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1652 lines (906 loc) · 41.1 KB


File metadata and controls

1652 lines (906 loc) · 41.1 KB

1.3.5 (2017-03-16)

  • Fixed None timeout support (#1720)

1.3.4 (2017-03-14)

  • Revert timeout handling in client request
  • Fix StreamResponse representation after eof
  • Fix file_sender to not fall on bad request (range out of file size)
  • Fix file_sender to correct stream video to Chromes
  • Fix NotImplementedError server exception (#1703)
  • Clearer error message for URL without a host name. (#1691)
  • Silence deprecation warning in __repr__ (#1690)
  • IDN + HTTPS = ssl.CertificateError (#1685)

1.3.3 (2017-02-19)

  • Fixed memory leak in time service (#1656)

1.3.2 (2017-02-16)

  • Awaiting on WebSocketResponse.send_* does not work (#1645)
  • Fix multiple calls to client ws_connect when using a shared header dict (#1643)
  • Make CookieJar.filter_cookies() accept plain string parameter. (#1636)

1.3.1 (2017-02-09)

  • Handle CLOSING in WebSocketResponse.__anext__
  • Fixed AttributeError 'drain' for server websocket handler (#1613)

1.3.0 (2017-02-08)

  • Multipart writer validates the data on append instead of on a request send (#920)
  • Multipart reader accepts multipart messages with or without their epilogue to consistently handle valid and legacy behaviors (#1526) (#1581)
  • Separate read + connect + request timeouts # 1523
  • Do not swallow Upgrade header (#1587)
  • Fix polls demo run application (#1487)
  • Ignore unknown 1XX status codes in client (#1353)
  • Fix sub-Multipart messages missing their headers on serialization (#1525)
  • Do not use readline when reading the content of a part in the multipart reader (#1535)
  • Add optional flag for quoting FormData fields (#916)
  • 416 Range Not Satisfiable if requested range end > file size (#1588)
  • Having a : or @ in a route does not work (#1552)
  • Added receive_timeout timeout for websocket to receive complete message. (#1325)
  • Added heartbeat parameter for websocket to automatically send ping message. (#1024) (#777)
  • Remove web.Application dependency from web.UrlDispatcher (#1510)
  • Accepting back-pressure from slow websocket clients (#1367)
  • Do not pause transport during set_parser stage (#1211)
  • Lingering close does not terminate before timeout (#1559)
  • setsockopt may raise OSError exception if socket is closed already (#1595)
  • Lots of CancelledError when requests are interrupted (#1565)
  • Allow users to specify what should happen to decoding errors when calling a responses text() method (#1542)
  • Back port std module http.cookies for python3.4.2 (#1566)
  • Maintain url's fragment in client response (#1314)
  • Allow concurrently close WebSocket connection (#754)
  • Gzipped responses with empty body raises ContentEncodingError (#609)
  • Return 504 if request handle raises TimeoutError.
  • Refactor how we use keep-alive and close lingering timeouts.
  • Close response connection if we can not consume whole http message during client response release
  • Abort closed ssl client transports, broken servers can keep socket open un-limit time (#1568)
  • Log warning instead of RuntimeError is websocket connection is closed.
  • Deprecated: aiohttp.protocol.HttpPrefixParser will be removed in 1.4 (#1590)
  • Deprecated: Servers response's .started, .start() and .can_start() method will be removed in 1.4 (#1591)
  • Deprecated: Adding sub app via app.router.add_subapp() is deprecated use app.add_subapp() instead, will be removed in 1.4 (#1592)
  • Deprecated: aiohttp.get(), aiohttp.options(), aiohttp.head(),, aiohttp.put(), aiohttp.patch(), aiohttp.delete(), and aiohttp.ws_connect() will be removed in 1.4 (#1593)
  • Deprecated: Application.finish() and Application.register_on_finish() will be removed in 1.4 (#1602)

1.2.0 (2016-12-17)

  • Extract BaseRequest from web.Request, introduce web.Server (former RequestHandlerFactory), introduce new low-level web server which is not coupled with web.Application and routing (#1362)
  • Make TestServer.make_url compatible with yarl.URL (#1389)
  • Implement range requests for static files (#1382)
  • Support task attribute for StreamResponse (#1410)
  • Drop property, use instead (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE)
  • Drop TestClient.handler property, use TestClient.server.handler instead (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE)
  • TestClient.server property returns a test server instance, was asyncio.AbstractServer (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE)
  • Follow gunicorn's signal semantics in Gunicorn[UVLoop]WebWorker (#1201)
  • Call worker_int and worker_abort callbacks in Gunicorn[UVLoop]WebWorker (#1202)
  • Has functional tests for client proxy (#1218)
  • Fix bugs with client proxy target path and proxy host with port (#1413)
  • Fix bugs related to the use of unicode hostnames (#1444)
  • Preserve cookie quoting/escaping (#1453)
  • FileSender will send gzipped response if gzip version available (#1426)
  • Don't override Content-Length header in web.Response if no body was set (#1400)
  • Introduce router.post_init() for solving (#1373)
  • Fix raise error in case of multiple calls of TimeServive.stop()
  • Allow to raise web exceptions on router resolving stage (#1460)
  • Add a warning for session creation outside of coroutine (#1468)
  • Avoid a race when application might start accepting incoming requests but startup signals are not processed yet e98e8c6
  • Raise a RuntimeError when trying to change the status of the HTTP response after the headers have been sent (#1480)
  • Fix bug with https proxy acquired cleanup (#1340)
  • Use UTF-8 as the default encoding for multipart text parts (#1484)

