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Encodes data into printable Unicode characters.

What is UniBinary

UniBinary is an encoding algorithm which packs arbitrary data into printable Unicode characters.

It can be used to send data through media such as Twitter which don't allow binary data but allow Unicode characters.

UniBinary is akin to Base64 but uses much fewer characters.

UniBinary comes with three parts:

  • this documentation,
  • a Python implementation,
  • a C implementation.

Python Implementation

Encode a binary file into a UTF-8 text file:

$ python -e /bin/date > /tmp/date.txt
$ file /tmp/date.txt 
/tmp/date.txt: UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines, with no line terminators

Decode a UTF-8 text file into a binary file:

$ python -d /tmp/date.txt > /tmp/date
$ file /tmp/date
/tmp/date: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64

It works!

$ chmod +x /tmp/date
$ /tmp/date
Thu Jan 17 18:02:24 CET 2013

Inline string encoding:

$ python -es "test"

Inline string decoding:

$ python -ds "嫯壭巠唀帀廀帀庀帀庀帀嚀一币帀币帀常帀済靬餯瘷駲餤悀巿巿Ѐ丅戀Ѐ丅榀帀乿巿巰叿巿崀帀丏巿巿崅帀渐帀币帀帐帀丏崀巿嵪焨最帀袁夀劃峀勍嘈凄爪与夑巰一帀ӿ丅丏巿蠀帀夀侃峀勍嘏巿巿巿帀巿崀丏巿" > micro_macho
$ chmod +x micro_macho
$ ./micro_macho
Hello world

C Implementation

Compile it with make:

$ make
$ make tests

Run the unit tests:

$ ./tests

Run the main executable:

$ ./unibinary
Usage: unibinary [-ed] [-sf] [-b num] [-h]

UniBinary encodes and decodes data into printable Unicode characters.

  -e, --encode
  -d, --decode
  -s, --string    to be encoded or decoded
  -f, --filepath  to be encoded or decoded
  -b, --break     break encoded string into num characters lines
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

Encode a file, break output in lines of 16 characters:

$ unibinary -b 16 -ef micro_macho 

Encode stdin and decode the output:

$ echo "test" | unibinary -e | unibinary -d

API (unibinary.h)

// encode
int unibinary_encode(FILE *fd_in, FILE *fd_out, size_t wrap_length);
int unibinary_encode_string(const char* src, wchar_t **dst, size_t wrap_length);

// decode
int unibinary_decode(FILE *src, FILE *dst);
int unibinary_decode_string(const wchar_t *src, char **dst, long *dst_len);

Encoding and decoding are efficient and time (worst case) is linear with input size.

In the following example, 10 times the data take 10 times more time to encode or decode.

# generate 50 MB of random data
$ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1k count=1024*50 > /tmp/50
$ shasum /tmp/50
ca8554834cb036a6f7caf449f771573f82ef8b26  /tmp/50
$ time unibinary -ef /tmp/50 > /tmp/50.txt
user	0m8.062s
$ time unibinary -df /tmp/50.txt > /tmp/50_decoded
user	0m6.712s
$ shasum /tmp/50_decoded 
ca8554834cb036a6f7caf449f771573f82ef8b26  /tmp/50_decoded

# generate 500 MB of random data
$ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1k count=1024*500 > /tmp/500
$ shasum /tmp/500
a69bacfbe3999a817cab9608d14f463fce9b2cd7  /tmp/500
$ user	1m20.879s
$ time unibinary -df /tmp/500.txt > /tmp/500_decoded
user	1m7.764s
$ shasum /tmp/500_decoded
a69bacfbe3999a817cab9608d14f463fce9b2cd7  /tmp/500_decoded

Encoded Text Size

UniBinary can store 3 arbitrary bytes or 4 ASCII 7-bits characters into 2 Unicode characters.

You can compare UniBinary with Base64, which stores 3 bytes into 4 ASCII characters:

        | UniBinary (Unicode) | Base64 (ASCII)
 6 bits |                     | 1 character
12 bits | 1 character         | 
2 ASCII | 1 character         | 
3 bytes | 2 characters        | 4 characters
6 ASCII | 3 characters        | 8 characters

The worst case of encoding N bytes is (N * 2 / 3 + 2) Unicode characters.

C Unicode characters can store at least (C - C % 3) * 3 / 2 + (C % 3) bytes.

Hence, UniBinary can pack at least 209 bytes in 140 characters.

In case of a text only made out of N ASCII 7-bits characters, the worst case is N / 2 + 1 Unicode characters.

Also, any repeated sequence of character will be compressed with a run-length encoding.

Format Description

1. Storing Data into Unicode Code Points

UniBinary packs data into three ranges of Unicode characters, named U8, U12a and U12b.

A character in U8 stores a 8-bits value, a character in U12a or U12b stores a 12-bits value.

