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Fixed Newsletter component showing up on different screens. #19

Fixed Newsletter component showing up on different screens.

Fixed Newsletter component showing up on different screens. #19

name: Require Assignees Reviews
- assigned
- unassigned
# Should cancel outdated workflows on clearing or assigning several people at once, and only let last instance of this workflow run
group: required-reviewers-${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
LIST: ${{ toJSON(github.event.pull_request.assignees.*.login) }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Update requested reviewers
# get the repo / files to work on
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
ssh-key: ${{ secrets.OTTO_ACTIONS_SSH_KEY }}
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
- name: Set git user information
run: |
git config --global ""
git config --global "otto-bot-git"
- name: Cleanup old review files
run: |
echo Removing old file
rm ./.github/code-review/require-person/**/PR-${{ github.event.number }} -f
echo Removed old files successfully
# the below bash script uses jq to iterate on comma separated array [ 'string1', 'string2' ] (not same as a bash array)
# it has two main parts
# first: looping over assignees creating code ownership files for each
# second: takes effect only if the run removed all assignees and the list was empty, in this case it commits the deletion of files
- name: Create corresponding review files
run: |
jq -rc '.[]' <<< "$LIST" | while read i; do
echo "Creating file for $i to review PR-${{ github.event.number }}"
mkdir -p "./.github/code-review/require-person/$i/" && touch "./.github/code-review/require-person/$i/PR-${{ github.event.number }}"
echo "Successfully created file for $i to review PR-${{ github.event.number }}"
git add -A
echo "Successfully staged any changes"
git commit -m "Requiring review from '$i' ci bypass" || true
echo "Commit step done"
git push
echo "Successfully pushed to remote"
sleep 9
echo "Successfully woke up"
echo Success
git add -A
echo "Successfully staged"
git commit -m "Removed required reviewers ci bypass" || true
echo "Successfully made commit"
git push
echo "Successfully pushed to remote"