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Changed logic of multiaggregate persistence read. #239

Changed logic of multiaggregate persistence read.

Changed logic of multiaggregate persistence read. #239

Triggered via push January 4, 2024 16:33
Status Success
Total duration 1m 35s


on: push
Matrix: build
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11 warnings
Build for .NET 6.0.201
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/setup-dotnet@v1. For more info:
Build for .NET 6.0.201: src/NStore.Core.Tests/Persistence/LambdaSubscriptionTests.cs#L29
Test methods should not call ConfigureAwait(false), as it may bypass parallelization limits. Omit ConfigureAwait, or use ConfigureAwait(true) to avoid CA2007.
Build for .NET 6.0.201: src/NStore.Core.Tests/Streams/StreamTests.cs#L22
Test methods should not call ConfigureAwait(false), as it may bypass parallelization limits. Omit ConfigureAwait, or use ConfigureAwait(true) to avoid CA2007.
Build for .NET 6.0.201: src/NStore.Core.Tests/Processing/StreamProcessingTests.cs#L100
Test methods should not call ConfigureAwait(false), as it may bypass parallelization limits. Omit ConfigureAwait, or use ConfigureAwait(true) to avoid CA2007.
Build for .NET 6.0.201: src/NStore.Core.Tests/Processing/StreamProcessingTests.cs#L101
Test methods should not call ConfigureAwait(false), as it may bypass parallelization limits. Omit ConfigureAwait, or use ConfigureAwait(true) to avoid CA2007.
Build for .NET 6.0.201: src/NStore.Core.Tests/Processing/StreamProcessingTests.cs#L92
Test methods should not call ConfigureAwait(false), as it may bypass parallelization limits. Omit ConfigureAwait, or use ConfigureAwait(true) to avoid CA2007.
Build for .NET 6.0.201: src/NStore.Core.Tests/Processing/StreamProcessingTests.cs#L93
Test methods should not call ConfigureAwait(false), as it may bypass parallelization limits. Omit ConfigureAwait, or use ConfigureAwait(true) to avoid CA2007.
Build for .NET 6.0.201: src/NStore.Core.Tests/Persistence/LambdaSubscriptionTests.cs#L52
Test methods should not call ConfigureAwait(false), as it may bypass parallelization limits. Omit ConfigureAwait, or use ConfigureAwait(true) to avoid CA2007.
Build for .NET 6.0.201: src/NStore.Core.Tests/Persistence/LambdaSubscriptionTests.cs#L72
Test methods should not call ConfigureAwait(false), as it may bypass parallelization limits. Omit ConfigureAwait, or use ConfigureAwait(true) to avoid CA2007.
Build for .NET 6.0.201: src/NStore.Core.Tests/Persistence/LambdaSubscriptionTests.cs#L89
Test methods should not call ConfigureAwait(false), as it may bypass parallelization limits. Omit ConfigureAwait, or use ConfigureAwait(true) to avoid CA2007.
Build for .NET 6.0.201: src/NStore.Core.Tests/Processing/StreamProcessingTests.cs#L108
Test methods should not call ConfigureAwait(false), as it may bypass parallelization limits. Omit ConfigureAwait, or use ConfigureAwait(true) to avoid CA2007.