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NULL511 edited this page Apr 26, 2022 · 2 revisions

Two types of releases are available:

  • CLI: A command-line interface designed for scripted/automated usage. Separate versions have been compiled for windows/linux/mac.
  • UI: A visual user-interface for live-previewing changes and generally simplifying usage. This is for windows only, but can be run on linux/mac using WineHQ.

Windows users

Download the latest release of the CLI or UI marked "windows".

Linux & Mac

For the CLI, download the latest release of the CLI marked "linux" or "mac".

For the UI, you will first need to install WineHQ if you don't have it already.

# For x64 hosts only, adds x86 support.
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

# Add WineHQ repository key
wget -nc
sudo apt-key add winehq.key

# Ubuntu 20.04 specific! make sure to add the proper repository for your OS
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb focal main'

sudo apt update
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable


Leveraging docker provides the simplest usage when available. It can ensure the latest version is always used, as well as support automated CI/CD workflows. The example below binds the current working directory as /content on the host and performs publishing. The final compressed file is saved to the same working directory as Get the image on Docker-Hub.

docker run --name pixelgraph --rm --mount src="$(pwd)",target="/content,type=bind" null511/pixelgraph:latest \
    publish -f "//content/src/project.yml" -p "LabPbr-64x" -z "//content/"