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643 lines (505 loc) · 17.1 KB

File metadata and controls

643 lines (505 loc) · 17.1 KB

Features overview


  • secret is a tuple of information identified by a key holding a value characterized by an array of bytes.
  • package is a collection of secret kv pair, it is identified by a name usually called the secret path;
  • bundle is a collection of package items, and form an atomic group of information representing a secret value state.
  • container/crate is the file used to securely store the bundle.
  • secret operator is a role assigned to an identity allowed to manage secrets;
  • secret consumeris a role assigned to an identity allowed to read secrets with authorized policy;
  • secret backend is a technical component used to store and organize secrets;

Bundle management

harp is used by secret-operators to manage and produce secret bundles. It implements secret data management pipelines, to make it auditable and reproductible.

Secret management Pipeline


  • Input(s)

    • Read
      • Hashicorp Vault
      • JSON map
      • Secret container dump
    • Generate
      • BundleTemplate for secret bootstrap
  • Ouput(s)

    • Hashicorp Vault


harp allows you to handle secret using deterministic pipelines expressed using a serie of atomic cli operations.


The main objective is to reach as soon as possible the harp native container to be used by the harp core cli. If you need to pull or push secret from / to external secret storage engine, just use the SDK du generate a harp plugin to pull secret and store them as a harp container.


Secret Container

Seal a secret container

Create an identity

Identities are cryptographic keypairs (Curve25519) used for sealing process.

The secret container allows sealing to use multiple identities (public keys) during the process so that these identities matching private keys could be used to unseal the secret container.

Use a passphrase as private key protection

Generate a passphrase first. This passphrase will be used to encrypt the private key of the identity.

harp passphrase > passphrase.txt

Passphrase must be stored and permissionned effeciently in your secret storage.

Create a recovery identity :

harp container identity \
    --passphrase $(cat passphrase.txt) \
    --description "Recovery" \
    --out recovery.json

Sample identity

  "@apiVersion": "",
  "@kind": "ContainerIdentity",
  "@timestamp": "2020-10-27T19:56:47.47957Z",
  "@description": "Recovery",
  "public": "KWgAQdzWeKo8xvClMM_rY_NgNq9wCsQsODxSNtqUJV4",
  "private": {
    "encoding": "jwe",
    "content": "eyJhbGciOiJQQkVTMi1IUzUxMitBMjU2S1ciLCJjdHkiOiJqd2sranNvbiIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00iLCJwMmMiOjUwMDAwMSwicDJzIjoiYmtFNE9GaFljV3MwTTFobGMxcERSQSJ9.gzyUTwV9QjP6bic22QkQlqmwAeGhnubDFEFiruRP2x1xL84K90teSw.n4_O17H720MKw972.CipjKnrp4Mb5Hgdy1xcUcEHh3ioyg0UbGXd_RneFiopTq0qUm1u4aymq9fSabdrRiKlW3LjGy71MpF8kd_0SD1-5Qzg13NId8oTRI1hnfZDKBrN_nZMPYIOnACqSTB7kjywHdZS0rhHDCVQUtYUy5JAkiw-rRge6ShOlidwNshI.xCc_XAaEPjJIGc9Ucb1asg"

Recovery identity can be "publicly" stored.

Use Vault in-transit key to encrypt private key

This will remove the passphrase usage, and transform the permission to unseal a container by adding/removing permission to use the transit backend key.

Create a Vault in-transit backend key first.