U8   = [ \u0400, ..., \u0400 + 0x100 [

U12b = [ \u4E00, ..., \u4E00 + 0x1000 [

U12a_0_0 = [ \u5E00, ..., \u5E00 + 0x1000 [
U12a_0_1 = [ \u6E00, ..., \u6E00 + 0x1000 [
U12a_1_0 = [ \u7E00, ..., \u7E00 + 0x1000 [
U12a_1_1 = [ \u8E00, ..., \u8E00 + 0x1000 [

U8 is actually the "Cyrillic" block, while U12a and U12b are subsets of the "CJK Unified Ideographs" block.

U8 and U12b store arbitrary 8 and 12 bits sequences, while the U12a blocks are used to store ASCII 7-bits characters.

The offset in the range represent the bits to be encoded.

0xAB  (8 bits)  gets encoded as \u0400 + 0xAB  = \u04AB = ҫ
0xABC (12 bits) gets encoded as \u4E00 + 0xABC = \u58BC = 뱘

2. Mapping Arbitrary Bytes into Unicode

UniBinary reads three bytes to yield two Unicode characters in the U12b range .

Here is how UniBinary encode the 24 bits value 0xABCDEF into two Unicode characters, and how Base64 does it by comparision:

        UniBinary                |                 Base64
A   B   |C   D   |E   F          |        A   B   |C   D   |E   F   
10101011 11001101 11101111       |        10101011 11001101 11101111
[-----------][-----------]       |        [----][-----][-----][----]
     ABC          DEF            |        101010 111100 110111 101111
\u4E00+0xABC \u4E00+0xDEF        |          42     60     55     47
      墼           寯             |          q      8      3      v

If less than three bytes are available, UniBinary reads bytes one by one to yield Unicode characters in U8.

A   B   

3. Mapping ASCII 7-bits into one Unicode character

When UniBinary meets 2 ASCII 7-bits characters a1 and a2, it encodes them into one single Unicode character. This character is chosen out of four possible ranges, depending on the value of the ASCII characters:

U12a_0_0    [ \u5E00, ..., \u5E00 + 0x1000 [     for a1 <  64 and a2 <  64
U12a_0_1    [ \u6E00, ..., \u6E00 + 0x1000 [     for a1 <  64 and a2 >= 64
U12a_1_0    [ \u7E00, ..., \u7E00 + 0x1000 [     for a1 >= 64 and a2 <  64
U12a_1_1    [ \u8E00, ..., \u8E00 + 0x1000 [     for a1 >= 64 and a2 >= 64

So, we can pack 2 * 6 bits in a U12a Unicode character. We use four different ranges to replace the 7th (MSB) missing bit. We use U12a_1_0 and U12a_1_1 to add 64 to a1, and U12a_0_1 and U12a_1_1 to add 64 to a2. As a result, we can store any tuple of 2 ASCII 7-bits characters in a single Unicode character.

4. Run Length Encoding

UniBinary also takes advantage of repetitions to spare bytes. A byte B repeated more that 3 times gets encoded as (u8, u12) where u8 stores B and u12 stores the number of times that B is repeated in the U12b range.

5. Format Summary

- u8   u12b ->  byte B (u8) repeated N times (u12) | N in [3, 0xFFF]
- u12a      ->  12 bits (2 ASCII characters)
- u12b u12b ->  24 bits (3 bytes)
- u8        ->  8 bits (1 byte)

UniBinary encoded data can be described with the following regular expression:

( u12a | (u12 u12) | (u8 u12) )* u8 {0,2}

Note that new lines (\n) can appear anywhere in the encoded text. The decoding algorithm does simply ignore them.

6. Examples

0x12 0x34           -> encode 0x12 into U8, encode 0x34 into U8
0xAB 0xCD 0xEF      -> encode 0xABC into U12b, encode 0xDEF into U12b
0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF -> encode 0xFF into U8, encode 0x4 into U12b

AB CD EF FF FF FF FF 00 -> U12(0xABC), U12(0xDEF), U8(4), U12(0xFF), U8(00) -> "墼寯巿巿Ѐ"

13808 bytes /usr/bin/true -> 3253 Unicode characters, 9721 bytes UTF-8 file

Encoding Algorithm

First look for repetitions (no more than 0xFFF at a time). If no repeat, then try to consume two ASCII chars. If it's not possible, look for three bytes. If less than three bytes are available, encode one byte at a time.

1. byte B repeated N times | N >= 3   ->    U8(B), U12(N)
2. ASCII characters A1, A2            ->    U12a(A1, A2)
3. bytes B1, B2, B3                   ->    U12b(B1 << 4 + B2 >> 4), U12b(((B2 & 0xF) << 8) + B3)
4. byte B                             ->    U8(B)

Decoding Algorithm

For each unicode character, use the range to know how to unmarshall data. Extract two ASCII characters out of U12a, or N times B out of (U8, U12b), or three bytes out of (U12b, U12b), or one bytes out of U8.

See to the source code for implementation details.


Encodes data into printable Unicode characters.







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