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The pixel formats, resolutions, AFBC, pixels/cycle, scaling ratio, etc. supported by RGA filter depend on the specific chip capabilities. RGA2 or newer hardware is required by this project. This chapter uses RK3588 (RGA2-Enhance/RGA3) for demonstration.

There are three available RGA filters.

  • scale_rkrga: for the very common use - scaling and pixel format conversion.
  • vpp_rkrga: combine scale_rkrga with extra cropping and transposing features.
  • overlay_rkrga: blending one image onto another image. A common use is to overlay watermarks or subtitles.
 ... overlay_rkrga     VV->V      Rockchip RGA (2D Raster Graphic Acceleration) video compositor
 ... scale_rkrga       V->V       Rockchip RGA (2D Raster Graphic Acceleration) video resizer and format converter
 ... vpp_rkrga         V->V       Rockchip RGA (2D Raster Graphic Acceleration) video post-process (scale/crop/transpose)

Query filters

  • Query RGA filters
./ffmpeg -hide_banner -filters | grep rkrga
  • Query filter options by name
./ffmpeg -hide_banner -h filter=scale_rkrga
Filter scale_rkrga
  Rockchip RGA (2D Raster Graphic Acceleration) video resizer and format converter
       #0: default (video)
       #0: default (video)
rgascale AVOptions:
   w                 <string>     ..FV....... Output video width (default "iw")
   h                 <string>     ..FV....... Output video height (default "ih")
   format            <pix_fmt>    ..FV....... Output video pixel format (default none)
   force_original_aspect_ratio <int>        ..FV....... Decrease or increase w/h if necessary to keep the original AR (from 0 to 2) (default decrease)
     disable         0            ..FV.......
     decrease        1            ..FV.......
     increase        2            ..FV.......
   force_divisible_by <int>        ..FV....... Enforce that the output resolution is divisible by a defined integer when force_original_aspect_ratio is used (from 1 to 256) (default 2)
   force_yuv         <int>        ..FV....... Enforce planar YUV format output (from 0 to 3) (default disable)
     disable         0            ..FV.......
     auto            1            ..FV....... Match in/out bit depth
     8bit            2            ..FV....... 8-bit
     10bit           3            ..FV....... 10-bit uncompact/8-bit
   force_chroma      <int>        ..FV....... Enforce chroma of planar YUV format output (from 0 to 4) (default auto)
     auto            0            ..FV....... Match in/out chroma
     420sp           1            ..FV....... 4:2:0 semi-planar
     420p            2            ..FV....... 4:2:0 fully-planar
     422sp           3            ..FV....... 4:2:2 semi-planar
     422p            4            ..FV....... 4:2:2 fully-planar
   core              <flags>      ..FV....... Set multicore RGA scheduler core [use with caution] (default 0)
     default                      ..FV.......
     rga3_core0                   ..FV.......
     rga3_core1                   ..FV.......
     rga2_core0                   ..FV.......
   async_depth       <int>        ..FV....... Set the internal parallelization depth (from 0 to 4) (default 2)
   afbc              <boolean>    ..FV....... Enable AFBC (Arm Frame Buffer Compression) to save bandwidth (default false)

./ffmpeg -hide_banner -h filter=vpp_rkrga
Filter vpp_rkrga
  Rockchip RGA (2D Raster Graphic Acceleration) video post-process (scale/crop/transpose)
       #0: default (video)
       #0: default (video)
rgavpp AVOptions:
   w                 <string>     ..FV....... Output video width (default "cw")
   h                 <string>     ..FV....... Output video height (default "w*ch/cw")
   cw                <string>     ..FV....... Set the width crop area expression (default "iw")
   ch                <string>     ..FV....... Set the height crop area expression (default "ih")
   cx                <string>     ..FV....... Set the x crop area expression (default "(in_w-out_w)/2")
   cy                <string>     ..FV....... Set the y crop area expression (default "(in_h-out_h)/2")
   format            <pix_fmt>    ..FV....... Output video pixel format (default none)
   transpose         <int>        ..FV....... Set transpose direction (from -1 to 6) (default -1)
     cclock_hflip    0            ..FV....... Rotate counter-clockwise with horizontal flip
     clock           1            ..FV....... Rotate clockwise
     cclock          2            ..FV....... Rotate counter-clockwise
     clock_hflip     3            ..FV....... Rotate clockwise with horizontal flip
     reversal        4            ..FV....... Rotate by half-turn
     hflip           5            ..FV....... Flip horizontally
     vflip           6            ..FV....... Flip vertically
   force_yuv         <int>        ..FV....... Enforce planar YUV format output (from 0 to 3) (default disable)
     disable         0            ..FV.......
     auto            1            ..FV....... Match in/out bit depth
     8bit            2            ..FV....... 8-bit
     10bit           3            ..FV....... 10-bit uncompact/8-bit
   force_chroma      <int>        ..FV....... Enforce chroma of planar YUV format output (from 0 to 4) (default auto)
     auto            0            ..FV....... Match in/out chroma
     420sp           1            ..FV....... 4:2:0 semi-planar
     420p            2            ..FV....... 4:2:0 fully-planar
     422sp           3            ..FV....... 4:2:2 semi-planar
     422p            4            ..FV....... 4:2:2 fully-planar
   core              <flags>      ..FV....... Set multicore RGA scheduler core [use with caution] (default 0)
     default                      ..FV.......
     rga3_core0                   ..FV.......
     rga3_core1                   ..FV.......
     rga2_core0                   ..FV.......
   async_depth       <int>        ..FV....... Set the internal parallelization depth (from 0 to 4) (default 2)
   afbc              <boolean>    ..FV....... Enable AFBC (Arm Frame Buffer Compression) to save bandwidth (default false)

