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Nyambati Thomas edited this page Nov 14, 2016 · 2 revisions

Express ACL (Constable)


Express ACL is an open-source library that enables you to seamlesy implement Access Control Lists in ExpressJs based applications. This library abstract the logic to protecting your resources by using configuratin approach using YAML or JSON vs programatic approach with will require you to write countless middlewares. Have a look at our documentation and wiki for more details.

Team Members

This project consist of the following Members.

Members GitHub usernames Roles
Nyambati Thomas @andela-thomas Team Lead
Obioma Ofoamalu @andela-oofoamalu Contributor
Austin Kabiru @akabiru Documentation
Bisoye Atolagbe @andela-batolagbe Contributor
Tolulope Komolafe @andela-tkomolafe Contributor

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