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🌟 Summary

rocks-git.nvim extends rocks.nvim with the ability to install plugins from git repositories.

It does so by hooking into the :Rocks {install|update|sync|prune} commands, allowing you to add plugins entries to your rocks.toml as follows:

git = "nvim-neorg/neorg"

# or...

neorg = { git = "nvim-neorg/neorg" }


This plugin is meant as a simple, minimal bridge for plugins that cannot be installed with luarocks.

For Lua plugins, we recommend requesting (or creating a PR) to upload them to luarocks, as this enables proper SemVer versioning.

📝 Requirements

  • rocks.nvim >= 2.12.0
  • The git command line utility.

🔨 Installation

Simply run :Rocks install rocks-git.nvim, and you are good to go!

📚 Usage

You can use the same :Rocks {install|update|sync|prune} commands as you would use to install rocks with rocks.nvim.

The only difference is the :Rocks install {plugin} {args?} command.


  • plugin: The plugin short name1, e.g. owner/repo or a git HTTPS/SSH URL.
  • args: (optional) key=value pairs, see Configuration options.

If a plugin is not pinned to a revision or tag with the rev field, :Rocks sync will update to the most recent tag.

Configuration options

The following fields can be set in a rocks.toml entry that is managed by this plugin:

Field Type Required? Description
name string Yes Name of the plugin
git string Yes Git short name1, e.g. "nvim-neorocks/rocks-git.nvim" or a git URL.
opt boolean No (default: false) Plugins with opt = true will not be loaded on startup. See :h packadd
rev string No Git revision or tag to checkout
branch string No Git branch to checkout
build string No Shell or Vimscript command to run after install/update. Will run a vim command if prefixed with :


See also :h rocks-git.

🩺 Troubleshooting

Git commands and error logs will show up in :Rocks log.

📖 License

rocks-git.nvim is licensed under GPLv3.

💚 Contributing

Contributions are more than welcome! See for a guide.


  1. Also supports github:, gitlab:, codeberg: and sourcehut: prefixes, e.g. gitlab:owner/repo (HTTPS only). 2