for the `caFile`, `keyFile` and `certFile` keys in the Secret specified in [`.spec.certSecretRef`]( have been deprecated in favor of `ca.crt`, `tls.key` and `tls.crt`.
-   **ImageRepository**: Support for the`caFile`, `keyFile` and `certFile` keys in the Secret specified in [`.spec.certSecretRef`]( have been deprecated in favor of `ca.crt`, `tls.key` and `tls.crt`.
-   **GitRepository**: CA certificate can now be provided in the Secret specified in `.spec.secretRef` using the `ca.crt` key, which takes precedence over the `caFile` key.

#### Upgrade procedure

Upgrade Flux from `v2.0.x` to `v2.1.0` either by [rerunning bootstrap]( or by using the [Flux GitHub Action](

To upgrade Flux from `v0.x` to `v2.1.0` please follow the [Flux GA upgrade procedure](

#### Kubernetes compatibility

This release is compatible with the following Kubernetes versions:

| Kubernetes version | Minimum required |
| `v1.25`            | `>= 1.25.0`      |
| `v1.26`            | `>= 1.26.0`      |
| `v1.27`            | `>= 1.27.1`      |
| `v1.28`            | `>= 1.28.0`      |

Note that Flux may work on older versions of Kubernetes e.g. 1.21, but we don't recommend running end-of-life versions in production nor do we offer support for these versions.

#### New Documentation

-   [Flux installation](
-   [Flux bootstrap](
-   [Flux configuration](
-   [Flux Prometheus metrics](
-   [Flux custom Prometheus metrics](
-   [Flux logs](
-   [Flux events](

#### Components changelog

-   source-controller [v1.1.0](
-   kustomize-controller [v1.1.0](
-   notification-controller [v1.1.0](
-   helm-controller [v0.36.0](
-   image-reflector-controller [v0.30.0](
-   image-automation-controller [v0.36.0](

#### CLI Changelog

-   PR [#&#8203;4189](fluxcd/flux2#4189) - [@&#8203;hiddeco]( - Update dependencies
-   PR [#&#8203;4186](fluxcd/flux2#4186) - [@&#8203;fluxcdbot]( - Update toolkit components
-   PR [#&#8203;4183](fluxcd/flux2#4183) - [@&#8203;somtochiama]( - Fix autocompletion for helm chart
-   PR [#&#8203;4182](fluxcd/flux2#4182) - [@&#8203;hiddeco]( - manifestgen/install: use clean default HTTP client
-   PR [#&#8203;4181](fluxcd/flux2#4181) - [@&#8203;hiddeco]( - cmd/events: handle error value
-   PR [#&#8203;4180](fluxcd/flux2#4180) - [@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - Fix controller version info
-   PR [#&#8203;4177](fluxcd/flux2#4177) - [@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - Set min value for the `--ssh-rsa-bits` flag
-   PR [#&#8203;4176](fluxcd/flux2#4176) - [@&#8203;hiddeco]( - ci: disable fail-fast for ARM end-to-end
-   PR [#&#8203;4175](fluxcd/flux2#4175) - [@&#8203;hiddeco]( - build: update securejoin dependency
-   PR [#&#8203;4169](fluxcd/flux2#4169) - [@&#8203;darkowlzz]( - Add monitoring configuration deprecation notice
-   PR [#&#8203;4167](fluxcd/flux2#4167) - [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - build(deps): bump the ci group with 2 updates
-   PR [#&#8203;4166](fluxcd/flux2#4166) - [@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - e2e: Add Kubernetes v1.28.0 to conformance tests
-   PR [#&#8203;4151](fluxcd/flux2#4151) - [@&#8203;hiddeco]( - ci: enable security-and-quality CodeQL query
-   PR [#&#8203;4147](fluxcd/flux2#4147) - [@&#8203;aryan9600]( - Adopt Kubernetes style TLS Secrets and add relevant flags
-   PR [#&#8203;4142](fluxcd/flux2#4142) - [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - build(deps): bump the ci group with 2 updates
-   PR [#&#8203;4140](fluxcd/flux2#4140) - [@&#8203;somtochiama]( - Disable azure e2e test
-   PR [#&#8203;4134](fluxcd/flux2#4134) - [@&#8203;sestegra]( - monitoring: add OCIRepository in cluster dashboard and new source panels in control-plane dashboard
-   PR [#&#8203;4131](fluxcd/flux2#4131) - [@&#8203;mraerino]( - Fix selection of kustomization resource from multi doc yaml
-   PR [#&#8203;4126](fluxcd/flux2#4126) - [@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - Set Kubernetes min version to 1.25
-   PR [#&#8203;4077](fluxcd/flux2#4077) - [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - build(deps): bump the ci group with 2 updates
-   PR [#&#8203;4068](fluxcd/flux2#4068) - [@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - Update dependencies
-   PR [#&#8203;4065](fluxcd/flux2#4065) - [@&#8203;hiddeco]( - action: support `openssl` and `sha256sum`
-   PR [#&#8203;4062](fluxcd/flux2#4062) - [@&#8203;souleb]( - diff: Take into account the server-side inventory for local Flux Kustomizations
-   PR [#&#8203;4061](fluxcd/flux2#4061) - [@&#8203;hiddeco]( - action: re-allow configuration of non-default token
-   PR [#&#8203;4057](fluxcd/flux2#4057) - [@&#8203;fluxcdbot]( - Update toolkit components
-   PR [#&#8203;4052](fluxcd/flux2#4052) - [@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - docs: Link to the Flux GitHub Action documentation
-   PR [#&#8203;4051](fluxcd/flux2#4051) - [@&#8203;hiddeco]( - action: use `$RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE`, support MacOS and Windows, validate checksum
-   PR [#&#8203;4046](fluxcd/flux2#4046) - [@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - ci: backport: set write permissions
-   PR [#&#8203;4043](fluxcd/flux2#4043) - [@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - ci: release: extract the image tag from GITHUB_REF
-   PR [#&#8203;4041](fluxcd/flux2#4041) - [@&#8203;hiddeco]( - ci: release: disable interpretation backslash esc



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Reviewed-on: https://git.home/nrdufour/home-ops/pulls/58
Co-authored-by: Renovate <>
Co-committed-by: Renovate <>
  • Loading branch information
nrdufour committed Aug 25, 2023
1 parent 57cc161 commit a6cdca3
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kubernetes/main/bootstrap/flux/kustomization.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
kind: Kustomization

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