$ vault secrets enable transit
Success! Enabled the transit secrets engine at: transit/

Create a transit encryption key identity :

$ vault write -f transit/keys/harp
Success! Data written to: transit/keys/harp

Create a recovery identity :

$ export VAULT_ADDR=...
$ export VAULT_TOKEN=...
$ harp container identity \
    --vault-transit-key harp \
    --description "Recovery" \
    --out recovery.json

Sample identity

  "@apiVersion": "",
  "@kind": "ContainerIdentity",
  "@timestamp": "2020-10-27T19:58:51.398987Z",
  "@description": "Recovery",
  "public": "4hHPpiJMnVhQFlnveRKeCdaPoqHzW74Rro0S1X33QS4",
  "private": {
    "encoding": "kms:vault:q6pcgHWM6wSJWG6OYmHM97DMMeerqTXExYAolfhn4N8",
    "content": "vault:v1:CNMnI9sIRYYD6pRl1TQ3KHHO+JCmfZiAtD+XBnnIxHt4F6CeFYmuUtY6k7+XAMxtAWG5NtLgS0uyPken2ef1ihJ6Pf6DOtlgDUCnDKyVEvGeZcdOdaZHTgc3YIX/wDY9odmtUvjJGaPNMtIADtMPcjkOLgZH3FnF701dJcsKPxr1fqTQd8mCiFFWqWF9kOQYMqf/1yBybcY6XOGI"
Ephemeral Container Key

For immutability principle, the sealing process generates a new Container Key at each execution. It means that all the container consumers must know the new container to be able to unseal it.

In order to seal a secret container, you can use the following commands :

Seal the container using the generated passphrase for recovery :

$ harp container seal \
    --identity $(cat recovery.json | jq -r ".public") \
    --in unsealed.container \
    --out sealed.container
Container Key: .....
Deterministic Container Key

Seal the container using a deterministic container key derived from a master key. This will prevent modification of container consumers after each container seals.

Generate a master key :

Keep this key as an high sensitive secret.

harp keygen master-key > master.key

Seal the secret container using deterministic container key derivation (DCKD) :

$ harp container seal \
    --identity $(cat recovery.json | jq -r ".public") \
    --dckd-master-key $(cat master.key) \
    --dckd-target "customer-1:release-XXX:2020-10-31" \
    --in unsealed.container \
    --out sealed.container
Container key : ....
  • The dckd-master-key flag defines the root key used for derivation.
  • The dckd-target flag defines an arbitry string acting as a salt for Key Derivation Function.

Recover a container key from indentity

When the container key is lost, you can use attached one of identity private keys to unseal the container.

For passphrase recovery :

$ harp container recover --identity recovery.json --passphrase $(cat passphrase.txt)
Container key : mPjzX1A5PcGtZ0nacxkhjl0pZE8XYw84KYF5NO6jhVA

Fo Vault recovery :

harp container recover --vault-transit-key harp --identity recovery.json
Container key : VyEJ6lMy7CPOjJnPYMjH-M7uWUym5utYo4JDVNPPMc8

Unseal a secret container

In order to modify a bundle, this bundle need to be unsealed.

$ harp container seal --in sealed.bundle --out secret.bundle
Enter container key:

Secret Bundle

Create a bundle from template

You have to create a BundleTemplate that will contains all secret generation specification. This specification is embedded in the bundle so that it will be used for secret rotation based on the specification.

Given this YAML specificcation :


kind: BundleTemplate
  name: "Ecebootstrap"
  description: "ECE Secret Bootstrap"
    product: "ece"
    version: "v1.0.0"
    - provider: "aws"
      description: "ESSP AWS Account"
      - name: "us-east-1"
        - type: "rds"
          name: "adminconsole"
          description: "PostgreSQL Database used for AdminConsole storage backend"
          - suffix: "accounts/root_credentials"
            description: "Root Admin Account"
            template: |
                "user": "{{.Provider}}-{{.Account}}-{{.Region}}-dbroot-{{ randAlphaNum 8 }}",
                "password": "{{ paranoidPassword | b64enc }}"

        - type: "mail"
          name: "mailgun"
          description: "Mailgun encryption keys"
          - suffix: "security/signature_keys"
            description: "Signature keys"
            template: |
                    "privateKey": "{{ $sigKey := cryptoPair "rsa" }}{{ $sigKey.Private | jwk | b64enc }}",
                    "publicKey": "{{ $sigKey.Public | jwk | b64enc }}"
          - suffix: "security/encryption_keys"
            description: "Encryption keys"
            template: |
                    "encryptionKey": "{{ cryptoKey "aes:256" }}"

harp from template --in spec.yaml --out infra.bundle

Create a bundle from a JSON map

You can create a Bundle using a json map.

