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A complete 65C02 Microprocessor simulator core written entirely in Swift

Getting Started

Microprocessed is a Swift package. First, add it as a swift package dependency in XCode and import Microprocessed in any files that need to use it.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),

Using Microprocessed

There are three major pieces to Microprocessed that you will have to understand to get use out of this package: memory, execution, and interrupts.


The 65C02 processor is a memory-mapped processor. This means the CPU treats I/O, ROM, RAM, etc. in exactly the same way: you can read data at an address, you can write data to an address. This makes memory the most important thing you define when using Microprocessed.

Microprocessed's memory model is defined by MemoryAddressable

public protocol MemoryAddressable {
    /// return an 8 bit value for the given 16 bit address
    func read(from address: UInt16) throws -> UInt8

    /// write an 8 bit value to the given 16 bit address
    mutating func write(to address: UInt16, data: UInt8) throws

The simplest memory model you can define is likely something that simulates "free running", i.e. returning $EA (a noop instruction) for every read. If you were to run this, you would see endless noop instructions and monotonically increasing (until wrap-around occurs!) addresses getting fetched.

final class FreeRunner: MemoryAddressable {
    func read(from address: UInt16) throws -> UInt8 {
        return 0xEA
    mutating func write(to address: UInt16, data: UInt8) throws {
        // ignore

This isn't very interesting for this system, however, so for something slightly more complex, you can look at the included TestMemory. This class now adds a proper reset vector and allows read and write access, sort of like a simplistic RAM module.

final class TestMemory: MemoryAddressable {
    var memory: [UInt16: UInt8] = [
        Microprocessor.resetVector: 0x00,
        Microprocessor.resetVectorHigh: 0x80

    func read(from address: UInt16) throws -> UInt8 {
        return memory[address] ?? 0xEA

    mutating func write(to address: UInt16, data: UInt8) throws {
        memory[address] = data

Real-world systems have a mix of devices: RAM (read-write), ROM (read-only), I/O with exposed registers, unmapped address space, etc. With MemoryAddressable you are free to to create all of these in any way you wish. Just keep in mind that Microprocessor depends on a single MemoryAddressable, so any simulated device nesting structure has to be contained in some object that acts as a router.

final class DeviceRouter: MemoryAddressable {
    let ram = RAM()     /// you will have to work out how to write these specific devices :)
    let rom = ROM()
    let via = VIA()
    func read(from address: UInt16) throws -> UInt8 {
        switch address {
            case 0x0000...0x7FFF:
                try address)
            case 0x8000...0x8FFF:
                try address)
            case 0x9000...0xFFFF:
                try address)

    mutating func write(to address: UInt16, data: UInt8) throws {
        switch address {
            case 0x0000...0x7FFF:
                try ram.write(to: address, data: data)
            case 0x8000...0x8FFF:
                try via.write(to: address, data: data)
            case 0x9000...0xFFFF:
                throw DeviceRouterError.readOnly


Microprocessor is a fully compliant and tested 65C02 simulated processor core. This is the class you use to execute instructions fetched from the MemoryAddressable you provide. So to use Microprocessor, you have to provide it with some memory.

final class System {
    let router: DeviceRouter
    let mpu: Microprocessor
    init() {
        self.router = DeviceRouter()
        self.mpu = .init(memoryLayout: router)

Now your Microprocessor is all set up to execute instructions. Microprocessor only has a single execution function which acts as a single clock pulse: tick(). Calling tick() cause the MPU to fetch an instruction at the current program counter and then execute it.

try mpu.tick()

After executing an instruction, you can query the Microprocessor about some of its internal state, including:

  • register values via the registers property
  • the next instruction via peek()
  • the current runMode (in case a WAI or STP instruction was executed)
  • the current interruptMask to see if any interrupts are being serviced and what class they are

Microprocessor also provides some pin-level hardware simulation like reset() which will:

  • reset the program counter to the value at the reset vector
  • clear register values
  • return run mode to normal
  • clear the interruptMask

Lastly, you can control some aspects of execution via Microprocessor.Configuration. At present, this can control whether unused opcodes throw an error or not. For education purposes, you likely want to throw an error, but for pure simulation, you may not want to.


The 65C02 processor has 2 dedicated lines for interrupts:

  • IRQ for maskable interrupts
  • NMI for non-maskable interrupts

Devices can pull these lines low (therefore asserting) to interrupt the processor and execute high priority tasks after the currently executing instruction is complete. Microprocessor simulates this by polling all devices that can cause interrupts. This is defined by the Interrupting protocol:

public protocol Interrupting {
    var interruptStatus: InterruptStatus { get }

This is a simple protocol where when queried a device returns it's current InterruptStatus:

public enum InterruptStatus {
    /// Device is not interrupting
    case none

    /// Device is interrupting and is non-maskable
    case nonMaskable

    /// Device is interrupting but is maskable
    case maskable

To opt-in to interrupt polling, a device conforms to this protocol:

struct VideoDisplayProcessor: Interrupting {
    var scanline: Int
    var interruptStatus: InterruptStatus {
        // if we have just drawn scanline 192, then raise an interrupt
        return scanline == 192 ? .maskable : .none

You then pass your list of Interrupting devices to Microprocessor.init:

let mpu = Microprocessor(memoryLayout: router, interruptors: [router.vdp])

Interrupt polling is done at the beginning of tick() so you will have to call this function after setting interruptStatus before an interrupt is actually raised. Note that the Microprocessor will re-enter an interrupt handler if the interruptStatus is not de-asserted! This mirrors real-world behavior where many devices must have a status register read before the interrupt line is cleared.

Next Steps

Microprocessed has everything you need to create compelling 65C02 simulation experiences, but it's not perfect. In the future, it would be great to make some changes to Microprocessor including:

  • convert Microprocessor to an actor. This will allow calling it from any thread while protecting its internal state
  • abstract Microprocessor to a protocol so other 8-bit MPUs can be swapped in, including an old NMOS 6502 or a Z80, all with the same calling conventions
  • more and better hardware simulation. Many of the 65C02 pins aren't really abstracted here so you can't simulate wait states and the like.
  • cycle accurate execution. The current core does not keep a count of cycles executed so cycle-accurate timing isn't currently possible

If you'd like to contribute, please submit a pull request.


A complete 65C02 Microprocessor simulator core written entirely in Swift







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