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  • Microsoft Windows operating system

        (tested on Windows 10 Version 1909 OS build 18363.720 and Windows Server 2016 Version 1607 OS build 14393.3564)

  • Windows PowerShell, minimum version 3.0

        (tested PowerShell versions 3.0, 5.1.14393.3471, and 5.1.18362.628. I have not tested PowerShell Core.)

  • A Twitter account (username and password)

  • A Twitter page that you would like to srape the media off of


  • Launch PowerShell and run the code below:
mkdir C:\TEMP\BIN -ea 0
git clone 
cd PSTwitter-Media-Scraper 
. .\PSTwitter-Media-Scraper.ps1
  • You can also launch PowerShell and run:
iex (irm "")

Either one will make the function Scrape-TWPage available in your current PowerShell session.

Environment Variables

The first time you run Scrape-TWPage you will be asked to set two environment variables:

  1. TWDOWNLOAD : Points to a root folder to store all of your download images and videos.


  1. EXWEBREQ : Points to a root folder to store any .NET assemblies necessary to use Execute-WebRequest.



  1. Scrape-TWPage takes one argument called -TARGET_URI. This is the Uri that takes you to the Twitter page that you would like to scrape the media off of.

    Scrape-TWPage [[-TARGET_URI] <string>] [<CommonParameters>]

  2. A Windows credential dialog appears, asking you to enter the username and password that you use to login to Twitter.

    Your username, password, bearer tokens, and csrf tokens are protected with the System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData .NET Framework class which provides access to Microsoft's Data Protection API.

At this point, you are finished entering the information necessary to proceed. The script's output will keep you updated on it's progress.

The steps above are illustrated in the video below. ScreenShot

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