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Angular Starter

A rapid starter project for creating Angular single page apps. Contains Angular, ngPrime, Akita and more. Built with Angular CLI.

Quick Start

# Open a terminal/command and navigate to the directory where the starter is needed

# Clone the latest
git clone

# Rename the directory
ren angular-starter MY_APP_NAME

# Navigate into the newly renamed directory

# Install the repo with npm
npm i

# Start the app
ng serve


# Serve dev on http://localhost:4200/
ng serve

# Serve dev on http://localhost:4200/ with hot module reloading
npm run start

# Prod Build for targeted environment. Files will appear in the dist folder
npm run build:qa # Uses settings from
npm run build:uat # Uses settings from environment.uat.ts
npm run build:prod # Uses settings from

# Serve prod build from dist folder at
# Requires http server which can be installed with `npm install http-server -g`
npm run prod

# Run prettier which will format the code in the entire project. It is better to use the prettier extension which formats on save.
npm run format

# Run prod build and then use webpack bundle analyzer to check bundle sizes and composition
# Documentation located in /documentation/
npm run build:stats

# Automatically generate documentation
npm run docs

# Run e2e protractor tests
ng e2e

# Run e2e protractor tests without rebuilding every time (faster)
ng e2e --s false

# Update NPM dependencies via Angular CLI
ng update

# Deploy dist folder to git pages. Be sure to update deploy script in package.json
npm run deploy

# Deploy dist folder to git pages with prerendered pages
1. Add "baseHref": "/angular-starter/", to angular.json in projects>angular-starter>architect>build>options
2. Run "npm run deploy:ssr"
3. Remove update from #1. Prerender does not (yet) support the --base-href prop in the build command

# Angular Universal/SSR Commands
npm run ssr:dev # Run SSR locally for development purposes
npm run ssr:build # Create an SSR prod build
npm run ssr:serve # Serve SSR prod build with express. This is the command needed to run on the server.

Localizing Your App


  • If using github pages, update the npm run deploy command in this file to include the correct slug. IE replace /angular-starter/ with your url

src > environments > defaults.ts + src > environments >

  • Localize environment settings and properties in these files. Enable/disable app functionality as needed

src > app > shared > app.settings.ts

  • Add/change global app & environment variables

src > index.html

  • Update any header changes to the html in this file. IE logo, navigation, etc

src > manifest.json

  • Change the site info in this file to be specific to your app. Make sure the start Url property matches your production URL

src > assets > icons

  • Change these icons to ones for your app

src > apple-touch-icon + favicon.ico + safari-pinned-tab.svg

  • Change these icons to ones for your app

src > ngsw-config.json

  • Update any dependencies needed for the service worker. Use asset groups for site resources & use dataGroups for API calls

Useful Tools

VSCode Tools

Useful Info

Lazy load libraries. Normally libraries that are shared between lazy loaded routes are all bundled into a single master bundle. This approach will bundle them separately.

See for how to lazy load both internal components/modules and 3rd party libraries.