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Repository files navigation

Backend Engineer Coding Challenge

API Architecture

Note: for Mermaid you may need a Mermaid viewer, by Default Github will render mermaid on Markdown.

    title API Architecture

    Person(client, "User")

    Boundary(process, "Go Process") {
        Component(api, "API", "Go", "Provides all the API requests.")

        ComponentQueue(scanner, "Scanner", "Go Routine", "A worker pool for repository scanner.")

    ComponentDb(db, "Database", "Postgres", "Store everything here")

    Rel_D(client, api, "HTTP request")
    Rel_R(api, scanner, "Create", "Go routine")
    Rel_D(scanner, db, "Uses")
    Rel_D(api, db, "Uses")



This package uses the following libraries to help with the development.

  • - a HTTP web framework
  • - a mocking framework
  • - a ORM library
  • - a Postgres driver for Gorm
  • - database migration for GORM
  • - Git implementation for Go
  • - a structured logger for Go

Project structure

The project structure is following peoject-layout non official standard.

├── cmd:                            - main command files
├── deployments:                    - deployment files
├── internal
│   ├── config:                     - environment variables config
│   ├── storage:                    - database connector and ORM query
│   ├── handler:                    - HTTP handlers
│   ├── model:                      - models of the database
│   ├── scanner:                    - repository scanner worker

Database design

    Repository {
        string id pk
        string name "repository name"
        string url "repository URL"
        time created_at "created time"
        time updated_at "latest updated time"
        time deleted_at "soft deleted time"
    Scan {
        string id pk
        string repository_id fk "repository ID"
        string repository_url "repository URL will not change after origin URL is changed"
        scan_status status "Queued|In Progress|Success|Failure"
        json findings "scan findings json object"
        time started_at "scan started time"
        time finished_at "scan finished time"
        time created_at "scan created time"
        time updated_at "latest updated time"
        time deleted_at "soft deleted time"
    Repository ||--o{ Scan : ""

Environment Variables

Key Description Example
APP_PORT port number, default: 8080 8080
POSTGRES_URL Required PostgreSQL URL postgresql://user:pass@localhost:5432/db_name
SCAN_WORKERS number of scanner workers, default: 2 2

Run (Docker)

This package has the Dockerfile and the Docker compose provide to make it easier to run.

docker-compose build # or `make docker-build`
docker-compose up # or `make docker-up`

Run local

make run
# or
go run cmd/run/main.go

Run unit test

This package using gomock for the mocking framework.

make test
# or
go test ./...

Generate mock

To generate mock require gomock mockgen

go install

cmd to generate mock

make mockgen

API Reference


the json response entity will following type

Success Response

success response will response in json format

field type description
data object response object can be Repository, [Repository], Scan

Error Response

http response status code other than 200 will be considor as an error

field type description
message text message of the error

possible http status and error message

HTTP status message description
400 bad request something wrong with the request
404 not found data not found
422 data is duplicated some of field is unique
500 something went wrong internal server error


Git repository object. the URL need to be unique

*Note: only the Get Repository endpoint will allow to query the scan results for performance purpose

field type description
id text id of the repository
name text name of the repository
url text url of the repository
createdAt time the created time of the repository
updatedAt time the latest updated time of the repository
scans [Scan] scan list of the repository


Git scan result object will create every time you scan the repo

field type description
id string id of the scan
repositoryID string repositoryID will reference to Repository
repositoryURL string repositoryURL will not change after the repository url changed
status string scan status (Queued, In Progress, Success, Failure)
findings [Finding] finding object after scan found something
startedAt string the started time of the scan
finishedAt string the finished time of the scan
createdAt string the created time of the scan
updatedAt string the latest updated time of the scan


list of scan when found something

field type description
path string code path
line number line of code
description string detail for the finding


Create Repository

an endpoint to create Git repository

POST /repositories

Request body

field type description
name text name of the repository
url text url of the repository

Response: Repository


curl http://localhost:8080/repositories \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
        "name": "scan-test",
        "url": ""

List Repositories

an endpoint to list all repositories

GET /repositories

Response: array of Repository, this endpoint will not response scans for performance purpose.


curl http://localhost:8080/repositories

Get Repository

get one repository

GET /repositories/:repositoryID

Response: Repository


curl http://localhost:8080/repositories/f775e48a-1515-411c-b004-994ec66e1111

Update Repository

patch will allow to update the repository by fields, no need to add the full repository object

PATCH /repositories/:repositoryID

Request body

field type description
name text name of the repository
url text url of the repository

Response: an updated Repository, this endpoint will not response scans.


curl --request PATCH http://localhost:8080/repositories/f775e48a-1515-411c-b004-994ec66e1111 \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
        "name": "scan-test-2"

Delete Repository

delete repository

DELETE /repositories/:repositoryID


curl --request DELETE 'http://localhost:8080/repositories/f775e48a-1515-411c-b004-994ec66e1111'

Scan Repository

scan repository

POST /repositories/:repositoryID/scan

Response: Scan


curl --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/repositories/f775e48a-1515-411c-b004-994ec66e1111/scan'


an improvement list that can't finish in an amount of time.

  • separate scanner worker to another instance for a better scaling.
  • clone repository to temporary directory instead of re clone every scan, and git reset to remote origin.
  • better queue system, maybe implement a 3rd party tool.


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