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Matthew S Fell's unofficial Doom specs translated into Markdown

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                       Release v1.666 - December 15th, 1994
                   Written by: Matthew S Fell (

          "The poets talk about love, ...but what I talk about is DOOM,
                  because in the end, DOOM is all that counts."
            - Alex Machine/George Stark/Stephen King, _The Dark Half_


These specs are to aid in informing the public about the games DOOM and DOOM 2, by id Software. In no way should this promote your killing yourself, killing others, or killing in any other fashion. Additionally, the author does not claim ANY responsibility regarding ANY illegal activity concerning this file, or indirectly related to this file. The information contained in this file only reflects id Software indirectly, and questioning id Software regarding any information in this file is not recommended.


This article is Copyright 1994 by Matt Fell. All rights reserved. You are granted the following rights:

  1. To make copies of this work in original form, so long as
  2. the copies are exact and complete;
  3. the copies include the copyright notice and these paragraphs in their entirety;
  4. the copies give obvious credit to the author, Matt Fell;
  5. the copies are in electronic form.
  6. To distribute this work, or copies made under the provisions above, so long as
  7. this is the original work and not a derivative form;
  8. you do not charge a fee for copying or for distribution;
  9. you ensure that the distributed form includes the copyright notice, this paragraph, the disclaimer of warranty in their entirety and credit to the author;
  10. the distributed form is not in an electronic magazine or within computer software (prior explicit permission may be obtained from the author);
  11. the distributed form is the NEWEST version of the article to the best of the knowledge of the distributor;
  12. the distributed form is electronic.

You may not distribute this work by any non-electronic media, including but not limited to books, newsletters, magazines, manuals, catalogs, and speech. You may not distribute this work in electronic magazines or within computer software without prior written explicit permission. These rights are temporary and revocable upon written, oral, or other notice by the author. This copyright notice shall be governed by the laws of the state of Ohio.

If you would like additional rights beyond those granted above, write to the author at "" on the Internet.


  1. Introduction

  2. id Software's Copyright

  3. What's New

  4. The Basics

  5. Pwads

  6. DOOM version information

  7. Terminology conventions

  8. List of DOOM.WAD Directory Entries

  9. The Levels

  10. ExMy or MAPxy

  11. THINGS 1. Thing Types 2. Thing Sizes 3. Thing Options

  12. LINEDEFS 1. Linedef Flags 2. Linedef Types



  15. SEGS


  17. NODES

  18. SECTORS 1. Special Sector Types

  19. REJECT


  21. Graphics

  22. Picture Format

  23. Flats (Floor and Ceiling Textures)

  24. Animated Floors, see 8-4-1

  25. Sounds and Music

  26. PC Speaker Sound Effects

  27. Soundcard Sound Effects

  28. Music


  30. DMXGUS

  31. Miscellaneous Lumps



  34. ENDOOM

  35. TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 1. Animated Walls 2. The SKY Textures

  36. PNAMES

  37. DEMOs 1. Level changes from 1.2 to 1.666 DOOM.WAD

  38. Savegame Files

  39. The DOOM.EXE File

  40. Version 1.2 DOOM.EXE Data Segment Overview

  41. Version 1.666 DOOM.EXE Data Segment Overview

  42. Detail on some EXE Data Structures


  1. Backus-Naur Form definitions of wad elements
  2. Engine limits
  3. DOOM.WAD changes and errors
  4. A BLOCKMAP algorithm
  5. Other helpful documents
  6. Acknowledgments


Matthew S Fell's unofficial Doom specs translated into Markdown






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