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Establish a TCP Server

Nikos Siatras edited this page Nov 29, 2016 · 25 revisions

The following class represents a TCP server

public class TCPServer extends Extasys.Network.TCP.Server.ExtasysTCPServer


public TCPServer(String name, String description, InetAddress listenerIP, int port, int maxConnections, int connectionsTimeOut, int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize)
    super(name, description, corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize);
        // Add listener with message collector.
        this.AddListener("My listener", listenerIP, 5000, maxConnections, 65535, connectionsTimeOut, 100, ((char) 2));
    catch (Exception ex)

public void OnDataReceive(TCPClientConnection sender, DataFrame data)
    byte[] reply = new byte[data.getLength() + 1];
    System.arraycopy(data.getBytes(), 0, reply, 0, data.getLength());
    reply[data.getLength()] = ((char) 2);

    this.ReplyToAll(reply, 0, reply.length);

public void OnClientConnect(TCPClientConnection client)
    // New client connected.
    client.setName(client.getIPAddress()); // Set a name for this client if you want to.
    System.out.println(client.getIPAddress() + " connected.");
    System.out.println("Total clients connected: " + super.getCurrentConnectionsNumber());

public void OnClientDisconnect(TCPClientConnection client)
    // Client disconnected.
    System.out.println(client.getIPAddress() + " disconnected.");
