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Ape edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 1 revision

Alpha TODOs

Other notable todo items unrelated to the aforementioned launch

  • Make it possible to see who has edit access to a vector
  • Better Color Picker widget?
  • Peerless mode/peer configuration
  • Encrypted documents
  • Device based anonymous "logins" for quickly starting to draw. Associating it with a login after the fact.
  • Golf
  • Tests
  • Get production builds functional, specifically to enable minification & caching/cache-busting on live copies.
  • Implement basic offline website features ("Progressive Web App").
    • Possibly a full PhoneGap/Cordova (or react native rewrite) for mobile/desktop
  • Non-chromium browser support
  • Implement toggle-able dev/prod feature flags to more easily show useful debugging panels.
  • Create random name/title generator to help users not have "untitled" new vectors.