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Tools supported - parameters and options


Mapper Option name (mapper)
BWA bwa1
BWA bwa2
Bowtie 1 bowtie1
Bowtie2 bowtie2
GEM gem
GSNAP gsnap
MapSplice mapsplice
OSA osa
SMALT smalt
SOAPsplice soapsplice
STAR star
TopHat 1 tophat1
TopHat 2 tophat2
HISAT2 hisat2

More information about the different mappers and links to the respective websites may be found here. Some mappers (e.g., mapsplice) may not be installed by default. The installation script may be used to install these mappers by using the -x option. For instance, the following command would try to install MapSplice in the existing iRAP installation -s change_to_path_to_irap_source_folder -x mapsplice 


Quantifier Option name (quant_method)
Cufflinks 1 (do not assemble novel transcripts/-G) cufflinks1_nd
Cufflinks 1 (try to find novel transcripts/-g) cufflinks1
Cufflinks 2 (do not assemble novel transcripts/-G) cufflinks2_nd
Cufflinks 2 (try to find novel transcripts/-g) cufflinks2
FluxCapacitor flux_cap
HTSeq (intersection non-empty mode) htseq2
HTSeq (union mode) htseq1
Kallisto kallisto
NURD nurd
RSEM (only works with STAR aligner) rsem
StringTie stringtie
Salmon salmon
DEXSeq dexseq
BitSeq bitseq
FeatureCounts featurecounts
umis umis
umi_count umi_count

Exon level quantification can be enabled by defining the parameter exon_quant_method (e.g., exon_quant_method=dexseq). Currently the only exon quantification methods supported are StringTie, DEXSeq, FeatureCounts.

Unique molecular identifiers (UMI) counting methods supported: umis and umi_count.

Differential expression (DE)

Method Option name (de_method)
Cuffdiff 1 cuffdiff1
Cuffdiff 2 cuffdiff2
DESeq deseq
DESeq2 deseq2
EdgeR edger
VOOM voom
EBSeq ebseq

Transcript level differential expression method may be selected by defining the parameter transcript_de_method.

Exon level differential expression method may be selected by defining the parameter exon_de_method (currently on dexseq is supported).

Gene set enrichment analysis (GSE)

Tool Option name (gse_tool)
Piano piano

Although [[] [Piano]] is the only tool supported, it includes several methods that may be used: mean, median, sum, fisher, stouffer, tailStrength, wilcoxon, reporter, and page. Nothe that “fisher-exact” test is also available (although is not part of Piano). For information about these methods and Piano we refer to the Piano documentation available here. More information about how to enable GSE analysis in iRAP is provided here.

Gene fusion analysis

Tool Option name (fusion_method)
FusionMap fusionmap