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Nuke Bloodaxe edited this page Jul 28, 2016 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the ironseed_fpc wiki! [Or, in this case, the notes jotting pad]

ToDo: Graphically Ironseed is quite nice, however things have moved on and it would be nice to up the graphics quality of the planets, portraits, and perhaps comms.

Gameplay wise it seems fine as is, but if something can be improved to make it more playable in certain cases, then this really should be applied. Typically some gameplay and UI elements are a product of their time, when there really was no better method or way of doing it on the given hardware at the time [Check "Captive" by MindScape for an excellent way of implementing a UI in a limited hardware scenario], however my main concern will be UI limitations that are now unnecessary.

I note the old Dev docs list a multitude of ToDo’s, they should really be looked at and implemented.

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