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Sofie Quantel Gateway

This is the Quantel Gateway application of the Sofie TV Automation System. This application uses native bindings to bridge the Quantel ISA System CORBA API and a Sofie-specific HTTP REST API, allowing discovery of clips and playback control of Quantel servers.

General Sofie System Information

Supported Devices

  • Grass Valley sQ Series media servers via ISA System.


This software can be built for Windows and Linux platforms:

  • On Linux, an OmniORB4 development package should be available (Ubuntu example) for your distribution.

  • On Windows, the required DLL and LIB files are included with this package. The included OmniORB was built with Visual Studio 2017 for x64 architecture. The native extension runs with the 64-bit version of Node.js.

This addon has not been built for or tested on macOS.


  • This addon has been developed with Node.js v8.1.15 LTS and makes use of the N-API which is not available in earlier versions than 8.
  • Install the node-gyp build tool globally with npm install -g node-gyp.
  • Ensure the build system has the node-gyp prerequisites.
  • Either install the Quantel ISA dummy server installation or ensure you have access to an installed ISA and sQ servers.
  • Install the yarn package manager.

On Linux systems, install the OmniORB development package. On Ubuntu, this can be achieved with:

sudo apt-get install libomniorb4-dev


Install packages and build the native extension:

yarn install

Build the typescript interface module:

yarn build

This package has automated tests that run with jest. Test with:

yarn test


For development purposes, the HTTP server included with the quantel gateway can be run as follows:

yarn watch-server

This will start a nodemon watch on the source files and restart the server on any changes.

For production use, a simple server can be run with:

yarn server

These servers listen on port 3000 by default.

The server can be configured via command line parameters:

  • --port - Port number to listen on.
  • --dummy - Boolean that modifies the behaviour of the gateway to target a dummy server, as used in a development environment.
  • --isa - Name/IP address and optional port number of the Quantel ISA to connect to, e.g. qisa01:2099. Omit http://.
  • --watchdog - How often, in seconds, to try to connect to the server to see that it is still running OK. Set to 0 for no watchdog.

For example:

yarn server --port 9876 --isa qisa01:2099 --dummy true --watchdog 30

Run with Docker

Available on the Sofie TV docker hub:

docker pull sofietv/tv-automation-quantel-gateway:master

Experimenting and Importing

Experiment from the REPL with:

const { Quantel } = require('.')

Import into an external project with:

import { Quantel } from 'tv-automation-quantel-gateway'
const { Quantel } = require('tv-automation-quantel-gateway')

See the walkthrough for how to do playback with this module as a Node.js API.


Connecting to an ISA

By default, the gateway tries to connect to an ISA at on the localhost.

To connect to an ISA system on a different host, POST to:


ISA systems are normally deployed in master and slave pairs. The :address should consist of a comma separated list of DNS names or IP addresses and, optionally, with port number (defaults to 2096), where the CORBA Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) of the Quantel ISA(s) is/are advertised. For example:


A successful request produces a JSON response with the discovered IOR (isaIOR) and ISA endpoint address (href). Subsequently, the currently configured connection can be queried with a GET request to /connect.

Topology of a Quantel System

In general, paths are all of the form ...


In most cases and in the current implementation, :zoneID is the default local zone at the ISA that the gateway connects to.

Types are:

  • :zoneID - zone number or default;
  • :serverID - integer number or the string name of the server;
  • :portID - string name of the port;
  • :clipID - identifier for a clip within a zone;
  • :formatID - identifier for a specific media format;
  • :copyID - identifier for a new clip that is a copy of an existing clip.

A GET request to the root path / lists all available zones.

[ {
  "type": "ZonePortal",
  "zoneNumber": 1000,
  "zoneName": "Dummy Zone 1000",
  "isRemote": false } ]

This first element will always be the local / default zone.

A GET request to the zones name (/:zoneID/server/) retrieves details of all the available servers. This includes the assigned port names and number of channels.

[ { "type": "Server",
    "ident": 1100,
    "down": false,
    "name": "Dummy 1100",
    "numChannels": 4,
    "pools": [ 11 ],
    "portNames": [],
    "chanPorts": [ "", "", "", "" ]
  }, {
    "type": "Server",
    "ident": 1200,
    "down": false,
    "name": "Dummy 1200",
    "numChannels": 2,
    "pools": [ 12 ],
    "portNames": [],
    "chanPorts": [ "", "" ]
  }, {
    "type": "Server",
    "ident": 1300,
    "down": false,
    "name": "Dummy 1300",
    "numChannels": 3,
    "pools": [ 13 ],
    "portNames": [],
    "chanPorts": [ "", "", "" ]
  } ]

Creating a Port

To assign a channel to a port, choose a suitable :portID and PUT an empty document to ...


The :channelID is a zero-based channel index that must be less than the number of channels available on the server. If the port name (:portID) is already assigned, this is a conflict (409). Another kind of error response will result if the channel is already assigned to a port, to prevent you from stealing a port in use by another automation system.

On success, the response is:

  "type": "PortInfo",
  "serverID": 1100,
  "channelNo": 1,
  "audioOnly": false,
  "portName": "fred",
  "portID": 2,
  "assigned": true

Note that this approach does not allow more than one channel to be assigned to a port. As a result, key and fill playback on separate channels is not yet supported by this gateway.

