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Docker omnibus

This repository contains templates and Chef code to build Docker images with prebuilt tools required to build omnibus packages. The reason for pre building docker images is that compiling the tool chain for omnibus builds can take a very long time.

Building the Docker images

Before building the images, bootstrap the Chef cookbooks using berkshelf: berks vendor; berks is part of the ChefDK package.

Make sure you have compiled and installed the packer docker-dockerfile post-processor. The post-processor is required to properly build the images.

Make sure packer is in the PATH, then run the script. To build a specific image you can use packer directly, see the script for details.

Using the Docker image(s)

Although you can run bundle exec omnibus yourself, a small companion has been pre-installed in the docker image to make your life easier. The omnibus-autobuild utility takes care of annoying stuff like checking out your omnibus project from git, publishing the artifact and sorting out file permissions.

omnibus-autobuild flags:

  • -p PROJECT - The project to build. This is a mandatory parameter.
  • -o OUTPUT_DIR - Copy the build artifact (anything in pkg directory) to OUTPUT_DIR
  • -r REPO_URL - checkout a git repository from REPO_URL before building and use that repository as the build source.
  • -R REPO_PATH - Use REPO_PATH as the build source. You should mount REPO_PATH as a host volume when running docker (see example bellow)
  • -P PUBLISH_GLOB - Publish the files matching PUBLISH_GLOB to S3 using omnibus publish s3. See example bellow.

The omnibus-autobuild utility is the default entrypoint for the docker images, so if you don't want to use it simply use --entrypoint /bin/bash on the docker command line.

Building from a host volume

Use the -R option with a host mounted volume:

docker run -v /tmp/pkg:/output -v /path/to/git-repo:/source --rm omnibus/centos-6 -p mcollective -o /output -R /source

Building from a git repository

The following command will clone the git repo, build the mcollective omnibus project and copy the output to /output directory which is a host volume.

docker run -v /tmp/pkg:/output --rm omnibus/centos-6 -p mcollective -o /output -r

Copying the build artifact to the host

As mentioned in the previous example, the -o flag of the omnibus-autobuild script will copy the build artifacts to the specified directory. Use docker's -v parameter to mount a host volume on that directory.

Publish the build artifact to S3

If you want to upload the generated packages to S3 instead of copying back to the host, you will need to enable the S3 publisher in your omnibus.rb file:

publish_s3_access_key ENV['S3_ACCESS_KEY']
publish_s3_secret_key ENV['S3_SECRET_KEY']

Then specify the keys as environment variables and use the -P flag:

 docker run -e S3_ACCESS_KEY=your-aws-access-key -e S3_SECRET_KEY=your-aws-secret-key --rm omnibus/centos-6 omnibus-autobuild -p mcollective -r -P '*.rpm'


Docker images for Omnibus builds






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