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Helper scripts for the Nuxeo reference benches

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About Nuxeo Benchmarks

Scripts used to run the Nuxeo reference benchmarks.

This sets up an infrastructure with:

  • A Nuxeo cluster (AWS ec2)
  • An Elasticsearch cluster (AWS ec2)
  • A relational database or MongoDB (AWS ec2)
  • Optionally, a Kafka cluster (AWS ec2)
  • A binary store (AWS S3 bucket)
  • Redis (AWS ElastiCache)
  • A load balancer (AWS ELB)

This is a mix of static and dynamic parts:

  • Nuxeo, Elasticsearch and Kafka ec2 nodes are created and terminated
  • Database ec2 nodes are started on demand (but not created)
  • ELB, ElastiCache and S3 bucket are static and always up

The bench is a composed of a dozen of Gatling simulation part of the Nuxeo source code.

Benchmarks are launched using Jenkins and populate a benchmark reference site:

Benchmark workflow

Running a benchmark

Benchmarks are triggered using the following Jenkins job:

The job has parameters that impact the target Nuxeo setup:

parameter default description
dbprofile pgsql The backend used for the document repository
distribution laststapshot The Nuxeo distribution to use (must be >= 10.10):
- lastbuild: the last build from nuxeo-distribution-master
- lastitbuild: the last IT build distribution
- lastitsuccess the last successful IT build distribution
- lastlts: the latest LTS from
- lastft: the latest FastTrack from
- lastsnapshot: the latest published snapshot from
- VERSION: that version from SNAPSHOT) or release)
- URL: downloads that URL, no resolving done
- FILE: uses that local file
- BRANCH: build a distrib from source using this branch - BRANCH/FALLBACK: build a distrib from source using this branch fallback on FALLBACK branch - BRANCH@DATE: build a distrib from source using a branch as it was at the DATE, for instance master@2017-04-24
nbnodes 2 Number of Nuxeo nodes
esnode 3 Number of Elasticsearch nodes
kafka false Use kafka
DEBUG_MODE false This will wait 1h for manual intervention/debug before starting simulations.
NUXEO_10 false The target is a Nuxeo 10.10, requiring Java 8 to build, using different path for simulation.

There are parameters that help to categorize the benchmarks results:

parameter default description
benchsuite Current snapshot The name used to mark a serie of benchmark on a Nuxeo build. This field is used to group benchmark results on the benchmark reference site. To get a good ordering of reports it is a good idea to prefix with a date formated like '17w03' for 2017 week number 3. You should also add a NXP reference, ex: '17w10 NXP-12345 Evaluate Foo refactoring
classifier An additional classifier for the benchmark when something other than dbprofile or nbnodes has changed. You can use 'reference' to get a baseline benchmark.
category workbench The results category where the result is added:
- milestone: for official Nuxeo release
- misc: to demonstrate new feature performance
- continuous: the weekly benchmark on master
- workbench: temporary tests
- custom: custom benchmarks

The build result (the run) is then published on the site under the category section.

The section lists benchmarks ordered by reverse benchsuite names. For a benchsuite the list of run ordered by "$dbprofile $nbnodes $buildid", and the name displayed will contain the classifier.

Continuous (Weekly) benchmarks

A benchmark suite is triggered every Monday on the master branch.

You can find the results at the following location:

There is a CI Job that schedule the benchmark suite:

The variation for each run will be on dbprofile and one with mongodb and kafka without Redis.


Milestone benchmarks are done on new Nuxeo release. The results are published here:

The benchmark suite is composed of the same run as with the weekly benchmarks, using the job:

And some scalability tests are done using MongoDB and PostgreSQL using 1, 3 and 4 Nuxeo nodes. Theses extra run are scheduled using the following job:

Misc Benchmark

You can use the reference benchmark to measure the performance impact for the feature.

For instance to test the impact of the feature Foo:

  • you have a jira ticket NXP-1234
  • you have a branch feature-NXP-1234-foo
  • the parent branch is master

Run a first benchmark on your branch

parameter value description
benchsuite 19w39 NXP-1234 Foo 19w39 means 2019 week #39
classifier Foo impl This is the run with the feature activated
category misc The results will be stored in the Misc section.
dbprofile mongodb The backend used for the document repository
distribution feature-NXP-1234-foo/master The Nuxeo distribution to use (must be >= 8.1):

Keep all other default parameters.

Run a reference benchmark on master

parameter value description
benchsuite 19w39 NXP-1234 Foo 19w39 means 2019 week #39
classifier reference The classifier for the run
category misc The results will be stored in the Misc section.
dbprofile mongodb The backend used for the document repository
distribution feature-NXP-1234-foo/master The Nuxeo distribution to use (must be >= 8.1):


The results of the 2 builds will be published on:

You can compare the results of feature Foo vs reference with the help of details reports that contain monitoring capture.

You can write your analysis in the NXP ticket but it is also possible to add it directly on the site:

git clone
cd nuxeo-bench-site

vi data/analysis/suite.yml

The suite.yml file contains all benchmarks analysis. Add your analysis on the top of the file:

"19w39 NXP-1234 Foo": "Foo feature analysis, the key must match the benchsuite

- This is normal markdown.

Visit the README if you want to generate locally the site for verification.

Then commit and push your change, the site will be updated automatically within few minutes.

Site publication flow

After a reference benchmark build is run, the following job is executed to publish details reports into a s3 bucket and add benchmarks results in nuxeo-bench-site git repository:

The update of the site git repository triggers the static site build and publish the results in another s3 bucket:

Note that there is also the job to deploy the final version on

About Nuxeo

Nuxeo provides a modular, extensible, open source platform for enterprise content management used by organizations worldwide to power business processes and content repositories in the area of document management, digital asset management, case management and knowledge management. Designed by developers for developers, the Nuxeo platform offers a modern architecture, a powerful plug-in model and top notch performance.

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