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Prepare a Typing Test using HTML, CSS, Javascript

Nilesh Soni edited this page Mar 27, 2017 · 4 revisions

The problem will be attempted and created only using HTML, CSS and Javascript and one of the Javascript framework(i.e. mandatory).

  • You must use atleast one of the following frameworks : AngularJS, KnockoutJS, ReactJS

  • Also, you are allowed to use: - Standard Open Source Frontend frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation

  • The final webapp has to be packaged into a folder and uploaded for us to review.

  • The package should function as a standalone webapp

    Rules of the Typing Test:

      1. The typing test judges the speed and accuracy of participants in a period of 2 min.
      2. Participant is given a paragraph on the top half of the screen to retype. The bottom half is the space for them to type.
      3. As they start typing on the bottom half of the screen, the reference paragraph on the top of the screen shows gradual progress through coloring of the text.
      4. Any word, letter or grammatical error is shown in erroneous color on the ref.para above.
      5. The participant is still allowed to make changes / amendments in his typed para as long as he has time(within 2 min)
      6. At the end of 2 minute the test will end and show a floating modal indicating the number of words typed correctly.
      7. You are allowed to add your rules with appropriate explanation.