1.1.6 (2016-11-28)

  • Fix BodyPartReader.read_chunk bug about returns zero bytes before EOF (#1428)

1.1.5 (2016-11-16)

  • Fix static file serving in fallback mode (#1401)

1.1.4 (2016-11-14)

  • Make TestServer.make_url compatible with yarl.URL (#1389)
  • Generate informative exception on redirects from server which does not provide redirection headers (#1396)

1.1.3 (2016-11-10)

  • Support root resources for sub-applications (#1379)

1.1.2 (2016-11-08)

  • Allow starting variables with an underscore (#1379)
  • Properly process UNIX sockets by gunicorn worker (#1375)
  • Fix ordering for FrozenList
  • Don't propagate pre and post signals to sub-application (#1377)

1.1.1 (2016-11-04)

  • Fix documentation generation (#1120)

1.1.0 (2016-11-03)

  • Drop deprecated WSClientDisconnectedError (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE)

  • Use yarl.URL in client API. The change is 99% backward compatible but ClientResponse.url is an yarl.URL instance now. (#1217)

  • Close idle keep-alive connections on shutdown (#1222)

  • Modify regex in AccessLogger to accept underscore and numbers (#1225)

  • Use yarl.URL in web server API. web.Request.rel_url and web.Request.url are added. URLs and templates are percent-encoded now. (#1224)

  • Accept yarl.URL by server redirections (#1278)

  • Return yarl.URL by .make_url() testing utility (#1279)

  • Properly format IPv6 addresses by aiohttp.web.run_app (#1139)

  • Use yarl.URL by server API (#1288)

    • Introduce resource.url_for(), deprecate resource.url().
    • Implement StaticResource.
    • Inherit SystemRoute from AbstractRoute
    • Drop old-style routes: Route, PlainRoute, DynamicRoute, StaticRoute, ResourceAdapter.
  • Revert resp.url back to str, introduce resp.url_obj (#1292)

  • Raise ValueError if BasicAuth login has a ":" character (#1307)

  • Fix bug when ClientRequest send payload file with opened as open('filename', 'r+b') (#1306)

  • Enhancement to AccessLogger (pass extra dict) (#1303)

  • Show more verbose message on import errors (#1319)

  • Added save and load functionality for CookieJar (#1219)

  • Added option on StaticRoute to follow symlinks (#1299)

  • Force encoding of application/json content type to utf-8 (#1339)

  • Fix invalid invocations of errors.LineTooLong (#1335)

  • Websockets: Stop async for iteration when connection is closed (#1144)

  • Ensure TestClient HTTP methods return a context manager (#1318)

  • Raise ClientDisconnectedError to FlowControlStreamReader read function if ClientSession object is closed by client when reading data. (#1323)

  • Document deployment without Gunicorn (#1120)

  • Add deprecation warning for MD5 and SHA1 digests when used for fingerprint of site certs in TCPConnector. (#1186)

  • Implement sub-applications (#1301)

  • Don't inherit web.Request from dict but implement MutableMapping protocol.

  • Implement frozen signals

  • Don't inherit web.Application from dict but implement MutableMapping protocol.

  • Support freezing for web applications

  • Accept access_log parameter in web.run_app, use None to disable logging

  • Don't flap tcp_cork and tcp_nodelay in regular request handling. tcp_nodelay is still enabled by default.

  • Improve performance of web server by removing premature computing of Content-Type if the value was set by web.Response constructor.

    While the patch boosts speed of trivial web.Response(text='OK', content_type='text/plain) very well please don't expect significant boost of your application -- a couple DB requests and business logic is still the main bottleneck.

  • Boost performance by adding a custom time service (#1350)

  • Extend ClientResponse with content_type and charset properties like in web.Request. (#1349)

  • Disable aiodns by default (#559)

  • Don't flap tcp_cork in client code, use TCP_NODELAY mode by default.

