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124 lines (80 loc) · 3.88 KB


General options shared with all strategies. See defaults.js for defaults.



redirect: {
  login: '/login',
  logout: '/',
  callback: '/login',
  user: '/'
  • login: User will be redirected to this path if login is required.
  • logout: User will be redirected to this path if after logout, current route is protected.
  • callback: User will be redirect to this path by the identity provider after login. (Should match configured Allowed Callback URLs (or similar setting) in your app/client with the identity provider)
  • user: User will be redirected to this path after login and callback is processed. (rewriteRedirects will rewrite this path)

Each redirect path can be disabled by setting to false. Also you can disable all redirects by setting redirect to false


Auth tokens are stored in various storage providers (cookie, localStorage, vuex) on user login to provide a seamless auth experience across server-side rendering (SSR) and client-side rendering. Tokens are stored under with storage keys of the format: {storageProvider.prefix}{token.prefix}{strategy}. See auth.js - Token helpers and storage.js for more details.


token: {
  prefix: '_token.'
  • prefix - Default prefix used in building a key for token storage across all storage providers.



localStorage: {
  prefix: 'auth.'
  • prefix - Default token prefix used in building a key for token storage in the browser's localStorage.

You can disable use of localStorage by setting localStorage to false, like so:

localStorage: false

Otherwise the auth token will be stored in localStorage at a default key of: auth._token.{provider}.



cookie: {
  prefix: 'auth.',
  options: {
    path: '/'
  • prefix - Default token prefix used in building a key for token storage in the browser's localStorage.
  • options - Additional cookie options, passed to js-cookie set and get functions. See full details on options they support and their defaults here, which includes:
    • path - path where the cookie is visible. Default is '/'.
    • expires - can be used to specify cookie lifetime in Number of days or specific Date. Default is session only.
    • domain - domain (and by extension subdomain/s) where the cookie is visible. Default is domain and all subdomains.
    • secure - sets whether the cookie requires a secure protocol (https). Default is false, should be set to true if possible.

Note: Using cookies is required for SSR requests to work with JWT tokens.

You can disable use of cookie storage by setting cookie to false, like so:

cookie: false

Otherwise the auth token will be stored in a cookie named by default as: auth._token.{provider}.


If you have any nuxt plugin that depends on $auth you have to specifiy it here instead of top-level plugins option in nuxt.config.js.

See Extending Auth Plugin


  • Default: false

If enabled, user will be automatically logged out if any error happens. (For example when token expired)


  • Default: true

If enabled, user will redirect back to the original guarded route instead of redirect.home.


Default: false

If true, use the full route path with query parameters for redirect


  • Default: auth

Vuex store namespace for keeping state.


  • Default: scope

user object property used for scope checking (hasScope). Can be either an array or a object.