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An Example Payment Backend Application with MicroServices Architecture

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An Example Payment Backend Application with MicroServices Architecture


Used Technologies & Architectures & Principles & Disciplines:

  • MicroServices Architecture
  • SpringBoot(starter version 2.2.4.RELEASE)
  • MongoDB(4.2.3) (MongoDB is used. PayDay scenarios don't need transaction in DB. MongoDB will increase perf significantly)
  • Reactive Programing
  • RESTful
  • Using correct Http methods(GET, POST, DELETE)
  • Returning proper HttpStatus codes(200,201,404,400,500)
  • Generic Exception handling(CustomerNotFoundException, UserNotFoundException)
  • Validation with javax.validation api(example in Account and Customer documents)
  • DTO (example on Transaction at Account module)
  • HATEOAS(in HttpStatus.created, example -->/account/accounts/2/openDebitAccount)
  • Spring Cloud Feign Client(example usage in AccountResource.openDebitAccount and CustomerServiceProxy)
  • Spring Cloud Ribbon Load Balancer(example usage in AccountResource.openDebitAccount and CustomerServiceProxy)
  • Spring Cloud Config Server(in Docker you will use prod env values)
  • Netflix Eureka Naming Server
  • Netflix Zuul API Gateway
  • Logging filter on Netflix Zuul API Gateway
  • Docker configurations with DockerFile

Not Achived and future improvement steps:

  • Adding Swagger2 (Already tried but there is incompatiblity problem on swagger 2.9.2 version with spring-boot-starter 2.2.4.RELEASE)
  • Spring security should be added (no time left to complete)
  • Email confirmation scanerio


spring-cloud-config-server 8888
netflix-eureka-naming-server 8761
netflix-zuul-api-gateway-server 8765
customer 8090
account 8080

Docker Deployment Instructions & Steps

  • Enter your local git repo file path for payX clone on cmd
  • Run "docker pull mongo:4.2.3 && docker run --name mongodb mongo:4.2.3" on cmd
  • Run "cd spring-cloud-config-server" on cmd
  • Run "mvnw package && docker build -f Dockerfile -t spring-cloud-config-server ." on cmd
  • Run "docker run --name spring-cloud-config-server -p 8888:8888 spring-cloud-config-server" on cmd
  • Run "cd ../netflix-eureka-naming-server" on cmd
  • Run "mvnw package && docker build -f Dockerfile -t netflix-eureka-naming-server ." on cmd
  • Run "docker run --name netflix-eureka-naming-server -p 8761:8761 netflix-eureka-naming-server" on cmd
  • Run "cd ../netflix-zuul-api-gateway-server" on cmd
  • Run "mvnw package && docker build -f Dockerfile -t netflix-zuul-api-gateway-server ." on cmd
  • Run "docker run --name netflix-zuul-api-gateway-server -p 8765:8765 netflix-zuul-api-gateway-server" on cmd
  • Run "cd ../customer" on cmd
  • Run "mvnw package && docker build -f Dockerfile -t customer ." on cmd
  • Run "docker run --name customer_1 -p 8090:8090 customer" on cmd
  • Run "docker run --name customer_2 -p 8091:8091 customer" on cmd
  • Run "cd ../Account" on cmd
  • Run "mvnw package && docker build -f Dockerfile -t account ." on cmd
  • Run "docker run --name account -p 8080:8080 account" on cmd

API Documentation

All resource should called over Zuul API GW with http://localhost:8765/{appName}/{resourceURI} template URL!!

AppName Resource URI Method Description
customer /signUp POST create customer
customer /signIn POST checks given email & password. Returns 200 if it is correct.
customer /customers GET get all customers
customer /customers GET get all customers
customer /customer/checkCustomer/{customerNumber} GET checks customer number is correct
customer /customer/{customerNumber} GET get customer by given customer number
account /accounts/getAccountById/{accountId} GET get account by given accountId(MongoDB Id)
account /accounts/getAccountByNumber/{accountNumber} GET get account by given accountNumber
account /accounts/{customerNumber} GET get customer's all accounts
account /accounts/{customerNumber}/account/{accountNumber} GET get customer's account by customer and account numbers
account /accounts/{customerNumber}/actives GET get customer's active accounts
account /accounts/{customerNumber}/inactives GET get customer's inactives accounts
account /accounts/{customerNumber}/debits GET get customer's debits accounts
account /accounts/{customerNumber}/debitActives GET get customer's debitActives accounts
account /accounts/{customerNumber}/debitInactives GET get customer's debitInactives accounts
account /accounts/{customerNumber}/deposits GET get customer's deposits accounts
account /accounts/{customerNumber}/depositActives GET get customer's depositActives accounts
account /accounts/{customerNumber}/depositInactives GET get customer's depositInactives accounts
account /accounts/{customerNumber}/openDebitAccount POST creates debit account for given customer number
account /accounts/{customerNumber}/openDepositAccount POST creates deposit account for given customer number
account /accounts/{accountNumber}/activeAccount POST activates the account for given account number
account /accounts/{accountNumber}/inactiveAccount POST inactive the account for given account number
account /accounts/{accountId} DELETE deletes the account by given accountId
account /accounts/{customerNumber}/account/{accountNumber} DELETE deletes the account by given customer and account number


Example Postman Collection


An Example Payment Backend Application with MicroServices Architecture






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