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The domain_exporter is a lightweight service designed to perform WHOIS lookups for a list of domains specified in the configuration file and expose the results on a "/metrics" endpoint for consumption via Prometheus.

This project was heavily inspired by:


The service is configured via a YAML file (domains.yml by default) which specifies the domains to be monitored. An example configuration looks like this:



The following flags can be used to configure the behavior of the domain_exporter:

usage: domain_exporter [<flags>]

  -bind string
    	The address to listen on for HTTP requests. (default ":9203")
  -config string
    	domain_exporter configuration file. (default "domains.yml")
    	sets log level to debu
    	prints the version

Example Output

# HELP domain_expiration_seconds UNIX timestamp when the WHOIS record states this domain will expire
# TYPE domain_expiration_seconds gauge
domain_expiration_seconds{domain=""} 1.7394912e+09
domain_expiration_seconds{domain=""} 1.8525168e+09
# HELP domain_last_change_seconds UNIX timestamp when the WHOIS record states this domain will expire
# TYPE domain_last_change_seconds gauge
domain_last_change_seconds{domain=""} 1.6781472e+09
domain_last_change_seconds{domain=""} 1.7019072e+09
# HELP domain_parsed That the domain was parsed
# TYPE domain_parsed gauge
domain_parsed{domain=""} 1
domain_parsed{domain=""} 1

Docker image

We provide a Docker image for easy deployment, available on the GitHub Container Registry. You can pull the image using:

docker pull

Example Prometheus Alert

Below is an example of Prometheus alert rules that can be configured to monitor domain expiration and availability:

  - name: ./domain.rules
      - alert: DomainExpiring
        expr: ((domain_expiration_seconds-time())/86400) < 30
        for: 24h
          severity: warning
          description: '{{ $labels.domain }} expires in {{ $value }} days'
      - alert: DomainUnfindable
        expr: domain_expiration_parsed == 1
        for: 24h
          severity: critical
          description: 'Unable to find or parse expiry for {{ $labels.domain }}'
      - alert: DomainMetricsAbsent
        expr: absent(domain_expiration_seconds) > 0
        for: 1h
          severity: warning
          description: Metrics for domain-exporter are absent.

These rules will trigger alerts based on domain expiration dates and the availability of WHOIS records. Adjust the thresholds and severity levels as needed for your monitoring setup.

Contribute and Report Issues

If you encounter any bugs or issues while using domain_exporter, please don't hesitate to create an issue on GitHub. Additionally, we welcome contributions and improvements from the community. If you have a feature request or would like to contribute code, feel free to open a pull request. Your feedback and contributions are invaluable in helping us maintain and improve this tool for everyone's benefit 🎉