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Nicholas Henry edited this page Jul 24, 2013 · 1 revision

Fist, make sure that the 'bundler' gem has been installed: gem install bundler.

Now, you can manage all of the gems that you would like to install by editing the 'Gemfile'. By default, the 'berkshelf' gem, which manages cookbook dependencies, is already part of the Gemfile as we will be using it later on; however, if you don't want to use Berkshelf you may remove it.

For example, you may be interested in using some of the knife gems for managing cloud servers. If so, simply un-comment the gems you would like to install. If you do chose to install any of these gems, I would recommend you add your credentials to your .chef/knife.local.rb file.

Finally, once you have finished adding all of the gems you would like to install, simply run bundle install to install all of these gems automatically. This allows everyone in the company to easily install all of the same gems so that everyone has the same environment to work with. Users can simply run bundle install again if they ever find that they are missing a gem that others are using.