  • Implement web.Request.clone() (#1361)

1.0.5 (2016-10-11)

  • Fix StreamReader._read_nowait to return all available data up to the requested amount (#1297)

1.0.4 (2016-09-22)

  • Fix FlowControlStreamReader.read_nowait so that it checks whether the transport is paused (#1206)

1.0.2 (2016-09-22)

  • Make CookieJar compatible with 32-bit systems (#1188)
  • Add missing WSMsgType to web_ws.__all__, see (#1200)
  • Fix CookieJar ctor when called with loop=None (#1203)
  • Fix broken upper-casing in wsgi support (#1197)

1.0.1 (2016-09-16)

  • Restore aiohttp.web.MsgType alias for aiohttp.WSMsgType for sake of backward compatibility (#1178)
  • Tune alabaster schema.
  • Use text/html content type for displaying index pages by static file handler.
  • Fix AssertionError in static file handling (#1177)
  • Fix access log formats %O and %b for static file handling
  • Remove debug setting of GunicornWorker, use app.debug to control its debug-mode instead

1.0.0 (2016-09-16)

  • Change default size for client session's connection pool from unlimited to 20 (#977)
  • Add IE support for cookie deletion. (#994)
  • Remove deprecated WebSocketResponse.wait_closed method (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE)
  • Remove deprecated force parameter for ClientResponse.close method (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE)
  • Avoid using of mutable CIMultiDict kw param in make_mocked_request (#997)
  • Make WebSocketResponse.close a little bit faster by avoiding new task creating just for timeout measurement
  • Add proxy and proxy_auth params to client.get() and family, deprecate ProxyConnector (#998)
  • Add support for websocket send_json and receive_json, synchronize server and client API for websockets (#984)
  • Implement router shourtcuts for most useful HTTP methods, use app.router.add_get(), app.router.add_post() etc. instead of app.router.add_route() (#986)
  • Support SSL connections for gunicorn worker (#1003)
  • Move obsolete examples to legacy folder
  • Switch to multidict 2.0 and title-cased strings (#1015)
  • {FOO}e logger format is case-sensitive now
  • Fix logger report for unix socket 8e8469b
  • Rename aiohttp.websocket to aiohttp._ws_impl
  • Rename aiohttp.MsgType tp aiohttp.WSMsgType
  • Introduce aiohttp.WSMessage officially
  • Rename Message -> WSMessage
  • Remove deprecated decode param from
  • Use 5min default client timeout (#1028)
  • Relax HTTP method validation in UrlDispatcher (#1037)
  • Pin minimal supported asyncio version to 3.4.2+ (loop.is_close() should be present)
  • Remove aiohttp.websocket module (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) Please use high-level client and server approaches
  • Link header for 451 status code is mandatory
  • Fix test_client fixture to allow multiple clients per test (#1072)
  • make_mocked_request now accepts dict as headers (#1073)
  • Add Python 3.5.2/3.6+ compatibility patch for async generator protocol change (#1082)
  • Improvement test_client can accept instance object (#1083)
  • Simplify ServerHttpProtocol implementation (#1060)
  • Add a flag for optional showing directory index for static file handling (#921)
  • Define web.Application.on_startup() signal handler (#1103)
  • Drop ChunkedParser and LinesParser (#1111)
  • Call Application.startup in GunicornWebWorker (#1105)
  • Fix client handling hostnames with 63 bytes when a port is given in the url (#1044)
  • Implement proxy support for ClientSession.ws_connect (#1025)
  • Return named tuple from WebSocketResponse.can_prepare (#1016)
  • Fix access_log_format in GunicornWebWorker (#1117)
  • Setup Content-Type to application/octet-stream by default (#1124)
  • Deprecate debug parameter from app.make_handler(), use Application(debug=True) instead (#1121)
  • Remove fragment string in request path (#846)
  • Use aiodns.DNSResolver.gethostbyname() if available (#1136)
  • Fix static file sending on uvloop when sendfile is available (#1093)
  • Make prettier urls if query is empty dict (#1143)
  • Fix redirects for HEAD requests (#1147)
  • Default value for StreamReader.read_nowait is -1 from now (#1150)
  • aiohttp.StreamReader is not inherited from asyncio.StreamReader from now (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) (#1150)
  • Streams documentation added (#1150)
  • Add multipart coroutine method for web Request object (#1067)
  • Publish ClientSession.loop property (#1149)
  • Fix static file with spaces (#1140)
  • Fix piling up asyncio loop by cookie expiration callbacks (#1061)
  • Drop Timeout class for sake of async_timeout external library. aiohttp.Timeout is an alias for async_timeout.timeout
  • use_dns_cache parameter of aiohttp.TCPConnector is True by default (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) (#1152)
  • aiohttp.TCPConnector uses asynchronous DNS resolver if available by default (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) (#1152)
  • Conform to RFC3986 - do not include url fragments in client requests (#1174)
  • Drop ClientSession.cookies (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) (#1173)
  • Refactor AbstractCookieJar public API (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) (#1173)
  • Fix clashing cookies with have the same name but belong to different domains (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) (#1125)
  • Support binary Content-Transfer-Encoding (#1169)

0.22.5 (08-02-2016)

  • Pin miltidict version to >=1.2.2

0.22.3 (07-26-2016)

  • Do not filter cookies if unsafe flag provided (#1005)

0.22.2 (07-23-2016)

  • Suppress CancelledError when Timeout raises TimeoutError (#970)
  • Don't expose aiohttp.__version__
  • Add unsafe parameter to CookieJar (#968)
  • Use unsafe cookie jar in test client tools
  • Expose aiohttp.CookieJar name

