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nspiredev500 edited this page Dec 11, 2019 · 7 revisions

I started work on implementing modules in separate files, so modules can be compiled alone and just be used by putting it in a "modules" folder int your documents folder. If you use a modular version, you can just do that.

Old configuration:
A prerequisite for this is a working ndless-sdk. If you can't get one to compile or don't know how you can create an Issue and I can append mine (Linux/Windows subsystem for Linux).
If you have a windows machine you need to setup Windows subsystem for Linux (you can ask me via an issue or just google it)

To download the project you can use git or an archive from the releases. The master branch should always be stable.
The development branch is used for testing and might contain new (and untested) features. If you use the development branch and see a bug, please say that you used the development branch to save me a headache.

I tried making configuring the project as easy as possible. Just open the config.h file with a text editor.
You will see lines like "#define MODULE_CLOCK". If there is "//" before the line it's commented and the module won't be included.
Currently there are not many possible conbinations, but in the future I won't be able to test every combination, so there may be compilation errors. These will be bugs and can be reported as issues.

Some modules (currently settings if you use security) will be selected even if you commented them, because they are a dependency of another module. Don't try to remove the dependencies at the bottom of the file, it would only cause compilation errors.

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