./ffmpeg -hide_banner -h filter=overlay_rkrga
Filter overlay_rkrga
  Rockchip RGA (2D Raster Graphic Acceleration) video compositor
       #0: main (video)
       #1: overlay (video)
       #0: default (video)
rgaoverlay AVOptions:
   x                 <string>     ..FV....... Overlay x position (default "0")
   y                 <string>     ..FV....... Overlay y position (default "0")
   alpha             <int>        ..FV....... Overlay global alpha (from 0 to 255) (default 255)
   format            <pix_fmt>    ..FV....... Output video pixel format (default none)
   eof_action        <int>        ..FV....... Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input  (from 0 to 2) (default repeat)
     repeat          0            ..FV....... Repeat the previous frame.
     endall          1            ..FV....... End both streams.
     pass            2            ..FV....... Pass through the main input.
   shortest          <boolean>    ..FV....... Force termination when the shortest input terminates (default false)
   repeatlast        <boolean>    ..FV....... Repeat overlay of the last overlay frame (default true)
   core              <flags>      ..FV....... Set multicore RGA scheduler core [use with caution] (default 0)
     default                      ..FV.......
     rga3_core0                   ..FV.......
     rga3_core1                   ..FV.......
     rga2_core0                   ..FV.......
   async_depth       <int>        ..FV....... Set the internal parallelization depth (from 0 to 4) (default 2)
   afbc              <boolean>    ..FV....... Enable AFBC (Arm Frame Buffer Compression) to save bandwidth (default false)

Test filters

  • scale_rkrga (1080p -> 720p)
./ffmpeg -init_hw_device rkmpp=hw -filter_hw_device hw -f lavfi -i testsrc2=s=1920x1080,format=nv12 \
-vf hwupload,scale_rkrga=w=1280:h=720:format=nv12 -c:v h264_rkmpp -b:v 4M -maxrate 4M -vframes 1000 -y /tmp/tmp.mp4

  • vpp_rkrga transposing (1080p landscape -> 720p, 90 degrees clockwise rotated)
./ffmpeg -init_hw_device rkmpp=hw -filter_hw_device hw -f lavfi -i testsrc2=s=1920x1080,format=nv12 \
-vf hwupload,vpp_rkrga=w=1280:h=720:format=nv12:transpose=clock -c:v h264_rkmpp -b:v 4M -maxrate 4M -vframes 1000 -y /tmp/tmp.mp4

  • vpp_rkrga cropping (1080p -> selecting lower right quarter 540p region and upscaling to 720p)
./ffmpeg -init_hw_device rkmpp=hw -filter_hw_device hw -f lavfi -i testsrc2=s=1920x1080,format=nv12 \
-vf hwupload,vpp_rkrga=cx=960:cy=540:cw=960:ch=540:w=1280:h=720:format=nv12 -c:v h264_rkmpp -b:v 4M -maxrate 4M -vframes 1000 -y /tmp/tmp.mp4

  • overlay_rkrga (Put the 540p image on top of 1080p image and center it. The main image can be YUV or RGB, overlay image MUST be RGB)
./ffmpeg -init_hw_device rkmpp=hw -filter_hw_device hw -f lavfi -i color=c=cyan:s=1920x1080,format=nv12 -f lavfi -i testsrc2=s=960x540,format=bgra \
-filter_complex "[0:v]hwupload[main];[1:v]hwupload[overlay];[main][overlay]overlay_rkrga=eof_action=pass:repeatlast=0:format=nv12:x=(W-w)/2:y=(H-h)/2" \
-c:v h264_rkmpp -b:v 4M -maxrate 4M -vframes 1000 -y /tmp/tmp.mp4
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