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Defining applications (config.xml)

oliver-moran edited this page Oct 4, 2014 · 12 revisions

Savvy apps are defined in a single file, config.xml, in the project root directory. This file is an extension of the W3C's Packaged Web Apps standard and an extension of the config.xml file used by Apache Cordova and Adobe PhoneGap.

The W3C widget

Each config.xml file contains a root <widget> element. This should contain an id (in reverse domain name notation) and version (in semantic version format) for the application as attributes.

The <name>, <description>, <author> and <license> child tags of <widget> are also recommended. These follow the W3C's Packaged Web Apps, the same specification as for Cordova and PhoneGap applications.

A recommended non-standard attribute to add to the root <widget> element is savvy:theme="sparrow" this sets the (optional) Savvy CSS theme to apply to HTML in the application. For more information on themes in Savvy, see [Styling Savvy applications](Styling Savvy applications)

The outline of a basic config.xml is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<widget xmlns = ""
    xmlns:savvy = ""
    id="com.example.savvy" version="1.0.0" savvy:theme="sparrow">

  <name>Savvy Example</name>
    An example Savvy application.
  <author email="" href="">
    John Smith



Savvy then extends the format by allowing you to define a deck of cards that make up the application.

Defining a deck of cards

A single card in a deck described in XML as follows:

  <card id="Home" title="Welcome" default="yes">



Each <card> must have an id attribute. The value of the id attribute must be a) be a valid JavaScript identifier; b) be unique; and c) must not conflict with any object on the JavaScript window object. Each <card> should have a title attribute.

A <card> node may contains any number of <html>, <css> and <js> nodes. These nodes define the HTML, CSS and JavaScript snippets that are included in that card.

The text content of <html>, <css> and <js> nodes must be a URL path to a HTML, CSS or JavaScript snippet. These paths may be relative from the root directory of the Savvy project (e.g. html/home.html) or absolute (e.g.

The <savvy:deck> node may contain any number of <card> nodes. One of these must have a default attribute with a value of yes. This will be the default card for the application and will be the first card displayed when the application loads.

Global HTML, CSS and JavaScript

The HTML, CSS, JSON and JavaScript defined in a card is scoped to that card and is unavailable from other cards. This allows you to develop individual cards without worrying about how styling one card will affect others or if variables used in JavaScript in one context will conflict with JavaScript elsewhere.

However, as well as HTML, CSS and JavaScript used by individual cards, Savvy apps may contain "global" HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Global HTML is appended to the body of the HTML document and CSS is unscoped.

Global JavaScript is run in the context of the JavaScript window object and is accessible by all other scripts. In particular, it is useful to link JavaScript libraries in this way.

Global <html>, <css> and <js> nodes are added as children of the <savvy:deck>, as follows:



Any number of HTML, CSS and JavaScript files can be linked in this way.

Header and footers

Two unique types of "cards" are <header> and <footer> nodes. These child nodes of the <savvy:deck> node append HTML snippets to a header and footer child of the HTML document body. By default, these are styled to appear at the top and bottom of the application screen and remain fixed when a user navigates between screens.







For more information on the headers and footers in Savvy, see [Styling header and footer elements](Styling header and footer elements).

Apache Cordova and Adobe PhoneGap elements

config.xml extends the config.xml file used by Apache Cordova and Adobe PhoneGap to create hybrid applications for mobile and tablet devices.

For more information on config.xml for Apache Cordova or Adobe PhoneGap see:

See also [Building hybrid apps with Savvy](Building hybrid apps with Savvy)