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Convert broadcast data to tracking data using Computer Vision

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Eagle converts football broadcast data from television feeds to tracking data useful for analysis and visualisation. It uses a collection of custom trained models and a variety of computer vision techniques to identify, track and obtain player and ball coordinates from each frame of broadcast data.


Eagle works best with Python > 3.8 environments.

git clone
cd Eagle
pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, you will need to download the weights of the models.

cd eagle/models
cd ../../

Basic Usage

An inference script is provided. First, obtain a clip of the broadcast data that you want to use as an .mp4 file. Eagle works best in clips where the camera position is relatively stable (ie no changes in angle). You can use FFmpeg to trim as necessary using the following example.

ffmpeg -ss 00:00:07 -to 00:00:15 -i video.mp4 -c copy input_video.mp4

Then run the following. You can also change the FPS depending on the granularity required using the --fps argument.

python --video_path input_video.mp4 # Replace with your video name

The output data can be found in output/(input_video)/. For a detailed description of the output data format refer to the section below.

Advanced Usage

Eagle works best in CUDA enabled GPU environments or at the very least with Apple Metal. If you do not have access to such resources, feel free to use the Google Colab provided. There are different variants of models provided - both PyTorch and ONNX formats as well as different sizes of the detector model. Feel free to choose the relevant format/sizes for your hardware requirements. Feel free to change the Tracker model used as well.

The Homography Calculation and Keypoint detection are pretty computationally expensive operations. If you have the compute requirements, feel free to invoke them more often as it might lead to more accurate results. They are controlled by the num_homography and num_keypoint_detection parameter which determine the number of times each of the operations are carried out per second respectively.


Given that Eagle was trained on consumer hardware, it is not 100% accurate especially when dealing with irregular camera angles or heavy occlusion of players and frames. While wider camera angles such as those used in scouting feeds are preferred, Eagle is trained on standard broadcast data so it would work just fine. While many attempts and heuristics are in place to handle the inaccuracies, it is still highly recommended to use annotated.mp4 to determine if there are any errors in the output before using the data provided.

Some common debugging strategies:

  • The most common issue is incorrect team assignment. Team assignment is currently done purely based on heuristics. The solution is to simply manually edit the team mapping dictionary in the metadata.
  • The second most common issue is when balls are not detected (given their size). This could cause erratic ball coordinates since Eagle interpolates the coordinates. One solution is to reduce the confidence threshold required for the detector (detector_conf).
  • A homography requires 4 points at minimum. Some camera angles makes this difficult. One solution is to reduce the confidence threshold for the keypoint detector (keypoint_conf).
  • Lastly, if the ball detections are extremely inaccurate, one solution is to increase the input resolution to get higher recall. If the model is detecting many objects as ball, set filter_ball_detections=True for the processor which will attempt to use a Kalman Filter to smooth out and detect outliers.

Model Weights

There are 5 different model weights that can be downloaded with the provided eagle/models/ script. For the YOLO detectors, both standard PyTorch and ONNX formats are provided. By default, the PyTorch formats are used. If you are using Eagle in CPU-only environments, refer to this guide on how to use the ONNX formats together with YOLO. If CPU is detected, Eagle will default to the Medium Detector Model.

  • keypoints_main.pth: The HRNet Backbone Keypoint detector model.
  • detector_medium: The medium sized YOLOv8 model. It is trained on image size 640 and has faster inference speed.
  • detector_large: The large sized YOLOv8 model. It is trained exactly the same as detector_medium but with a higher parameter count.
  • detector_large_hd: A large sized YOLOv8 model trained on image size 960. The increased resolution results in improved performance and especially for the ball detection, its recall is much higher. However, it has a much slower inference speed. This is the default.

Depending on the hardware you have available and your use-case, different model sizes might suit your needs differently.

Eagle also defaults to BoTSORT for tracking. Refer to this repo for more details.

Output Explanation

Outputs are stored in output/(your video name)/. All transformed coordinates use the UEFA pitch specifications (105 x 68). For detailed breakdown of the coordinate system, see eagle/utils/

  1. Metadata: metadata.json contains the frames per second that Eagle used when processing the data and the team mapping of all the player ids detected in the video.
  2. Debug Info: Eagle automatically creates an annotated copy of the video provided to allow for quick mapping of player id to names and quick detection of any inaccuracies.
  3. Raw Data: There are 2 raw data files provided. raw_coordinates.json is the detections and coordinates determined by the various models. raw_data.json is a pandas dataframe (read with pd.read_json()) which contains the x,y coordinates of the visible areas in that frame, players and ball for each frame in the video. None values indicate that nothing was detected for that particular id at that particular frame.
  4. Cleaned Data: It is recommended to use processed_data.json for most use cases, similarly read as a pandas dataframe. It is modelled after Statsbomb 360 and contains 3 columns: the visible areas in that frame, the coordinates from the video, and the transformed coordinates for each frame. Each coordinate value is a list of json objects with the type of object (Ball, Player or Goalkeeper), the coordinates and the team (for Player) identified in that particular freeze frame.

Future Improvements

With more compute resources and more data, it would be possible to train better models at even higher resolution. Additional features are also in the works such as ReID and better team assignment which can make Eagle stronger and more robust. Any contribution to Eagle is deeply appreciated!

Feel free to use the trained models for your own custom usecases.


Huge acknowledgements goes to the following projects that have helped the development of Eagle tremendously:


Convert broadcast data to tracking data using Computer Vision






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