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Laboratory exercises for teaching Bayesian modeling to ecologists and social scientists. Supported by the National Science Foundation, awards DBI-1052875 ad DEB-1145200.

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Instructions for Using BayesLabs

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This repository contains a series of laboratory exercises designed to support
 an introductory course in Bayesian modeling for graduate students, post-docs,
 faculty, and research scientists.
 The material can be adapted for use in a 10-day intensive workshop format
 or a more traditional semester-long course.
 Examples are drawn from social science and ecology.
 The materials were developed by N.
 Thompson Hobbs, Mevin B.
 Hooten, Christian Che-Castaldo, Mary Collins, Kiona Ogle, and Maria Uriarte
 with support from the National Science Foundation (awards DBI 1052875 and
 The labs were designed to compliment reading and lectures based on Hobbs,
 T., and M.
 Bayesian models: a statistical primer for ecologists.
 Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.
 (Table 1).

\begin_layout Standard
Each folder in the repository contains an R markdown file with switches
 that toggle output of .html files for exercises alone and exercises with
 Using these switches is explained in the R markdown files.
 The files 
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specify the course name on all materials, allowing users to change the title
 to match the name of the course they are teaching.
 We ask that the logo acknowledging NSF support remain unchanged by users.

\begin_layout Standard
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folder contains instructions for pulling the repository and for creating
 an R package containing the data library required for the exercises.

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\begin_layout Plain Layout
Laboratory exercises supporting an introductory course in Bayesian modeling.
 Readings are chapters from Hobbs and Hooten 2015.
 Exercises are arranged with introductory topics at the top of the table
 and more advanced topics toward the bottom.



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Folder in 
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Topics and challenges

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Rules of probability.
 Factoring joint distributions.
 Probability distributions.
 Marginal distributions.
 Moment matching.

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\begin_inset Text

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Chapter 3

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\begin_layout Plain Layout

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Likelihood functions.
 Computing total likelihoods from multiple observations.
 Using prior information in the likelihood framework.

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\begin_inset Text

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Chapter 4

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Find parameters of posterior distributions using conjugacy between likelihoods
 and priors.

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\begin_inset Text

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Chapter 5.3

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Compute the likelihood, prior, and marginal distribution of the data and
 assemble them to compute the posterior distribution.

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\begin_inset Text

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Chapter 5.1, 5.2

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Introduction to Markov chain Monte Carlo using Gibbs sampling for normal
 mean and variance.

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Chapter 7

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Accept-reject sampling using Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.

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\begin_inset Text

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Chapter 7

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A tutorial on JAGS and rjags for implementing Markov chain Monte Carlo.

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Using JAGS and rjags.

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Word problems to teach drawing directed acyclic graphs and using them to
 write posterior and joint distributions.

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Chapters 6, 10, 11, 12

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Model building and computation for group-level intercepts and slopes.

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Chapter 6.2.2

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Using data simulation to test for lack of fit.
 Computing Bayesian p values.

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Chapter 8.1

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Occupancy models.
 Zero inflation.
 Derived quantities.

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Chapter 6.2.3

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Evaluating evidence for alternative models using the DIC, WAIC, and posterior-pr
edictive loss.

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Chapter 9

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State space models.
 Predictive process distributions.

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Chapter 8.4, 8.5

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Combining information from multiple studies in priors and likelihoods.

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Chapter 4








Laboratory exercises for teaching Bayesian modeling to ecologists and social scientists. Supported by the National Science Foundation, awards DBI-1052875 ad DEB-1145200.






No releases published


