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Overall Plan

Ben Merbaum edited this page May 29, 2019 · 2 revisions

***we cut this down bigtime

Phase 1

Crash land to moon

Phase 2

Traverse the moon, fix the rocket Icy poles: Step 1 - Has the rover that allows you to go everywhere - The rover has AUTOPILIOT - You also need to take water

Potato farm: Step 2 - Food is dehydrated, needs water - You add the water to the food so you can eat it - You need to take the food

Mountains: Step 3 - Mines for metal - Factories - Docking port is there and a battery for the rocket - You can also take tons of other items (too much to carry)

Unfinished base: Step 4 - Needs a rover to visit - Finds sarcastic robot assistant AI. - Rocket is at unfinished base, but you can't see it until you arrive at the unfinished base - Base contains a fuel maker (requires certain items TODO)

The Rocket is missing parts: - Hatch/docking port for the top - Fuel - Battery - Food

INVENTORY: - Your inventory (50 kg) - Rover (200 kg)

Phase 3

Escape pod up to space station

Phase 4

Fix the space station 1. Go to fitness room to get flamethrower 2. Enter electrical room, get key to pantry 3. Open pantry, get entrance to staircase 4. Go upstairs, get gloves from bathroom 5. Pick leaves from corrosive plant in science lab 6. Use leaves to get into real spacesuit room 7. Put on real spacesuit 8. Go to trapped airlock, get items 9. Return to lvl 2 to get on the escape pod

Phase 5

Drop ship home