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Nathan Walker edited this page Feb 24, 2019 · 4 revisions

ng update

NOTE: This has been fixed in angular cli 7.3.x and above. The following is only relevant for angular cli 7.2.x and below.

To use ng update with angular cli 7.2.x and below, temporarily remove any file: referenced dependencies in your root package.json due to this angular cli issue.

For example, open the root package.json and remove:

  • "@workspace/scss": "file:libs/scss",
  • "@workspace/web": "file:xplat/web",

You may have other 'file:' referenced dependencies and you'll need to also remove those. Just move them off to the side in a note that you can add back in a moment.

Next ensure you're using the latest Nx.

ng update @nrwl/schematics

Now update to latest xplat:

ng update @nstudio/schematics

This will run through any migrations to auto update your workspaces.

You can now add back the 'file:' referenced dependencies into your root package.json and just run npm install and you'll be all set.