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Volume icon

Piotr Miller edited this page Nov 15, 2018 · 9 revisions

This script displays an appropriate volume icon, according to the current volume level. Assign scroll up/down command to increase/decrease level. Use -l argument to display level as text next to the icon.

volume icon




~/tint2-executors/ [-l]

-l argument turns on textual level display.

Sample executor:

# Executor 3
execp = new
execp_command = ~/tint2-executors/ -l
execp_interval = 3
execp_has_icon = 1
execp_cache_icon = 1
execp_continuous = 0
execp_markup = 1
execp_tooltip = Scroll ↓↑, middle click to mute
execp_lclick_command = rof -P zenity ~/tint2-executors/
execp_rclick_command = rof pavucontrol
execp_mclick_command = amixer set Master toggle -q
execp_uwheel_command = amixer set Master 5%+ unmute -q
execp_dwheel_command = amixer set Master 5%- -q
execp_font = Monospace 9
execp_font_color = #eeeeee 100
execp_padding = 2 0
execp_background_id = 6
execp_centered = 0
execp_icon_w = 20
execp_icon_h = 20