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forked from manthanhd/talkify

Framework for developing chat bot applications.


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Framework for developing chat bot applications.

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Make sure you have node and npm installed. As of now, this module has been tested against latest, 4, 0.12 and 0.10 node versions within the Travis CI pipeline.

Simply run npm install command to install:

npm install --save talkify

Code Tutorial


Require the main module, types and dependencies. The following command loads everything that you need from the module.

// Core dependency
const talkify = require('talkify');
const Bot = talkify.Bot;

// Types dependencies
const BotTypes = talkify.BotTypes;
const Message = BotTypes.Message;
const SingleLineMessage = BotTypes.SingleLineMessage;
const MultiLineMessage = BotTypes.MultiLineMessage;

// Skills dependencies
const Skill = BotTypes.Skill;

// Training dependencies
const TrainingDocument = BotTypes.TrainingDocument;

Once the dependencies have been loaded, you can initialise the bot core.

const bot = new Bot({classifierPreference: 'naive_bayes'});

For this example, we're asking the bot to use naive_bayes classifier instead of the default logistic_regression classifier within the configuration object that's passed into the constructor. This is because the naive_bayes classifier is better at working with small amount of training data which is perfect for this tutorial. The Bot core also accepts other parameters in the configuration object. Here you can pass in configuration switch values or alternate implementations for things like ContextStore and Classifier etc. We'll cover that in wiki afterwards.


Once Bot has been initialised, the first thing you should do is to train it. To train it one document at a time synchronously, you can use the train method:

bot.train('how_are_you', 'how are you');
bot.train('how_are_you', 'how are you doing');
bot.train('how_are_you', 'how is it going');
bot.train('help', 'how can you help');
bot.train('help', 'i need some help');
bot.train('help', 'how could you assist me');

The code above trains the bot to recognise the topic how_are_you when the text looks like how are you or how are you doing as well as how is it going but to recognise topic help when the text looks like how can you help or i need some help as well as how can you assist me. This is how you would train the bot. The first parameter in the train method is the topic that you want the bot to recognise and the second parameter is the text that you want the bot to classify as that topic. With enough training sets, the bot should get good at classifying things correctly. Also, keep in mind that the bot does not do an exact lookup so in a sense it is learning from the sentences that it is being trained for.

Add Skills

Once you have trained the bot for some topics, you need to add some skills. Skills are actions that the bot will execute when it recognises a topic. So topics and skills map to 1:1.

To add a skill, you need to create it first. A skill requires three things. Name of the skill that is unique to the bot. The name is used to relate skills later on within the context. A topic that it maps to and a function that the bot will call in order to execute the skill. This function will take four parameters, namely: context, request, response, next. The context parameter is used to store any useful contextual information from that skill. The request parameter contains information about the request, same for response. The next parameter is a function that you can call to let the bot know that you are done processing. Here's what a skill looks like:

var howAction = function(context, request, response, next) {
    response.message = new SingleLineMessage('You asked: \"' + request.message.content + '\". I\'m doing well. Thanks for asking.');

var helpAction = function(context, request, response, next) {
    response.message = new SingleLineMessage('You asked: \"' + request.message.content + '\". I can tell you how I\'m doing if you ask nicely.');

var howSkill = new Skill('how_skill', 'how_are_you', howAction);
var helpSkill = new Skill('help_skill', 'help', helpAction);

Note: Name of a skill can be undefined. However, please be aware that doing so will mean that the bot will execute that skill whenever its confidence level is 0 for responding to a given query.

Once you have defined some skills, you need to add them to the bot. Add the skill to the bot like so:


Resolve queries

Once added, you can now ask bot to resolve something. This is where you are querying the bot with a sentence and it will respond with a message asynchronously. The resolve function takes in three parameters: contextId, text, callback. The contextId helps bot resolve context from any previous conversation. The text is the question or piece of natural language string that the bot needs to interpret and respond to. Lastly, the callback is the callback function that the bot will call with err, messages parameters to indicate an error (if any) and it's reply messages.

var resolved = function(err, messages) {
    if(err) return console.error(err);

    return console.log(messages);

bot.resolve(123, 'Assistance required', resolved);

Run it like a simple node file and it should print the following in the console.

[ { type: 'SingleLine',
    content: 'You asked: "Assistance required". I can tell you how I\'m doing if you ask nicely.' } ]

Try changing bot.resolve to this and notice the change in response.

bot.resolve(456, 'How\'s it going?', resolved);

Let's ask two things at once. Change bot.resolve again to:

bot.resolve(456, 'How\'s it going? Assistance required please.', resolved);

When you run your code, you should get two messages back:

[ { type: 'SingleLine',
    content: 'You asked: "How\'s it going? Assistance required please.". I\'m doing well. Thanks for asking.' },
  { type: 'SingleLine',
    content: 'You asked: "How\'s it going? Assistance required please.". I can tell you how I\'m doing if you ask nicely.' } ]

Configuration Options

Classifier Preference

Currently the bot can work with two types of classifiers. These are Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression classifiers. The classifier preference switch (classifierPreference) allows you to specify your preference with regards to which classifier you'd prefer. This switch currently accepts the following options:

Value for classifierPreference Resulting classifier used
naive_bayes Naive Bayes Classifier
logistic_regression Logistic Regression Classifier

Context Store

The bot core also accepts an alternate implementation for the built in context store. Please see Context management for more details.


You can also supply your own version of the classifier to the bot. This option was primarily used to make testing easier, however, it can still be used in production if you have a better version of the built-in classifier.

If you think yours work better, give me a shout! I'd be delighted to know and possibly work towards implementing it within the core module.

Extending bot

Context management

By default, the bot core uses its built in version of ContextStore. If you look into lib/ContextStore.js, you'll find that it is a very simple implementation where the context is stored in a simple in-memory map with the contextId being the key and the context object being the value. Of course when you come to deploy this, the built-in context store will be very limiting.

Extending the context store is very easy. Within the config, you can provide your own implementation for the ContextStore object. The following code provides a very trivial implementation that simply logs the values to the console.

var myContextStore = {
    put: function(id, context, callback) {'put');;;

    get: function(id, callback) {'get');;

    remove: function(id, callback) {'remove');;

var bot = new Bot({contextStore: myContextStore});

The current spec for ContextStore requires three functions to be implemented. These are put, get and remove. As long as these methods are provided, the bot does not care where the value for contextStore field in config comes from.

If you were to run that code with some query resolves, you will find that the remove function never gets called. This is a work in progress as currently there is no limit as to how long a context must be remembered.


Please see the contributing guide for more details.


Framework for developing chat bot applications.







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