0.22.1 (07-16-2016)

  • Large cookie expiration/max-age does not break an event loop from now (fixes (#967))

0.22.0 (07-15-2016)

  • Fix bug in serving static directory (#803)
  • Fix command line arg parsing (#797)
  • Fix a documentation chapter about cookie usage (#790)
  • Handle empty body with gzipped encoding (#758)
  • Support 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons http status (#697)
  • Fix Cookie share example and few small typos in docs (#817)
  • UrlDispatcher.add_route with partial coroutine handler (#814)
  • Optional support for aiodns (#728)
  • Add ServiceRestart and TryAgainLater websocket close codes (#828)
  • Fix prompt message for web.run_app (#832)
  • Allow to pass None as a timeout value to disable timeout logic (#834)
  • Fix leak of connection slot during connection error (#835)
  • Gunicorn worker with uvloop support aiohttp.worker.GunicornUVLoopWebWorker (#878)
  • Don't send body in response to HEAD request (#838)
  • Skip the preamble in MultipartReader (#881)
  • Implement BasicAuth decode classmethod. (#744)
  • Don't crash logger when transport is None (#889)
  • Use a create_future compatibility wrapper instead of creating Futures directly (#896)
  • Add test utilities to aiohttp (#902)
  • Improve Request.__repr__ (#875)
  • Skip DNS resolving if provided host is already an ip address (#874)
  • Add headers to ClientSession.ws_connect (#785)
  • Document that server can send pre-compressed data (#906)
  • Don't add Content-Encoding and Transfer-Encoding if no body (#891)
  • Add json() convenience methods to websocket message objects (#897)
  • Add client_resp.raise_for_status() (#908)
  • Implement cookie filter (#799)
  • Include an example of middleware to handle error pages (#909)
  • Fix error handling in StaticFileMixin (#856)
  • Add mocked request helper (#900)
  • Fix empty ALLOW Response header for cls based View (#929)
  • Respect CONNECT method to implement a proxy server (#847)
  • Add pytest_plugin (#914)
  • Add tutorial
  • Add backlog option to support more than 128 (default value in "create_server" function) concurrent connections (#892)
  • Allow configuration of header size limits (#912)
  • Separate sending file logic from StaticRoute dispatcher (#901)
  • Drop deprecated share_cookies connector option (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE)
  • Drop deprecated support for tuple as auth parameter. Use aiohttp.BasicAuth instead (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE)
  • Remove deprecated request.payload property, use content instead. (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE)
  • Drop all mentions about api changes in documentation for versions older than 0.16
  • Allow to override default cookie jar (#963)
  • Add manylinux wheel builds
  • Dup a socket for sendfile usage (#964)

0.21.6 (05-05-2016)

  • Drop initial query parameters on redirects (#853)

0.21.5 (03-22-2016)

  • Fix command line arg parsing (#797)

0.21.4 (03-12-2016)

  • Fix ResourceAdapter: don't add method to allowed if resource is not match (#826)
  • Fix Resource: append found method to returned allowed methods

0.21.2 (02-16-2016)

  • Fix a regression: support for handling ~/path in static file routes was broken (#782)

0.21.1 (02-10-2016)

  • Make new resources classes public (#767)
  • Add router.resources() view
  • Fix cmd-line parameter names in doc

0.21.0 (02-04-2016)

  • Introduce on_shutdown signal (#722)

  • Implement raw input headers (#726)

  • Implement web.run_app utility function (#734)

  • Introduce on_cleanup signal

  • Deprecate Application.finish() / Application.register_on_finish() in favor of on_cleanup.

  • Get rid of bare aiohttp.request(), aiohttp.get() and family in docs (#729)

  • Deprecate bare aiohttp.request(), aiohttp.get() and family (#729)

  • Refactor keep-alive support (#737):

    • Enable keepalive for HTTP 1.0 by default

    • Disable it for HTTP 0.9 (who cares about 0.9, BTW?)

    • For keepalived connections

      • Send Connection: keep-alive for HTTP 1.0 only
      • don't send Connection header for HTTP 1.1
    • For non-keepalived connections

      • Send Connection: close for HTTP 1.1 only
      • don't send Connection header for HTTP 1.0
  • Add version parameter to ClientSession constructor, deprecate it for session.request() and family (#736)

  • Enable access log by default (#735)

  • Deprecate app.router.register_route() (the method was not documented intentionally BTW).

