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Sofie Prompter Editor

This is the Sofie Prompter Editor application of the Sofie TV Automation System, allowing WYSIWYG editing nad realtime control of the Sofie prompter.

General Sofie System Information

Developer Information

Note: This monorepo uses Yarn and Lerna, so most commands can be run on the root folder (no need to cd into each package).

File Structure

This is a monorepo, all packages resides in shared/packages and apps/.


# Set up monorepo and install all dependencies

# Initial build
yarn build

# Spin up dev server & watch for changes
yarn dev

Now you should be good to go.


Some application settings will be persisted by the Backend application. These will be stored in the path indicated by environment variable STORAGE_DIR, or inside user's home directory, inside a directory called .sofie-prompter-editor, if the environment variable isn't set.

Before Committing Code

Before any code is committed, run these:

# Build all packages
yarn build

# Lint all packages
yarn lint

# Run all unit tests
yarn test

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