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sifjson2xml - a web service for converting SIF JSON to SIF XML

sifjson2xml is a web service utility that converts SIF JSON to SIF XML. It has a sister tool sif-xml2json that converts SIF XML to SIF JSON.

Installation prerequisites

64-bit platforms are supported.

Download binary packages

You can download the binary packages from here - pull down the Assets list to see current releases.

Build (optional)

If you prefer, you can build the binary yourself.

What is in each release package ?

  • sifjson2xml(.exe) - the converter web service
  • config.toml - configuration file for the converter web service
  • student_personals.json - a sample SIF JSON file for testing
  • screenshots - the screenshots folder contains images to assist with running and testing sifjson2xml
  • - these instructions and other information. Note that you can follow the same installation instructions from either the downloaded readme or the github repository readme (which is rendered to include images inline)


Extract the downloaded zipfile to your chosen working directory, and run the server from there as described below.

Start server

Note: A default starting configuration for the server is provided in config.toml. You can edit this if necessary.

  1. In your terminal (Linux/Mac) or Powershell (Windows), navigate to your chosen working directory.
  2. Run sifjson2xml(.exe):


On startup, you should see output messages printed such as service name, server IP:Port and service version. IP, port, service name and version are important for client access:

Start service

Play with Insomnia

To give you a quick idea of how sifjson2xml works, here's how to convert the sample file provided with the installation.

For this test we'll use Insomnia, a REST-based API testing system, to call the converter web service sifjson2xml:

  1. If it is not already installed on your machine, download Insomnia Core.

  2. Start Insomnia

  3. Click "New Request" (If you have previously used Insomnia, add a new request from the pulldown on the left hand panel)

  4. From the method dropdown on the right, Select POST.

  5. Add the request localhost:1325, select JSON from the body type pulldown, then click Create.

  6. In the POST field above the centre Request body pane, type localhost:1325/sif-json2xml/convert?wrap

  7. Copy the body of the sample file student_personals.json into the centre Request Body panel.

  8. Click the Send button. The converted XML result should be displayed in the right hand Response panel.

2 Insomnia test image

Play with Curl

Curl is a client URL tool that can also be used to call the converter service sifjson2xml.

  1. If it is not already running, start the server (instructions above).

  2. Make sure curl is available on your machine. (Note: the Windows Powershell version of curl may not work this service) On Windows, if you don't have curl, you can copy it from your Windows system folder (C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe) to your working directory.

  3. In your terminal (Linux/Mac) or Powershell (Windows), navigate to your chosen working directory

  4. On Windows: Run ./curl.exe -X POST 'localhost:1325/sif-json2xml/convert?wrap&sv=3.4.8' --data-binary '@student_personals.json' > student_personals.xml
    On other platforms: Run curl -X POST 'localhost:1325/sif-json2xml/convert?wrap&sv=3.4.8' --data-binary '@student_personals.json' > student_personals.xml.

3 curl test image


  • If sifjson2xml is being run remotely, set the URL localhost to the machine's IP address.
  • You can modify port, service name and service version in config.toml.
  • The SIF version parameter (URL param sv)can be set to the supported SIF data model versions '3.4.2', '3.4.3' ... '3.4.8'.
  • Wrapper parameter (URL param wrap): if there is a (non-SIF-object) single wrapper root in the XML file you wish to covert, add the wrap parameter.

More information

Here is the current SIF data standard

Build Prerequisite

  1. Except 'config.toml' content, Do NOT change any project structure & file name & content.

  2. Make sure current working directory of your command line environment is identical to the directory of this file. i.e. under "/sif-json2xml/"

Native Build

  1. It is NOT supported to make building on Windows OS. If you are using Windows OS, please choose 'Docker Build'.

  2. Make sure golang dev package & git are available on your machine.

  3. Run ./ to build service which embedded with SIF Spec. i.e. 3.4.2, 3.4.3 ... 3.4.8.

  4. Run ./ [linux64|win64|mac] 'dest-path' to extract minimal executable package on different. e.g. ./ win64 ~/Desktop/sif-json2xml/ extracts windows version bin package into "~/Desktop/sif-json2xml/".

  5. Jump into "~/Desktop/sif-json2xml/", modify 'config.toml' if needed. Could set Service & Version to your own proper value.

  6. Run server. Default port is 1325, can be set at config.toml.

Docker Build

  1. Make sure Docker is available and running on your machine.

  2. Run docker build --rm -t nsip/sif-json2xml:latest . to make docker image.

  3. In order to do configuration before running docker image. Copy '/sif-json2xml/config/config.toml' to current directory, modify if needed, and name it like config_d.toml. Could set Service & Version to your own proper value.

  4. Run docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/config_d.toml,target=/config.toml -p nsip/sif-json2xml. Default port is 1325, can be set at config.toml. If not 1325, change above command's '1325' to your own number.


  1. Make sure curl is available on your machine.

  2. Run curl IP:Port to get the list of all available API path of sif-json2xml. IP : your sif-json2xml server running machine ip. Port: set in 'config.toml' file, default is 1325, can be changed in 'config.toml'.

  3. Run curl -X POST IP:Port/Service/Version/convert?sv=3.4.8 -d @path/to/your/sif.json to convert a SIF.json to SIF.xml

    IP : your sif-json2xml server running machine ip. Port: Get from server's 'config.toml'-[WebService]-[Port], default is 1325. Service: service name. Get from server's 'config.toml'-[Service]. Version: service version. Get from server's 'config.toml'-[Version]. sv: SIF Spec Version, available 3.4.2 to 3.4.8. wrap: if there is a single wrapper (non-sif-object root) on upload sif.json, append param wrap.