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Refactor nu-check (#12137)
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# Description
Thank you for improving Nushell. Please, check our [contributing
guide](../ and talk to the core team before making major

Description of your pull request goes here. **Provide examples and/or
screenshots** if your changes affect the user experience.

This PR refactors `nu-check` and makes it possible to check module
directories. Also removes the requirement for files to end with .nu: It
was too limiting for module directories and there are executable scripts
that do not end with .nu, it's a common practice for scripts to omit it.

Other changes are:
* Removed the `--all` flag and heuristic parse because these are
irrelevant now when module syntax is a subset of script syntax (i.e.,
every module can be parsed as script).
* Reduced code duplication and in general tidied up the code
* Replaced unspanned errors with spanned ones.

# User-Facing Changes
<!-- List of all changes that impact the user experience here. This
helps us keep track of breaking changes. -->

* `nu-check` doesn't require files to end with .nu
* can check module directories
* Removed `--all` flag 

# Tests + Formatting
Don't forget to add tests that cover your changes.

Make sure you've run and fixed any issues with these commands:

- `cargo fmt --all -- --check` to check standard code formatting (`cargo
fmt --all` applies these changes)
- `cargo clippy --workspace -- -D warnings -D clippy::unwrap_used` to
check that you're using the standard code style
- `cargo test --workspace` to check that all tests pass (on Windows make
sure to [enable developer
- `cargo run -- -c "use std testing; testing run-tests --path
crates/nu-std"` to run the tests for the standard library

> **Note**
> from `nushell` you can also use the `toolkit` as follows
> ```bash
> use # or use an `env_change` hook to activate it
> toolkit check pr
> ```

# After Submitting
<!-- If your PR had any user-facing changes, update [the
documentation]( after the
PR is merged, if necessary. This will help us keep the docs up to date.
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kubouch committed Mar 9, 2024
1 parent d8f13b3 commit 5e937ca
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