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Nikos Siatras edited this page Sep 28, 2022 · 4 revisions

The RealTime clock object provides methods for getting systemr's time and Timezone. Kiwi's System and time features uses the RealTimeClock in order to provide Date & Time accurately.

[Function] RealTimeClock.getUTCTimeZone()

Return Type: Integer
Description: Returns the system's offset, in hours, from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC +0)

Example Code:

#include once "kiwi\"

' Print computer's clock timezone
Dim utcOffset as Integer = RealTimeClock.getUTCTimeZone()
print "System's Time Zone: UTC " & iif(utcOffset>0 ,"+" & abs(utcOffset) , "-" & abs(utcOffset))

[Function] RealTimeClock.getUTCTimeZoneTitle()

Return Type: String
Description: Returns the system's Time Zone title

Example Code:

#include once "kiwi\"

' Print computer's Time Zone Time
print RealTimeClock.getUTCTimeZoneTitle()