  • Deprecate app.router.named_routes() in favor of app.router.named_resources()

  • route.add_static accepts pathlib.Path now (#743)

  • Add command line support: $ python -m aiohttp.web package.main (#740)

  • FAQ section was added to docs. Enjoy and fill free to contribute new topics

  • Add async context manager support to ClientSession

  • Document ClientResponse's host, method, url properties

  • Use CORK/NODELAY in client API (#748)

  • ClientSession.close and Connector.close are coroutines now

  • Close client connection on exception in ClientResponse.release()

  • Allow to read multipart parts without content-length specified (#750)

  • Add support for unix domain sockets to gunicorn worker (#470)

  • Add test for default Expect handler (#601)

  • Add the first demo project

  • Rename loader keyword argument in web.Request.json method. (#646)

  • Add local socket binding for TCPConnector (#678)

0.20.2 (01-07-2016)

  • Enable use of await for a class based view (#717)
  • Check address family to fill wsgi env properly (#718)
  • Fix memory leak in headers processing (thanks to Marco Paolini) (#723)

0.20.1 (12-30-2015)

  • Raise RuntimeError is Timeout context manager was used outside of task context.
  • Add number of bytes to stream.read_nowait (#700)
  • Use X-FORWARDED-PROTO for wsgi.url_scheme when available

0.20.0 (12-28-2015)

  • Extend list of web exceptions, add HTTPMisdirectedRequest, HTTPUpgradeRequired, HTTPPreconditionRequired, HTTPTooManyRequests, HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates, HTTPNotExtended, HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired status codes (#644)
  • Do not remove AUTHORIZATION header by WSGI handler (#649)
  • Fix broken support for https proxies with authentication (#617)
  • Get REMOTE_* and SEVER_* http vars from headers when listening on unix socket (#654)
  • Add HTTP 308 support (#663)
  • Add Tf format (time to serve request in seconds, %06f format) to access log (#669)
  • Remove one and a half years long deprecated ClientResponse.read_and_close() method
  • Optimize chunked encoding: use a single syscall instead of 3 calls on sending chunked encoded data
  • Use TCP_CORK and TCP_NODELAY to optimize network latency and throughput (#680)
  • Websocket XOR performance improved (#687)
  • Avoid sending cookie attributes in Cookie header (#613)
  • Round server timeouts to seconds for grouping pending calls. That leads to less amount of poller syscalls e.g. epoll.poll(). (#702)
  • Close connection on websocket handshake error (#703)
  • Implement class based views (#684)
  • Add headers parameter to ws_connect() (#709)
  • Drop unused function parse_remote_addr() (#708)
  • Close session on exception (#707)
  • Store http code and headers in WSServerHandshakeError (#706)
  • Make some low-level message properties readonly (#710)

0.19.0 (11-25-2015)

  • Memory leak in ParserBuffer (#579)
  • Support gunicorn's max_requests settings in gunicorn worker
  • Fix wsgi environment building (#573)
  • Improve access logging (#572)
  • Drop unused host and port from low-level server (#586)
  • Add Python 3.5 async for implementation to server websocket (#543)
  • Add Python 3.5 async for implementation to client websocket
  • Add Python 3.5 async with implementation to client websocket
  • Add charset parameter to web.Response constructor (#593)
  • Forbid passing both Content-Type header and content_type or charset params into web.Response constructor
  • Forbid duplicating of web.Application and web.Request (#602)
  • Add an option to pass Origin header in ws_connect (#607)
  • Add json_response function (#592)
  • Make concurrent connections respect limits (#581)
  • Collect history of responses if redirects occur (#614)
  • Enable passing pre-compressed data in requests (#621)
  • Expose named routes via UrlDispatcher.named_routes() (#622)
  • Allow disabling sendfile by environment variable AIOHTTP_NOSENDFILE (#629)
  • Use ensure_future if available
  • Always quote params for Content-Disposition (#641)
  • Support async for in multipart reader (#640)
  • Add Timeout context manager (#611)

0.18.4 (13-11-2015)

  • Relax rule for router names again by adding dash to allowed characters: they may contain identifiers, dashes, dots and columns

0.18.3 (25-10-2015)

  • Fix formatting for _RequestContextManager helper (#590)

0.18.2 (22-10-2015)

  • Fix regression for OpenSSL < 1.0.0 (#583)

0.18.1 (20-10-2015)

  • Relax rule for router names: they may contain dots and columns starting from now

0.18.0 (19-10-2015)

  • Use errors.HttpProcessingError.message as HTTP error reason and message (#459)

  • Optimize cythonized multidict a bit

  • Change repr's of multidicts and multidict views

  • default headers in ClientSession are now case-insensitive

  • Make '=' char and 'wss://' schema safe in urls (#477)

  • ClientResponse.close() forces connection closing by default from now (#479)

    N.B. Backward incompatible change: was .close(force=False) Using `force parameter for the method is deprecated: use .release() instead.

  • Properly requote URL's path (#480)

  • add skip_auto_headers parameter for client API (#486)

  • Properly parse URL path in aiohttp.web.Request (#489)

  • Raise RuntimeError when chunked enabled and HTTP is 1.0 (#488)

  • Fix a bug with processing io.BytesIO as data parameter for client API (#500)

  • Skip auto-generation of Content-Type header (#507)

  • Use sendfile facility for static file handling (#503)

  • Default response_factory in app.router.add_static now is StreamResponse, not None. The functionality is not changed if default is not specified.

  • Drop ClientResponse.message attribute, it was always implementation detail.