To reset the port, clearing all fragments and triggers and resetting the state, POST to:


To completely release the port and set it to idle, send a DELETE request to the complete path for the port.


A GET request to this path returns the port status.

  "type": "PortStatus",
  "serverID": 1100,
  "portName": "fred",
  "refTime": "14:47:31:00",
  "portTime": "10:00:15:03",
  "portID": 2,
  "speed": 1,
  "offset": 0,
  "status": "unknown",
  "endOfData": 0,
  "framesUnused": 0,
  "channels": [ 1 ],
	"outputTime": "00:00:00:00",
	"videoFormat": "1080i50"

Add /properties to the port to get name/value pair configuration properties for the port and server, including the configured frame rate. (Note: Does not work with a dummy server, returning an empty list.)


Clip References

Fragments of clips are loaded onto ports. This means that an automation system is responsible of associating a specific video clip to appear on an output channel (SDI ports). Clips are referenced by their integer identifier (:clipID) ...


A GET request to this path should return a selection of metadata known about the clip.

  "type": "ClipData",
  "ClipID": 3,
  "Completed": "2019-05-13T17:46:59.000Z",
  "Created": "2019-05-13T17:46:59.000Z",
  "Description": "Example clip on a Quantel ISA.",
  "Frames": "1000",
  "NumAudTracks": 1,
  "NumVidTracks": 1,
  "PoolID": 11,
  "PublishedBy": "",
  "Register": "0",
  "Tape": "",
  "Template": 0,
  "Title": "Example 3",
  "AudioFormats": "73",
  "VideoFormats": "90",
  "ClipGUID": "0e2be6f2478649df9fcf56c0d0ecc040",
  "PublishCompleted": "2019-05-13T17:46:59.000Z"

(Many fields have been omitted from the example above.)

If it is necessary to search for the clip by, say, title, a query interface is available ...


A GET request to this path should return a JSON array listing documents matching the query and each element contains a clip identifier. A wildcard character * can be used to match zero of more characters.

To refine a search, multiple query parameters can be used. For example, to limit the above search to clips only stored on pool 11:


Some parameters, such as ClipGUIDs containing hyphens, may need to be surrounded by quotation marks.

The number of results returned can be altered using the limit parameter that defaults to 10. For example, to find up to 1000 uptimes in a category:


To receive and array of ClipIDs that match the given query rather than a detailed summary of each clip, add parameter idOnly. Combine this with a high limit and a wildcard to produce a list of all known clips:



To query information about format of a clip, including framerate, compression and dimensions, use the format resource.


The format ID for a clip can be found in the AudioFormats and VideoFormats properties. Omit the :formatID to list all of the formats available in a zone (may take a couple of seconds). For example, to find out the details of video format 90:


This produces (a few fields omitted):

	"type": "FormatInfo",
	"formatNumber": 90,
	"essenceType": "VideoFragment",
	"frameRate": 25,
	"height": 576,
	"width": 720,
	"samples": 0,
	"formatName": "Legacy 9E Mpeg 40 576i25",
	"layoutName": "720x576i25",
	"compressionName": "Mpeg-2"

Loading Clips

Clips consist of fragments. To play a clip, or a sub-clip of a clip, it is necessary to load fragments onto a port. To query all fragments for a clip:

  "type": "ServerFramgments",
  "clipID": 2,
  "fragments": [ {
    "type": "VideoFragment",
    "trackNum": 0,
    "start": 0,
    "finish": 1000,
    "rushID": "344aed5ed1204908a54302de951eecb7",
    "format": 90,
    "poolID": 11,
    "poolFrame": 5,
    "skew": 0,
    "rushFrame": 0
  }, {
    "type": "AudioFragment",
    "trackNum": 0,
    "start": 0,
    "finish": 1000,
    "rushID": "520c2157fc66443b9e2fc580cb2cf789",
    "format": 73,
    "poolID": 11,
    "poolFrame": 8960,
    "skew": 0,
    "rushFrame": 0 } ] }

To query fragments for a specific in and out range:


The :in and :out range parameters are measured in frame offsets from the start of the clip. To translate to time, the framerate of the clip must be known. For interlaced material, a frame is a pair of fields.

To load the fragments onto a port, POST the fragments to the port reference, adding a frame offset to load onto the port at a position other than zero (unlikely for Sofie), e.g.:


Information about the status of the port is returned.

Port Fragment Operations — Query and Wipe

The fragments that are loaded onto a port can be queried with a GET request to:


If the optional :start and/or :finish query parameters is/are provided, the search will be bounded to include only fragments loaded onto the port between those bounds. The :start parameter is inclusive and the :finish parameter is one frame beyond the end of the range. Otherwise, all loaded fragments are returned.

Note that once loaded onto a port/server, the fragments are no longer directly linked with a clip and so the clipID property is set to -1.

