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AnyMotion CLI

PyPi CircleCI codecov

This package provides a command line interface to AnyMotion, which is a motion analysis API using pose estimation. It uses the AnyMotion Python SDK.

It works on Python 3.6.1 or higher.


Install using pip:

$ pip install anymotion-cli

Alternatively, you can use homebrew to install:

$ brew install nttpc/tap/anymotion-cli

Getting Started

Before using anymotion-cli, you need to tell it about your credentials which issued by the AnyMotion Portal. You can do this in several ways:

  • CLI command
  • Credentials file
  • Environment variables

The quickest way to get started is to run the amcli configure command:

$ amcli configure
AnyMotion Client ID: your_client_id
AnyMotion Client Secret: your_client_secret

To use environment variables, do the following:

export ANYMOTION_CLIENT_ID=<your_client_id>
export ANYMOTION_CLIENT_SECRET=<your_client_secret>

To use the credentials file, create an INI formatted file like this:


and place it in ~/.anymotion/credentials.

Note: If set in both the credentials file and environment variables, the environment variables takes precedence.


You can use amcli.


See the table below for more information, or run it with the --help option.

Processing commands

command name description
upload Upload the local movie or image file to the cloud storage.
download Download the drawn file.
extract Extract keypoints from image or movie.
analyze Analyze the extracted keypoint data.
compare Compare the two extracted keypoint data
draw Draw based on the extracted keypoints or comparison results.

The command name is represented by a verb.

Display commands

command name description
image Show the information of the uploaded images.
movie Show the information of the uploaded movies.
keypoint Show the extracted keypoints.
analysis Show the analysis results.
comparison Show the comparison results.
drawing Show the information of the drawn images or movies.

The command name is represented by a noun.

Other commands

command name description
configure Configure your AnyMotion Credentials.
interactive Start interactive mode.


Draw keypoints in image file

First, upload the image file.

$ amcli upload image.jpg
Success: Uploaded image.jpg to the cloud storage. (image id: 111)

When the upload is complete, you will get an image id. Extract keypoints using this image id.

$ amcli extract --image-id 111
Keypoint extraction started. (keypoint id: 222)
Success: Keypoint extraction is complete.

Draw points/lines to image using keypoint id.

$ amcli draw --keypoint-id 222
Drawing is started. (drawing id: 333)
Success: Drawing is complete.
Downloaded the file to image.jpg.

When the drawing is complete, the drawing file is downloaded (by default, to the current directory). To save to a specific file or directory, use the --out option.

As shown below, you can also use --path option and --with-drawing in extract command to upload, extract keypoints, drawing at the same time.

$ amcli extract --path image.jpg --with-drawing
Success: Uploaded image.jpg to the cloud storage. (image id: 111)

Keypoint extraction started. (keypoint id: 222)
Success: Keypoint extraction is complete.

Drawing started. (drawing id: 333)
Success: Drawing is complete.

Downloaded the file to image.jpg.

Draw using rules

You can use the rules to draw a variety of things. In the following example, draw the lines of stick picture in red.

$ amcli draw --keypoint-id 222 --rule '{"drawingType": "stickPicture", "pattern": "all", "color": "red"}'

In the following other example, draw only the skeleton.

$ amcli draw --keypoint-id 222 --bg-rule '{"skeletonOnly": true}'

You can also specify it in the JSON file.

$ amcli draw --keypoint-id 222 --rule-file rule.json
  "drawingType": "stickPicture",
  "pattern": "all",
  "color": "red"

You can also write rule and backgroundRule at the same time when using --rule-file.

    "rule": {
        "drawingType": "stickPicture",
        "pattern": "all",
        "color": "red"
    "backgroundRule": {
        "skeletonOnly": true

For more information on the drawing rules, see the documentation.

Show extracted keypoints

You can use the keypoint show command to display the extracted keypoint data.

$ amcli keypoint show 1234
  "id": 1234,
  "image": null,
  "movie": 123,
  "keypoint": [
      "leftKnee": [

The --only option allows you to display only the keypoint data.

$ amcli keypoint show 1234 --only
    "leftKnee": [
    "rightKnee": [

With jq, it's also easy to take out only certain parts of the body.

$ amcli keypoint show 1234 --only | jq '[.[].leftKnee]'

The --join option also allows you to display related data.

$ amcli keypoint show 1234 --join
  "id": 1234,
  "image": null,
  "movie": {
    "id": 123,
    "name": "movie",
    "text": "Created by anymotion-cli.",
  "keypoint": [
      "leftKnee": [

Interactive Mode

You can use interactive mode using interactive command.

$ amcli interactive

Shell Complete

The anymotion-cli supports Shell completion.

For Bash, add this to ~/.bashrc:

eval "$(_AMCLI_COMPLETE=source amcli)"

For Zsh, add this to ~/.zshrc:

eval "$(_AMCLI_COMPLETE=source_zsh amcli)"

For Fish, add this to ~/.config/fish/completions/

eval (env _AMCLI_COMPLETE=source_fish amcli)

Change Log



  • Code must work on Python 3.6 and higher.

  • Code should follow black.

  • Docstring should follow Google Style.

  • Install all development dependencies using:

    $ poetry install
  • You can install a pre-commit hook to check:

    $ poetry run pre-commit install
  • Before submitting pull requests, run tests with:

    $ poetry run tox