  • Streams are optimized for speed and mostly memory in case of a big HTTP message sizes (#496)

  • Fix a bug for server-side cookies for dropping cookie and setting it again without Max-Age parameter.

  • Don't trim redirect URL in client API (#499)

  • Extend precision of access log "D" to milliseconds (#527)

  • Deprecate StreamResponse.start() method in favor of StreamResponse.prepare() coroutine (#525)

    .start() is still supported but responses begun with .start() does not call signal for response preparing to be sent.

  • Add StreamReader.__repr__

  • Drop Python 3.3 support, from now minimal required version is Python 3.4.1 (#541)

  • Add async with support for ClientSession.request() and family (#536)

  • Ignore message body on 204 and 304 responses (#505)

  • TCPConnector processed both IPv4 and IPv6 by default (#559)

  • Add .routes() view for urldispatcher (#519)

  • Route name should be a valid identifier name from now (#567)

  • Implement server signals (#562)

  • Drop a year-old deprecated files parameter from client API.

  • Added async for support for aiohttp stream (#542)

0.17.4 (09-29-2015)

  • Properly parse URL path in aiohttp.web.Request (#489)
  • Add missing coroutine decorator, the client api is await-compatible now

0.17.3 (08-28-2015)

  • Remove Content-Length header on compressed responses (#450)
  • Support Python 3.5
  • Improve performance of transport in-use list (#472)
  • Fix connection pooling (#473)

0.17.2 (08-11-2015)

  • Don't forget to pass data argument forward (#462)
  • Fix multipart read bytes count (#463)

0.17.1 (08-10-2015)

  • Fix multidict comparison to arbitrary abc.Mapping

0.17.0 (08-04-2015)

  • Make StaticRoute support Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since headers (#386)
  • Add Request.if_modified_since and Stream.Response.last_modified properties
  • Fix deflate compression when writing a chunked response (#395)
  • Request`s content-length header is cleared now after redirect from POST method (#391)
  • Return a 400 if server received a non HTTP content (#405)
  • Fix keep-alive support for aiohttp clients (#406)
  • Allow gzip compression in high-level server response interface (#403)
  • Rename TCPConnector.resolve and family to dns_cache (#415)
  • Make UrlDispatcher ignore quoted characters during url matching (#414) Backward-compatibility warning: this may change the url matched by your queries if they send quoted character (like %2F for /) (#414)
  • Use optional cchardet accelerator if present (#418)
  • Borrow loop from Connector in ClientSession if loop is not set
  • Add context manager support to ClientSession for session closing.
  • Add toplevel get(), post(), put(), head(), delete(), options(), patch() coroutines.
  • Fix IPv6 support for client API (#425)
  • Pass SSL context through proxy connector (#421)
  • Make the rule: path for add_route should start with slash
  • Don't process request finishing by low-level server on closed event loop
  • Don't override data if multiple files are uploaded with same key (#433)
  • Ensure multipart.BodyPartReader.read_chunk read all the necessary data to avoid false assertions about malformed multipart payload
  • Don't send body for 204, 205 and 304 http exceptions (#442)
  • Correctly skip Cython compilation in MSVC not found (#453)
  • Add response factory to StaticRoute (#456)
  • Don't append trailing CRLF for multipart.BodyPartReader (#454)

0.16.6 (07-15-2015)

  • Skip compilation on Windows if vcvarsall.bat cannot be found (#438)

0.16.5 (06-13-2015)

  • Get rid of all comprehensions and yielding in _multidict (#410)

0.16.4 (06-13-2015)

  • Don't clear current exception in multidict's __repr__ (cythonized versions) (#410)

0.16.3 (05-30-2015)

  • Fix StaticRoute vulnerability to directory traversal attacks (#380)

0.16.2 (05-27-2015)

  • Update python version required for __del__ usage: it's actually 3.4.1 instead of 3.4.0
  • Add check for presence of loop.is_closed() method before call the former (#378)

0.16.1 (05-27-2015)

  • Fix regression in static file handling (#377)

0.16.0 (05-26-2015)

  • Unset waiter future after cancellation (#363)
  • Update request url with query parameters (#372)
  • Support new fingerprint param of TCPConnector to enable verifying SSL certificates via MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 digest (#366)
  • Setup uploaded filename if field value is binary and transfer encoding is not specified (#349)
  • Implement ClientSession.close() method
  • Implement connector.closed readonly property
  • Implement ClientSession.closed readonly property
  • Implement ClientSession.connector readonly property
  • Implement ClientSession.detach method
  • Add __del__ to client-side objects: sessions, connectors, connections, requests, responses.
  • Refactor connections cleanup by connector (#357)
  • Add limit parameter to connector constructor (#358)
  • Add request.has_body property (#364)
  • Add response_class parameter to ws_connect() (#367)
  • ProxyConnector does not support keep-alive requests by default starting from now (#368)
  • Add connector.force_close property
  • Add ws_connect to ClientSession (#374)
  • Support optional chunk_size parameter in router.add_static()

0.15.3 (04-22-2015)

  • Fix graceful shutdown handling
  • Fix Expect header handling for not found and not allowed routes (#340)

0.15.2 (04-19-2015)

  • Flow control subsystem refactoring
  • HTTP server performance optimizations
  • Allow to match any request method with *
  • Explicitly call drain on transport (#316)
  • Make chardet module dependency mandatory (#318)
  • Support keep-alive for HTTP 1.0 (#325)
  • Do not chunk single file during upload (#327)
  • Add ClientSession object for cookie storage and default headers (#328)
  • Add keep_alive_on argument for HTTP server handler.

