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Nuno Fachada edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 22 revisions

Installing cf4ocl

Using cf4ocl

Contributing to cf4ocl

We have a number of open issues, and help is also welcome in packaging cf4ocl, namely for:

  • Debian, Fedora, Arch and other Linux distributions.
  • FreeBSD and other BSD distributions.
  • Provide binary packages for direct download (Linux, Windows, FreeBSD).
  • Provide a Homebrew formula for OS X. There is a Homebrew formula formula for OS X, courtesy of Jan-Gerd Tenberge.

At the moment, the CMake build process can produce Linux DEBs and RPMs, as well as Windows .EXE installers. However the created packages are still not perfect for distribution, so they are not yet included in the releases.