The JSON input must match the following format.

    "path-1": {
        "key1": "value1"
    "path-2": {
        "key1": "value1"

You can generate a Bundle using the following command :

cat << EOF | harp from jsonmap --out json.bundle
  "platform/production/customer-1/us-east-1/billing/recurly/vendor_api_key": {
    "API_KEY": "recurly-foo-api-123456789"
  "platform/production/customer-1/us-east-1/postgresql/admiconsole/admin_credentials": {
    "username": "dbadmin-uKj9BJGO"
  "platform/production/customer-1/us-east-1/zookeeper/accounts/admin_credentials": {
    "password": "Sm55Vnthb3QxMXpESTVtKHVvOEE5aEVVczhEb2gqWnhTP2VuQzc1bFZ7eVlGL1A2YHJPfX5pMUZoS2lsLnJzQg==",
    "username": "zkadmin-DDrEQA8i"

Read a secret value

Read a secret value at a given path, and optionally extract only the given field.

harp bundle read --in unsealed.bundle \
    --path <path> \
    --field <field>

With dump and jq

harp bundle dump --in unsealed.bundle --content-only | jq -r '.["<path>"].<field>' | jq
harp bundle dump --in unsealed.bundle --content-only | jq -r '.["infra/aws/security/global/ec2/default/ssh/ed25519_keys"].privateKey'

Is equivalent to

harp bundle read --in unsealed.bundle \
    --path "infra/aws/security/global/ec2/default/ssh/ed25519_keys" \
    --field privateKey

Calculate a bundle difference

This is used to generate a diff report from 2 bundles.

$ harp bundle diff --src input.bundle --dest other.bundle
    "infra/aws/customer-1/us-east-1/rds/adminconsole/accounts/root_credentials": bundle.KV{
-       "password": string("YnFkXldoR3E9Z2lJVy5Hc0FeMDhHIUs5eDpHR0E0VTVuaG9JZkRLUW1hN08rNFoyQltKRnwwTDlXQV1lRXRiUA=="),
+       "password": string("e09+Sjg5UUhWWWFTWC4zWElWaXljQXtlV1ZtNG1PQC9ZZDJWelt5fGFLInNPWXZGMFU1TW45NUhPazQ+TkZYcg=="),
        "user":     string("dbroot-w9NinCPl"),

Patch a bundle

It uses a specification to apply tranformations to the given bundle.

Apply transformation according to a strict path matching selector


kind: BundlePatch
  name: "postgresql-rotator"
  description: "Rotate postgresql password"
  # Target a precise secret
  - selector:
        # Strict match
        strict: "platform/{{.Values.quality}}/{{.Values.account}}/{{.Values.region}}/postgresql/{{.Values.component}}/admin_credentials"

    # Apply this operation on selector matches
      # Access data
        # Target an explicit keys only
          remove: [ "port" ]
            "listener": "5432"
            "username": "dbuser-{{.Values.component}}-{{ randAlphaNum 8 }}"
            "password": "{{ paranoidPassword | b64enc }}"

Apply transformation according to a regex path matching selector


kind: BundlePatch
  name: "fernet-key-rotator"
  description: "Rotate or create all fernet key of given bundle"
  # Object selector
  - selector:
      # Package path match this regexp
        # Regex match
        regex: ".*"

    # Apply this operation
      # On package annotation
        # Update annotation value with new secret
            {{ cryptoKey "fernet" }}

      # On package data
        # Update annotations
          # Update annotation value with new secret
              {{ cryptoKey "fernet" }}

harp from vault \
    --path platform/production/customer-1/us-east-1/postgresql/admiconsole/admin_credentials \
    | harp bundle patch --spec postgresql-rotator.yaml \
        --set quality=production \
        --set account=customer-1 \
        --set region=us-east-1 \
        --set component=adminconsole | harp to vault

This will pull the given value from vault as a bundle, rotate the targeted secret according to values and secret path built with them, and then publish the bundle back to vault.