0.15.1 (03-31-2015)

  • Pass Autobahn Testsuite tests
  • Fixed websocket fragmentation
  • Fixed websocket close procedure
  • Fixed parser buffer limits
  • Added timeout parameter to WebSocketResponse ctor
  • Added WebSocketResponse.close_code attribute

0.15.0 (03-27-2015)

  • Client WebSockets support
  • New Multipart system (#273)
  • Support for "Except" header (#287) (#267)
  • Set default Content-Type for post requests (#184)
  • Fix issue with construction dynamic route with regexps and trailing slash (#266)
  • Add repr to web.Request
  • Add repr to web.Response
  • Add repr for NotFound and NotAllowed match infos
  • Add repr for web.Application
  • Add repr to UrlMappingMatchInfo (#217)
  • Gunicorn 19.2.x compatibility

0.14.4 (01-29-2015)

  • Fix issue with error during constructing of url with regex parts (#264)

0.14.3 (01-28-2015)

  • Use path='/' by default for cookies (#261)

0.14.2 (01-23-2015)

  • Connections leak in BaseConnector (#253)
  • Do not swallow websocket reader exceptions (#255)
  • web.Request's read, text, json are memorized (#250)

0.14.1 (01-15-2015)

  • HttpMessage._add_default_headers does not overwrite existing headers (#216)
  • Expose multidict classes at package level
  • add aiohttp.web.WebSocketResponse
  • According to RFC 6455 websocket subprotocol preference order is provided by client, not by server
  • websocket's ping and pong accept optional message parameter
  • multidict views do not accept getall parameter anymore, it returns the full body anyway.
  • multidicts have optional Cython optimization, cythonized version of multidicts is about 5 times faster than pure Python.
  • multidict.getall() returns list, not tuple.
  • Backward incompatible change: now there are two mutable multidicts (MultiDict, CIMultiDict) and two immutable multidict proxies (MultiDictProxy and CIMultiDictProxy). Previous edition of multidicts was not a part of public API BTW.
  • Router refactoring to push Not Allowed and Not Found in middleware processing
  • Convert ConnectionError to aiohttp.DisconnectedError and don't eat ConnectionError exceptions from web handlers.
  • Remove hop headers from Response class, wsgi response still uses hop headers.
  • Allow to send raw chunked encoded response.
  • Allow to encode output bytes stream into chunked encoding.
  • Allow to compress output bytes stream with deflate encoding.
  • Server has 75 seconds keepalive timeout now, was non-keepalive by default.
  • Application does not accept **kwargs anymore ((#243)).
  • Request is inherited from dict now for making per-request storage to middlewares ((#242)).

0.13.1 (12-31-2014)

  • Add aiohttp.web.StreamResponse.started property (#213)
  • HTML escape traceback text in ServerHttpProtocol.handle_error
  • Mention handler and middlewares in aiohttp.web.RequestHandler.handle_request on error ((#218))

0.13.0 (12-29-2014)

  • StreamResponse.charset converts value to lower-case on assigning.
  • Chain exceptions when raise ClientRequestError.
  • Support custom regexps in route variables (#204)
  • Fixed graceful shutdown, disable keep-alive on connection closing.
  • Decode HTTP message with utf-8 encoding, some servers send headers in utf-8 encoding (#207)
  • Support aiohtt.web middlewares (#209)
  • Add ssl_context to TCPConnector (#206)

0.12.0 (12-12-2014)

  • Deep refactoring of aiohttp.web in backward-incompatible manner. Sorry, we have to do this.
  • Automatically force aiohttp.web handlers to coroutines in UrlDispatcher.add_route() (#186)
  • Rename Request.POST() function to
  • Added POST attribute
  • Response processing refactoring: constructor does not accept Request instance anymore.
  • Pass application instance to finish callback
  • Exceptions refactoring
  • Do not unquote query string in aiohttp.web.Request
  • Fix concurrent access to payload in RequestHandle.handle_request()
  • Add access logging to aiohttp.web
  • Gunicorn worker for aiohttp.web
  • Removed deprecated AsyncGunicornWorker
  • Removed deprecated HttpClient

0.11.0 (11-29-2014)

  • Support named routes in aiohttp.web.UrlDispatcher (#179)
  • Make websocket subprotocols conform to spec (#181)

0.10.2 (11-19-2014)

  • Don't unquote environ['PATH_INFO'] in (#177)

0.10.1 (11-17-2014)

  • aiohttp.web.HTTPException and descendants now files response body with string like 404: NotFound
  • Fix multidict __iter__, the method should iterate over keys, not (key, value) pairs.