Some fragments can be cleared from the port by sending a DELETE request to the port's fragments resource. By default, this will clear (wipe is the Quantel CORBA API term) all fragments from the port between offset 0 up to the current play head offset. To provide a time range for this operation, use the start and frames query parameters:


The :start parameter is the first frame in the port's timeline to wipe from and :frames is the count of frames to wipe forward from that point. The :start parameter defaults to 0. If :frames is omitted, all frames from the given start offset to the current play position will be wiped, which will be no frames if :start is after the play head offset. The range of frames to wipe must not include the current play position. Check the Boolean-valued wiped property of the response message to see that whether the fragments were successfully cleared.

To completely clear a port of all fragments, see port reset.

Cloning Clips

The Quantel systems have a mechanism to clone clips between servers, either within in the same zone or between servers in different zones (inter-zone cloning). Only the source essence material that is missing from a particular destination disk pool is copied. Where the material has already been duplicated, this means that a request to clone can be almost instantaneous. The Quantel gateway allows clones to be initiated and the subsequent copy progress of that or any other clone to be monitored.

To cause a clone, POST an object containing the source zoneID (number, omit for a within-zone copy), source clipID and destination poolID to /:zoneID/copy, as follows:

	"zoneID": 1000,
	"clipID": 42,
	"poolID": 12,
	"priority": 15,
	"history": true

The optional priority is a number between 0 for low and 15 for high that provides a relative priority for this requested clone wrt other current copy operations. Relevant for interzone cloning only, the optional history flag specifies whether the provenance of the clip should be carried along with the copy.

The CloneResult response is similar to the request, with an additional property of copyID that is set to the clip ID of the newly created clip - or the clip ID of an existing copy if one already existed - at the destination. The copyCreated flag is set if a copy operation was required.

To view the status of a single copy operation for destination clip :copyID, use path:


If the copy is still in progress or has been recently completed, an object of type ClipProgress is returned. If the copy completed a while ago or the clip does not exist, a 404 Not found response is generated. Use this request in combination clip query (.../clip/:clipID) to determine if the clip exists.

  "type": "CopyProgress",
  "clipID": 19,
  "totalProtons": 225,
  "protonsLeft": 116,
  "secsLeft": 34,
  "priority": 8,
  "ticketed": false

Protons are a unit of Quantel storage. The calculation protonsLeft / totalProtons can be used to provide a percentage complete of the copy. The Quantel system also provides a secsLeft property that is an estimation of how many seconds remain before the copy is complete. This value can go negative after the copy has completed, indicating how many seconds ago that the copy operation completed.

The status of all copy operations can be queried by omitting the :copyID:


Copies can be halted by deleting the destination clip.

Deleting Clips

A clip can be deleted by sending a DELETE request to its path:


Note that the clip metadata will persist in the database but the essence will be removed, setting the Frames field to 0.

Controlling the Port

To control the PORT, POST trigger messages:


The :trigger is one of START, STOP or JUMP. Note that STOP is equivalent to CasparCG pause. To resume, use START. The optional :offset is a frame at which to trigger the action, for example .../trigger/STOP?offset=345 signals that the playing of the clip should stop at frame 345 on the ports timeline.

Hard Jump

To force a hard jump to specific point, ideally when stopped and not on air, POST to:


This will cause an immediate jump and - if the video is playing - it will pause on the jumped-to frame. If the video at the jump-to point is not currently loaded on the port, a short period of black may be played out.

Triggered Jump

For smoother jumping, each port can have a controlled jump point set and can cause a triggered jump. As long as the jump point is set with a second or more to spare, the material to jump to will be loaded onto the port. This enables smooth playing across the jump, e.g. to achieve a smooth loop. To set the triggered jump point:

  1. Prepare the jump by PUTing an empty document to /:zoneID/server/:serverID/port/:portID/jump?offset=:offset
  2. Wait a second or so and trigger the jump by POSTing an empty document to /:zoneID/server/:serverID/port/:portID/trigger/JUMP

It is not possible to query the currently set jump point.


All error responses are in JSON format and includes properties for a numerical status, an error message and, where available, a stack trace to help pinpoint where the error occurs. For example:

	"status": 502,
	"message": "Bad gateway. CORBA subsystem supports a transient connection problem. Check network and ISA server.",
	"stack": "Error: Bad gateway. CORBA subsystem supports a transient connection problem. ..."

Shutting Down

To request that the application shuts down, POST to


This will wait 5 seconds and then initiate web server and Quantel connection shutdown. If the application is running in a docker container with automatic restart enabled, the server will restart.

Debug Logging

The application can be told to activate debug-logging at runtime by POST:ing to



The server includes a watchdog that monitors whether the gateway is healthy every 60 seconds, or an interval configured with the watchdog command line parameter. If the watchdog fails to connect to the / endpoint three times in a row, the gateway will initiate a shutdown. If the application is running in a docker container with automatic restart enabled, it will then restart.


Unless otherwise called out in the header of a file, the files of this project are licensed under the GPL V2 or later, as detailed in the LICENSE file. This project links to omniORB that is similarly GPL v2.

Please also note the specific terms of the Quentin.idl file.

The NRK logo is a registered trademark of Norsk rikskringkasting AS. The license does not grant any right to use, in any way, any trademarks, service marks or logos of Norsk rikskringkasting AS.