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feat(core): update to nx 19 #1128

feat(core): update to nx 19

feat(core): update to nx 19 #1128

Workflow file for this run

name: Run PR checks
on: pull_request
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.number || github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
# TODO: Figure out why DTE is not handling demo app well.
# It appears that the task graph on the DTE side doesn't
# contain the relationship between the demo webapi and the
# demo models library. This causes the C# build to fail.
name: Nx Cloud - Main Job
uses: nrwl/ci/.github/workflows/nx-cloud-main.yml@v0.8
main-branch-name: 'master'
parallel-commands: |
npx nx-cloud record yarn nx format:check
npx nx-cloud record yarn documentation:check --verbose
npx nx-cloud record yarn commitlint --from ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }} --to HEAD --verbose
parallel-commands-on-agents: |
yarn nx affected --target lint build test
final-commands: |
yarn e2e
name: Nx Cloud - Agents
uses: nrwl/ci/.github/workflows/nx-cloud-agents.yml@v0.8
number-of-agents: 3