0.10.0 (11-13-2014)

  • Add aiohttp.web subpackage for highlevel HTTP server support.
  • Add reason optional parameter to aiohttp.protocol.Response ctor.
  • Fix aiohttp.client bug for sending file without content-type.
  • Change error text for connection closed between server responses from 'Can not read status line' to explicit 'Connection closed by server'
  • Drop closed connections from connector (#173)
  • Set server.transport to None on .closing() (#172)

0.9.3 (10-30-2014)

  • Fix compatibility with asyncio 3.4.1+ (#170)

0.9.2 (10-16-2014)

  • Improve redirect handling (#157)
  • Send raw files as is (#153)
  • Better websocket support (#150)

0.9.1 (08-30-2014)

  • Added MultiDict support for client request params and data (#114).
  • Fixed parameter type for IncompleteRead exception (#118).
  • Strictly require ASCII headers names and values (#137)
  • Keep port in ProxyConnector (#128).
  • Python 3.4.1 compatibility (#131).

0.9.0 (07-08-2014)

  • Better client basic authentication support (#112).
  • Fixed incorrect line splitting in HttpRequestParser (#97).
  • Support StreamReader and DataQueue as request data.
  • Client files handling refactoring (#20).
  • Backward incompatible: Replace DataQueue with StreamReader for request payload (#87).

0.8.4 (07-04-2014)

  • Change ProxyConnector authorization parameters.

0.8.3 (07-03-2014)

  • Publish TCPConnector properties: verify_ssl, family, resolve, resolved_hosts.
  • Don't parse message body for HEAD responses.
  • Refactor client response decoding.

0.8.2 (06-22-2014)

  • Make ProxyConnector.proxy immutable property.
  • Make UnixConnector.path immutable property.
  • Fix resource leak for aiohttp.request() with implicit connector.
  • Rename Connector's reuse_timeout to keepalive_timeout.

0.8.1 (06-18-2014)

  • Use case insensitive multidict for server request/response headers.
  • MultiDict.getall() accepts default value.
  • Catch server ConnectionError.
  • Accept MultiDict (and derived) instances in aiohttp.request header argument.
  • Proxy 'CONNECT' support.

0.8.0 (06-06-2014)

  • Add support for utf-8 values in HTTP headers
  • Allow to use custom response class instead of HttpResponse
  • Use MultiDict for client request headers
  • Use MultiDict for server request/response headers
  • Store response headers in ClientResponse.headers attribute
  • Get rid of timeout parameter in aiohttp.client API
  • Exceptions refactoring

0.7.3 (05-20-2014)

  • Simple HTTP proxy support.

0.7.2 (05-14-2014)

  • Get rid of __del__ methods
  • Use ResourceWarning instead of logging warning record.

0.7.1 (04-28-2014)

  • Do not unquote client request urls.
  • Allow multiple waiters on transport drain.
  • Do not return client connection to pool in case of exceptions.
  • Rename SocketConnector to TCPConnector and UnixSocketConnector to UnixConnector.

0.7.0 (04-16-2014)

  • Connection flow control.
  • HTTP client session/connection pool refactoring.
  • Better handling for bad server requests.

0.6.5 (03-29-2014)

  • Added client session reuse timeout.
  • Better client request cancellation support.
  • Better handling responses without content length.
  • Added HttpClient verify_ssl parameter support.

0.6.4 (02-27-2014)

  • Log content-length missing warning only for put and post requests.

0.6.3 (02-27-2014)

  • Better support for server exit.
  • Read response body until EOF if content-length is not defined (#14)

0.6.2 (02-18-2014)

  • Fix trailing char in allowed_methods.
  • Start slow request timer for first request.

0.6.1 (02-17-2014)

  • Added utility method HttpResponse.read_and_close()
  • Added slow request timeout.
  • Enable socket SO_KEEPALIVE if available.

0.6.0 (02-12-2014)

  • Better handling for process exit.

0.5.0 (01-29-2014)

  • Allow to use custom HttpRequest client class.
  • Use gunicorn keepalive setting for asynchronous worker.
  • Log leaking responses.
  • python 3.4 compatibility

0.4.4 (11-15-2013)

  • Resolve only AF_INET family, because it is not clear how to pass extra info to asyncio.

0.4.3 (11-15-2013)

  • Allow to wait completion of request with HttpResponse.wait_for_close()

0.4.2 (11-14-2013)

  • Handle exception in client request stream.
  • Prevent host resolving for each client request.

0.4.1 (11-12-2013)

  • Added client support for expect: 100-continue header.

0.4 (11-06-2013)

  • Added custom wsgi application close procedure
  • Fixed concurrent host failure in HttpClient

0.3 (11-04-2013)

  • Added PortMapperWorker
  • Added HttpClient
  • Added TCP connection timeout to HTTP client
  • Better client connection errors handling
  • Gracefully handle process exit


  • Fix packaging