Dump a secret bundle

If you need to inspect internal representation of the bundle, you could use dump action. This will read the bundle and produce a JSON as output.

This output is compatible with from dump command

$ harp bundle dump --in input.bundle | jq
    "annotations": {...},
    "labels": {...},
    "version": 1,
    "packages": [
            "annotations": {...},
            "labels": {...},
            "name": "secrets/database/postgres.yml",
            "secrets": {
                "annotations": {...},
                "labels": {...},
                "data": [
                        "key": "URL",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "<base64>"
                "versions": {...}
    "template": {...}

If you want to export the bundle content, for additionnal operations (jq, diff, etc.) you can add the --content-only flag, it will export the build as a JSON map.

This output is not compatible with load command

$ harp bundle dump --content-only | jq
  "platform/production/customer-1/us-east-1/billing/recurly/vendor_api_key": {
    "API_KEY": "recurly-foo-api-123456789"
  "platform/production/customer-1/us-east-1/postgresql/admiconsole/admin_credentials": {
    "username": "dbadmin-uKj9BJGO"
  "platform/production/customer-1/us-east-1/zookeeper/accounts/admin_credentials": {
    "password": "Sm55Vnthb3QxMXpESTVtKHVvOEE5aEVVczhEb2gqWnhTP2VuQzc1bFZ7eVlGL1A2YHJPfX5pMUZoS2lsLnJzQg==",
    "username": "zkadmin-DDrEQA8i"

If you want to export the bundle secret paths.

$ harp bundle dump --path-only

Import a JSON bundle

Sometimes, you need to process secret bundle before using it for example :

  • Secret rotation
  • Bundle modifications
  • Namespace or Package remapping

For that, you need to dump the secret bundle, process the JSON using your tool or language, and then reimport the bundle to generate the binary one.

harp bundle dump --in input.bundle | ./ | harp from dump --out remapped.bundle

Encrypt secret values

In order to protect you unsealed bundle for confidentiality requirements, you can encrypt secret values.

Supported encryption:

  • aes256-gcm96
  • secretbox
  • fernet

For this purpose, you have to generate a key using keygen subcommands.

$ harp keygen secretbox

Then apply tranformation to secret bundle

harp bundle encrypt --in unsealed.bundle --out encrypted.bundle \
    --key secretbox:Vm1xW_Tp6coVww2SRCWBIR3fh77-oZefXsJiuG02LNw=

You can still read all keys of the bundle, but secret values attached are now locked.

$ harp bundle dump --in encrypted.bundle | jq
    "packages": [
            "name": "secrets/database/postgres.yml",
            "locked": "<base64>"
    "template": {...}

Decrypt secret values

harp bundle decrypt --in encrypted.bundle --out decrypted.bundle \
    --key secretbox:Vm1xW_Tp6coVww2SRCWBIR3fh77-oZefXsJiuG02LNw=

Vault specific commands

Export a complete secret backend from Vault

Only secrets visible to you will be exported. Also this a CPU/Network intensive operation, be aware of it.

This will be used to export all secrets from a Vault secret engine K/V backend in a unsealed bundle.

harp from vault \
    --path infra \
    --path platform \
    --path product \
    --path app \
    --path artifact \
    --out vault-backup.bundle

Or you can pass path via stdin or file with --pass-from flag:

harp bundle dump --path-only --in vault.bundle \
    | harp from vault \
        --out imported.bundle \
        --paths-from -
Import a bundle in a target secret backend in Vault

This will be used to import an unsealed bundle into a given Vault K/V backend path.

harp to vault \
    --in infra.bundle \
    --prefix legacy