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Cataloging Collection Project

A PHP/MySQL application that catalogs a collection of similar items. The purpose of the project is to incorporate concepts such as dynamic web pages, database connectivity, and secure login features. The application allows users to create a collection of items with various details such as title, description, image(s), categories, year of release, production company/studio, ratings, tags, length, etc.


  • Create a collection of items with images and details such as title, description, categories, etc.
  • Filter items by any three factors.
  • Search for specific items in the collection.
  • Display items as thumbnails or in a single item view with all the information.
  • Admin section to insert, edit, or delete items.
  • Secure login for the admin section.

Skills Showcased

  • Creating dynamic web pages using PHP.
  • Connecting to a MySQL database and performing queries.
  • Designing a secure login system with user authentication.
  • Implementing filtering and search features for database content.
  • Displaying data in various formats, such as thumbnails and single item views.


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