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Minimalist Implementation of a Mini-BERT for Text Classification

This repo is a minimalist implementation of a Mini-BERT for Text Classification. As pretrained models are getting bigger and bigger, it is important to allow young researchers without many resources to try and experiment new architectures.

This repo is based on Minimalist Implementation of a BERT Sentence Classifier which is founded on the following libraries:

The datasets were originally downloaded from Assignment 1 of the course Neural Networks for NLP.


This project uses Python 3

Create a virtual env with (outside the project folder):

virtualenv -p python3 minibert-env
source minibert-env/bin/activate

Install the requirements (inside the project folder):

pip install -r requirements.txt

Getting Started:



Available commands:

Training arguments:

optional arguments:
  --seed                      Training seed.
  --distributed_backend       Supports three options: dp
  --use_16bit                 If true uses 16 bit precision
  --batch_size                Batch size to be used.
  --accumulate_grad_batches   Accumulated gradients runs K small batches of \
                              size N before doing a backwards pass.
  --log_gpu_memory            Uses the output of nvidia-smi to log GPU usage. \
                              Might slow performance.
  --val_percent_check         If you dont want to use the entire dev set, set \
                              how much of the dev set you want to use with this flag.      

Early Stopping/Checkpoint arguments:

optional arguments:
  --metric_mode             If we want to min/max the monitored quantity.
  --min_epochs              Limits training to a minimum number of epochs
  --max_epochs              Limits training to a max number number of epochs
  --save_top_k              The best k models according to the quantity \
                            monitored will be saved.

Model arguments:

optional arguments:
  --encoder_learning_rate     Encoder specific learning rate.
  --learning_rate             Classification head learning rate.
  --class_weights             Weights for each of the classes we want to tag.
  --warmup_steps              Scheduler warmup steps.
  --dropout                   Dropout to be applied to the BERT embeddings.
  --train_csv                 Path to the file containing the train data.
  --dev_csv                   Path to the file containing the dev data.
  --test_csv                  Path to the file containing the test data.
  --loader_workers            How many subprocesses to use for data loading.
  --label_set                 Set of labels we want to use in our classification task (e.g: 'pos,neg')

Training command example:

python \
    --gpus 1 \
    --distributed_backend dp \
    --batch_size 6 \
    --accumulate_grad_batches 2 \
    --loader_workers 4 \
    --nr_frozen_epochs 1

Testing the model on shell:

python --experiment experiments/lightning_logs/version_{date}


Launch tensorboard with:

tensorboard --logdir="experiments/lightning_logs/"

Code Style:

To make sure all the code follows the same style we use Black.


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